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FFXIV Terncliff01

Terncliff in southern Werlyt.

Werlyt (ウェルリト, Werurito?) is a region in Final Fantasy XIV. It is located in western Ilsabard, just on the other side of the Ghimlyt Dark from Ala Mhigo in Eorzea. Werlyt is visited in the Sorrow of Werlyt storyline.


Werlyt's population is 80% Hyur, 15% Au Ra, and 5% Other. Though the Au Ra are ostensibly welcome and equal, there is still a sense of social incohesion between them and the majority Hyur population.[1]

Before being conquered by the Garlean Empire, Werlyt's national flag bore the royal family's symbol. But with no royals left and the now-freed Werlytians transitioning to a republic instead of monarchy, they are currently working on a new flag design.[1]

The Empire discouraged religious worship, but the faith of Werlyt is a polytheistic one. They worship thirteen gods, and their faith is thought to be influenced mainly by The Twelve of nearby Eorzea, as well as the mythology of Corvos to the east.[1]

Werlyt's main industries are livestock (primarily cattle), dairy, fishing, and mining. Corvos's coastline has many cliffs, so the fishing trade is focused on just a few port cities. Mining was centered in the northern mountains, but with Garlemald now having left the region, the Werlytians don't have the Ceruleum to power their mining equipment anymore and are currently engaged in negotiations with Ul'dah to trade for some. The Werlytians are famous for their stews made using beef, dairy products, and seafood, and also have intermingled wheat-based cuisine with rice introduced by the Au Ra.[1]



In ages past, the western reaches of Ilsabard were home to various Hyur tribes that fought in a ceaseless cycle of war and peace. Some Hyur tribes traveled west across the Ghimlyt land bridge into Eorzea to pillage, but once the nation of Ala Mhigo was founded their efforts came to a halt as the city-state became a shield against further incursions.[1]

Au Ra from Corvos arrived in western Ilsabard, taking the opportunity to conquer the Hyur tribes who were exhausted from the region's ceaseless conflict. The Au Ra allied with some tribes and subjugated others, forming the nation of Werlyt. The Au Ra knew that even their alchemical and magical knowledge would not be enough to fight the Hyurs' sheer numbers, so conceded kingship of their new nation to the Hyur. Some Hyur would go on to view their new Au Ra neighbors as powerful allies, but others never stopped seeing them as invaders.[1]

But the fledgling nation would not know peace, for fifty years ago Werlyt was conquered by the rising Garlean Empire. The region became a supplier of food and ore for the imperial war machine, and the people of Werlyt toiled for thirty years in harsh conditions. When the Empire began a second campaign in Othard, many of the forces occupying Werlyt were called to the eastern front. With the occupiers' numbers diminished, Werlytian rebels rose up and killed the imperial viceroy. Their dreams of freedom were fleeting as the young Gaius van Baelsar led Garlean forces of the XIVth Imperial Legion against the rebels at Werlyt's capital and restored Garlean order.[1]

Gaius became the new viceroy of Werlyt, and upon reflecting on the conditions that led to the Werlytians' uprising, he knew that drastic changes would need to be made to prevent another rebellion. Gaius made several reforms, such as recruiting individuals based on merit rather than their race or social status, more evenly distributed funds to new infrastructure like roads and ports, and began a compulsory education system for the youth of Werlyt. For the next twenty years, Gaius's order lasted in the region.[1]

According to an old man in Terncliff, there was an epidemic in Werlyt 10 years ago.

Before Shadowbringers[]

Gaius and the XIVth Legion led the imperial invasion into Werlyt's neighbor Eorzea, and the consequences of that failed invasion led to Gaius becoming unable to fulfill his duties as viceroy. He was replaced by Valens van Varro and the VIIth Imperial Legion. Valens undid all of the good that Gaius did for Werlyt and worse; forced labor, imprisonment, and executions became the norm. Valens was content to bleed the resources and people of Werlyt dry, something condemned even by some of his own countrymen.[1]

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers[]

With the assassination of Emperor Varis zos Galvus, the Garlean Empire was thrown into chaos as various parties fought for the imperial throne. Valens restarted the XIVth Legion's failed Weapons project, creating new Garlean magitek based on the Ultima Weapon that Gaius had used. He planned to use them to march into Garlemald and claim the throne for himself.[1] Valens was fought by the Warrior of Light, the redemptive Gaius, and the orphaned children that he had planned on being the Weapons' pilots. After his death, Werlyt finally found itself free of imperial occupation.

Werlyt is currently run by an interim government led by Talbot Hunte, comprised of representatives from several rebel factions that fought the Empire. They plan to transition into a republic instead of going back to their former monarchy.[1]

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker[]

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  • Terncliff: A seaside town in south Werlyt.
  • Castrum Collinum: Valens van Varro's base of operations.



  1. ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Encyclopædia Eorzea: The World of Final Fantasy XIV Volume III