Guilty Gear Wiki

The following is a list of Zato-1's commands throughout the series.

Guilty Gear[]

The following is Zato's move list in the original Guilty Gear. Changes to the Anniversary release include:

  • The mid-air version of Invite Hell has a name of its own.
  • Invite Hell's chargeable version received a proper name.
Type Name Command
Normal Fierce Strike Right + Punch
Special Drunkard Shade DownDown LeftLeft + Kick or Punch
Climb Darkness LeftDown LeftDownDown RightRight + Heavy SlashHeavy Slash, Slash, Punch
Invite Hell DownDown + Slash or Heavy Slash
Aerial Invite Hell DownDown + Slash or Heavy Slash in the air
Invite Hell Charge Attack Hold DownDown + Respect (up to 3 levels)
Rise and Fall RightDownDown Right + Punch
Dark Heel Right + Kick
Break the Law RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeft + SlashSlash (recover) or Punch (fake recover)
Overdrives Dark Sentinel LeftDown LeftDownDown RightRightDown RightDownDown LeftLeft + Heavy Slash
Instant Kill Fear of the Dark Enter Instant Kill Mode → DownDown RightRight + Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash

Guilty Gear Xrd[]

The following is Zato's move list in Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-, -Revelator- and Rev 2:

Type Name Command
Normal Flight UpUp
Special Invite Hell DownDown + Slash or Heavy Slash
Break the Law RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeft + Kick (hold)
Summon/Recall Eddie DownDown RightRight + Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash
→ Small Attack Punch during Summon Eddie
→ Traversing Attack Kick during Summon Eddie
→ Anti-Air Attack Slash during Summon Eddie
→ Shadow Puddle Heavy Slash during Summon Eddie
→ Drill Special Dust during Summon Eddie
→ Dead Man's Hand RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeft + Dust during Summon Eddie
Damned Fang RightDownDown Right + Slash near opponent
Drunkard Shade DownDown LeftLeft + Slash
Shadow Gallery LeftDown LeftDownDown RightRight + Slash in the air
Overdrives Amorphous RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash or Dust
Executor DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Slash in the air
→ Great White RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Slash during Summon Eddie
Instant Kill Guzmania Magnifica Enter Instant Kill Mode → DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash

Guilty Gear -Strive-[]

The following is Zato's move list in Guilty Gear -Strive-:

Type Name Command
Special Flight DASH (air only)
Summon Eddie DownDown LeftLeft + Heavy Slash
Withdraw Eddie DownDown LeftLeft + Heavy Slash (while summoned)
"Pierce" Punch (hold while summoned) orDownDown RightRight + Punch
"That's A Lot!" Kick (hold while summoned) or DownDown RightRight + Kick
"Leap" Slash (hold while summoned) or DownDown RightRight + Slash
"Oppose" Heavy Slash (hold while summoned) or DownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash
Invite Hell DownDown + Heavy Slash
Break the Law DownDown LeftLeft + Kick (hold OK)
Damned Fang RightDownDown Right + Slash
Drunkard Shade DownDown LeftLeft + Slash
Overdrive Amorphous RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash
Sun Void RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Slash (air OK)
