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The civilian escortee is a hapless "volunteer" the players may be asked to escort during The Most Sensational Game in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.


One of the many nameless, hapless people inhabiting Atlantic City, the escortee volunteered for the role when the Showmen issued a call for volunteers. They are doing it for the money[2] and have regretted the choice ever since they joined the show.[1] They are supposed to pass through the Aquarium of the Atlantic and collect blood packs for the Showmen to tally up at the end of act 3 of the game,[3] which are supposed to symbolize the escortee's lifespan. The rules forbid the escortee from defending themselves on pain of death, which means they're entirely dependent on the participants for defense.[4]

The blood is not actually drawn from the escortee. The sources are unknown,[5] but the blood packs are still warm,[6] leading the escortee to speculate that they came from those who previously died.[7]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

The Most Sensational Game


  • The Most Sensational Game: The escortee is one of three possible scenarios in act 3. The players have to follow them through three locations across the Aquarium in order to collect the requisite blood packs. The escortee is unarmed and has limited health, but can be revived as needed - though at a time penalty.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Random civilian outfit


The civilian escortee appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.


PCPC Playstation 4Playstation 4 Xbox OneXbox One While escorting the civilian escortee NPC to the objectives, the script will occasionally break, causing the NPC to behave like a normal unarmed character. Returning to Showman's Pier will frequently reset the NPC’s scripting and they'll continue towards the objectives.[citation needed]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Vault 76 dweller: "Who are you? How'd you end up here?"
    Civilian escortee: "I'm just a nobody! Don't tell anyone I was here. Especially not my family. I need the money. They were taking volunteers... Just don't let me die, and everything will be fine!"
    (Civilian escortee's dialogue)
  2. Civilian escortee: "Please don't let them kill me! I never wanted to be part of this insane contest. I had to - for the money. You understand, right?"
    (Civilian escortee's dialogue)
  3. Vault 76 dweller: "Yep, I'll be escorting you. Lead the way."
    Civilian escortee: "I'll have to stop along the way and collect blood packs for them to count up at the end. So don't let me die! W-Well, okay then! *nervous laugh* No place to go but forward!"
    (Civilian escortee's dialogue)
  4. Vault 76 dweller: "What do you need me to do, exactly?"
    Civilian escortee: "Please defend me! I'm not allowed to defend myself, or they'll kill me. I have to collect these, um, blood packs along the way. They're supposed to represent my lifespan. So twisted… Please watch my back while I'm doing that. Then we just have to reach the end."
    (Civilian escortee's dialogue)
  5. Civilian escortee: "Well, I got it. W-Who's blood is this anyway?"
    (Civilian escortee's dialogue)
  6. Civilian escortee: "Eugh. It's still warm."
    (Civilian escortee's dialogue)
  7. Civilian escortee: "Did these come from... people who didn't make it?"
    (Civilian escortee's dialogue)