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Be the harbinger of the Quentino Family's succession.

Regent of the Dead is a quest in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part two, America's Playground.


A job posting at the refuge advertises that Fabio Mondadori is looking for temporary security to work for him at the Casino Quarter. However, there's more to the job than meets the eye.

Quick walkthrough[]

  • Head to the Casino Quarter.
  • Meet Fabio upstairs at Quentino's Night Club.
  • Deal with Jordy and her gang.
  • Return to Fabio.
  • Accept the job to dig up dirt on Concerta and head over to The Neapolitan Casino.
  • Search Concerta's quarters for five pieces of evidence.
  • Reach the Manager's office and place the book on the suspicious bookcase.
  • Figure out the code for the keypad.
  • Enter 68492 to find a body of a rather important person.
  • Talk to Concerta and make your decision.

Detailed walkthrough[]

Note that the following walkthrough is based on the PTS, which contains an early version of the quest with placeholder dialogue.

The players need to head over to the Refuge and find Jeremiah Hopkins. On the pillar next to him is the job posting board, which contains a note called simply job posting. Collecting it initiates the quest. The next stop is Quentino's Night Club in the Casino Quarter (on the PTS it can also be entered while playing Tax Evasion). Fabio will explain that he needs some proof of how the dwellers resolve quests and will tell them to head over to the main part of the quarter and deal with Jordy and her gang, preying on the Family's patrons whos tray of the beaten path.

The PTS has mostly placeholder dialogue, but there are four intended ways of resolving the dispute:

  • Charismatically (requires Charisma 8+)
  • Intimidation (requires Strength 8+)
  • Sheer stupidity (requires Intelligence 2-)
  • Ultraviolence or killing all members of the gang present on the location

Fabio will remark on the way the player completes the quest (not implemented on the PTS) and reveal that he's interested in dirt on Concerta Lombardi, who he believes is not entirely truthful about the Don. The next stop is The Neapolitan Casino. Concerta's quarters are located in the hotel wing (hang right once on the main floor and follow the corridor). The door is locked with a level 3 lock. Without the requisite Lockpick perks or the Infiltrator legendary perk, the only option is the key to the door, left by Billy Beltbuckles downstairs in his office. The only problem is that it's crawling with Overgrown.

Once past the door, it's time for a little bit of detective work. The players need to dig up five pieces of evidence while searching the suite. They are:

  • The mysterious gift box in the fridge: "A meticulously-wrapped gift box sits inside of the fridge. This instantly strikes you as bizarre. After all, most people don't keep wrapped presents inside of their freezer. Upon opening the box, you discover a vial of macabre design containing a blood-red liquid. There's no way to be sure without testing it, but it looks a lot like Devil's Blood."
  • An empty vial of Addictol in the shower: "A cannister of Addictol lies on the shower floor, covered in blood. It's entirely used up. Someone took this in a desperate bid for a cure. But given all the blood, it doesn't look like it worked."
  • A votive candle in a bird cage on the table in the living room: "A wax candle burns inside of the cage. It's an odd design choice, but not totally outlandish. Upon further examination, the candle appears to be of the same make as the votive candles commonly lit at funerals."
  • A stack of books next to Concerta's terminal: "Your eye is drawn to a stack of books lying on the table beside you. At first glance, these would seem entirely innocuous. However, you notice the binding of the book at the bottom of the stack has no title or author written on it. You pull out the bottom book and notice it's entirely hollow. It has a brass opening in it where the pages should be, almost like it's some sort of key."
  • A broken mirror in the bedroom: "Upon examining the broken mirror, you notice there is some dried blood on it. Its presence is faint, as if there was an attempt made to clean it up. The mirror appears to have been intentionally broken, as if someone smashed it in a fit of rage."

With all the pieces collected, the player receives a message: "You've made some headway, but still feel as though most of the pieces of the puzzle elude you. You can't help but notice the upright piano that seems to dominate the main living quarters. It's worth a look." Interacting with the piano will note that "You run your fingers over the keys, pressing each one. Strangely, one of the keys won't press down. Seems like there's something stuck underneath it."

This adds note to self to the inventory (the notification might not appear, but it's there). After reading it, the next stop is to search Quentino's office in the Neapolitan, on the other end of the casino, in the backrooms. The room contains a terminal and a strange bookcase with a mysterious keypad on the other side. Interacting with the bookcase will place the book collected earlier, but won't divulge the secrets without entering the proper code.

The code can be obtained by finding In the details and studying the note, which contains a hint that "The key lies in the very beginning." The poem contains five verses, and the first letter in each row forms the sequence TPHDS. The key to the cipher is on Quentino's terminal in the office, which contains the tax records entry:

T - 6

H - 4 S - 2 D - 9 J - 0 P - 8 R - 1 A - 3 Y - 7

K - 5

Substituting letters for numbers according to the key produces the code 68492. Entering it on the keypad will reveal Quentino Lombardi in the slightly rotting flesh. With the ultimate piece of dirt on Concerta collected, all that's left is returning to Fabio.

However, Concerta Lombardi intercepts the players. After explaining the situation, the players have to choose how to respond:

  • They can agree to side with her and let her continue leading the family, and kill Fabio.
  • With Luck 4+, they can lie to her that they'll just walk away, allowing the players to kill her more easily.
  • With Intelligence 8+, they can side with Concerta, but persuade her not to kill Fabio.
  • With Charisma 8+, they can persuade her to step down.
  • Shooting Concerta in the face is always an option.

Returning to Fabio depends on the resolution. If the players reveal her secrets, Fabio will be delighted. If they convinced Concerta to step down, Fabio will be elated - and mention that he'll kill her either way.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
? Check out the Atlantic City bulletin board for job opportunitiesI should check the bulletin board in the Whitespring Refuge to see if there's any work I can take on.
? Travel to the Casino Quarter
? Speak to Fabio MondadoriFabio Mondadori is looking for a hired gun to do some work for him. I should head to Quentino's and see if I'm the kind of person he's looking for.
? Deal with the gang
? Return to FabioI've taken care of Jordy and her gang. I should head back to Quentino's and let Fabio know of the good news.
? Enter the Neapolitan CasinoFabio Mondadori wants me to search Concerta's room in the hotel wing of the Neapolitan Casino and see if I can find any evidence on what happened to Don Quentino.
? Search Concerta's room for clues
? Break into Concerta's room OR Find the keyThe door to Concerta's room is locked up pretty tight. I can either pick the lock, or see if I can locate a key.
? Search the room for evidence
? Investigate the piano
? Read the note
? Locate the don's office
? Search the room for anything suspiciousI'm in. Now I just need to search Concerta's room for some evidence of Quentino's disappearance.
? Find the code to the keypad
? Report back to Fabio
? Listen to Concerta
? Deal with Concerta
? Return to Fabio
? (Optional) Rat Concerta out to Fabio
? Kill Fabio
?Quest finishedSpeak to Lennox to depart