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Oh, pretty much all of us are killers. Who isn't these days, am I right? Aren't you a killer? We aren't as bad as the Blood Eagles, though. They're raiders who were so bad even we want nothing to do with them.

Dicer is a member of the Crater Raiders found at the Coop in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.


Dicer is young and he has been with the Raiders all his life.[1] He earned the nickname due to his habit of dicing things, from vegetables to human corpses.[2]

Dicer used to idolize a fellow raider named Keith Cooper,[3] who spoke disparagingly of the Settlers, calling them mind slaves who lack absolute freedom.[1] Keith led his raider group away from the Crater. Keith never said why but Dicer posits it may have been to get away from Meg Groberg who did not approve much of Keith.[4] However, he was recently murdered. Dicer's raider group retaliated and many people died. Dicer greatly misses Keith and is unsure how to manage in the world without him.[5]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FoS ghost costume
This character ignores combat and cannot be damaged.
Icon interactions essential
This character cannot be killed.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Raider leather
Leather chest piece
Leather right arm


Dicer appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.

Behind the scenes[]

Quest designer Christopher Marshall was a writer for Dicer's dialogue.[Non-game 1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Vault Dweller: "You seem young. Have you been a raider long?"
    Dicer: "All my life! That's usually how it goes with Raiders. Most Settlers don't wake up one day and wish they were free. They're mind slaves! I learned that from Keith."
    (Dicer's dialogue)
  2. Vault Dweller: "Why do they call you 'Dicer?'"
    Dicer: "I dice things. A lot. It's kind of my thing. I've diced everything under the sun. Onions, tomatoes, Brahmin hearts, human hearts, human torsos... Don't give me that look. What did you expect?"
    (Dicer's dialogue)
  3. Vault Dweller: "You really like that Keith guy, huh?"
    Dicer: "Liked? Liked is an understatement! He was our leader! Our warlord! Our god! He knew everything. I didn't have to think at all while Keith was around."
    (Dicer's dialogue)
  4. Vault Dweller: "What are you doing in this part of Appalachia?"
    Dicer: "Keith led us here. Poor Keith... He never really said why. I think it was to get away from Meg. Meg didn't approve much of Keith. Can't see why. Keith was a genius."
    (Dicer's dialogue)
  5. Vault Dweller: "What happened here?"
    Dicer: "A tragedy! We used to have Keith to lead us. He was a smart man, he always told me what to do! I guess someone didn't like that. They didn't like what Keith had, so they... they killed him! We retaliated. A lot of people died. But in the confusion, I'm not really sure if we got the bastard or not. Anyway, we don't have Keith anymore, and I don't know what to do. It's a mess!"
    (Dicer's dialogue)

