Guilty Gear Wiki

The following is a list of Kum Haehyun's commands throughout the series.

Guilty Gear Xrd[]

The following is Haehyun's move list in Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- and Rev 2:

Type Name Command
Normal -- Right + Punch
Right + Kick
Right + Heavy Slash
Special Tuning Ball DownDown RightRight + Slash or Heavy Slash → Movement: Left or Right
Four Tigers Sword RightDownDown Right + Kick (hold)
Four Tigers Sword (Reverse) RightDownDown Right + Kick (hold) ~ Down Left or Left or Up Left
Falcon Dive DownDown LeftLeft + Kick (hold)
Falcon Dive (Reverse) DownDown LeftLeft + Kick (hold) ~ Down Left or Left or Up Left
Air Falcon Dive DownDown LeftLeft + Kick in the air
Overdrives Enlightened 3000 Palm Strike DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash or Dust (hold)
Celestial Tuning Ball DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Slash
Instant Kill Sundering Chord Enter Instant Kill Mode → DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash
