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  "Hometown" Current transcript
"The Quarantine Zone"
"The Outskirts"  

The following is the full transcript of "The Quarantine Zone", the second chapter of The Last of Us Part I.


20 Years Later[]

[The cinematic "Twenty Years Later" continues from the previous chapter. After the screen fades to black, "SUMMER" appears in bold white letters at the bottom right of the screen. The screen cuts to an older Joel Miller, who jumps up from a bed with a shock. There is a knock on the door. "20 YEARS LATER" appear on the bottom right. As Joel groans and stumbles out of bed, another knock is heard. He enters the main room.]

Joel: [Annoyed] I'm coming!

[He reaches and opens the door to Tess Servopoulos, who walks in.]

Tess: How was your morning? [Walks towards a table and fills a cup with liquor. Joel closes the door.] Want one?

Joel: No, I don't… want one.

Tess: [Turns around, leaning on the table.] Well, I have some interesting news for you.

Joel: [Still irritated.] Where were you, Tess?

Tess: [Glares] West End district. Hey, we had a drop to make… [Sips liquor]

Joel: [Walks closer to Tess] We. We had a drop to make. [Hands her a towel.]

Tess: Yeah, well, you wanted to be left alone, remember? [Presses towel over bruised cheek.]

Joel: So I'll take a guess. The, uh, whole deal went south and the client made off with our pills. Is that about right?

Tess: [Chuckles] Deal went off without a hitch. [Pulls out some cards from her back pocket] Enough ration cards to last us a couple of months—easy.

Joel: You wanna explain this? [Pointing to his own face]

Tess: I was on my way back here, and I got jumped by these two assholes, all right? [Continues pressing on the bruise] And yeah, they got a good few hits in, but… Look, I managed.

Joel: [Exhales] Gimme that… [Grabs the towel and begins aiding Tess' bruise] Are these assholes still with us?

Tess: [Chuckles] Now that's funny…

Joel: Did you at least find out who they were?

Tess: Yeah, look, they were a couple of nobodies, [Grabs Joel's hand from her face] they don't matter. What matters is that Robert fucking sent them.

Joel: [Taken aback] Our Robert?

Tess: He knows that we're after him. [Joel walks off] He figures he's gonna get us first?

Joel: [Slams towel on the counter] That son of a bitch, he's smart.

Tess: No. [Walks beside Joel] He's not smart enough. I know where he's hiding.

Joel: Like hell you do.

Tess: Old warehouse in Area 5. [Walks away and briefly shrugs] Can't say for how long, though.

Joel: [Walks towards Tess] Well, I'm ready now. Yeah?

Tess: Oh, I can do now.

[Both exit the apartment. The cinematic "Twenty Years Later" ends. The camera cuts to a shot of the outside alley, showing the rundown buildings that surround it. On a nearby roof is a patrolling soldier. The camera pans down to Joel and Tess exiting the apartment, located somewhere within a quarantine zone in Boston, Massachusetts.]

Tess: The checkpoint's still open.

Joel: Only got a few hours left until curfew.

Tess: We better hurry up then.

[The player is now in control of Joel. The pair begin walking down the alley as they overhear a conversation between a man and woman by a dumpster.]

Male civilian: Wait, are you serious?

Female civilian: I got served the damn papers this morning. I've been selected for outside work duty.

Male civilian: It's such crap. The soldiers are supposed to handle the outside.

Female civilian: [Scoffs] I'll make sure to tell them that.

[Tess unlocks a metal gate and waits on the other side. If the player stands near the couple talking, it will activate a conversation.]

Female civilian: [Turns to Joel] What about you, Joel? You been summoned for this bullshit yet?

Joel: Nope.

Tess: Joel and I always seem to get lucky.

Female civilian: Yeah… I bet.

[Joel continues to follow Tess down the alley. They emerge onto the street, where a military Humvee drives by and guards decorate the street. A voice on the public announcement system can be heard nearby.]

PA system: Attention. Citizens are required to carry a current ID at all times. Compliance with all city personnel is mandatory. [Joel looks around.]

Tess: Look at that. Ration line hasn't opened yet. Must be running low again.

[Across from them, a group of people are in line waiting to receive their rations at a distribution center. The people express their dissatisfaction with the guard in front.]

Female civilian: Hey. How much longer?

Male soldier: Lady, when the rations arrive, we'll open the door. All right?

Male civilian 1: [To the man behind him] I hear it's another half ration week.

Male civilian 2: Are you fucking kidding me? That's three weeks in a row now.

Male civilian 1: Well, what're you gonna do?

Male civilian 2: This is such fucking bullshit. I bet those uniforms over there, they don't get half rations.

Male civilian 1: [Quietly] Keep your voice down. What's wrong with you?

Male civilian 2: Whatever, I don't even care anymore. Let 'em take me.

Male civilian 1: Just… be quiet.

[Joel and Tess continue down the street. To the left of them, several guards have blocked off a condemned building with barricades. Outside are two civilians on the ground. A guard in a HAZMAT suit opens the door where two more civilians and a second guard emerge.]

Male soldier 1: Let's go.

Male civilian 1: [Struggling with the second guard] You leave me alone!

Male soldier 1: [To the second man] Down on the ground.

Male civilian 2: Okay, okay. [He complies] Jesus.

Male soldier 1: [To the first man] I said get down.

Male civilian 1: [Yelling in retaliation] I didn't do anything wrong!

Male soldier 2: [The two guards force the man onto the ground and point their guns towards him.] Hands on your fucking head. Do it. [To the other guard] All right, scan 'em.

[The first guard pulls out a device that detects the Cordyceps brain infection. He presses it against the first man and proceeds to read off the results.]

Male soldier 1: He's clean. [He continues to scan the second person.] Clean. [They move onto the third person. The device reads a positive infection.] Got a live one.

Female civilian: No. [The guards pin her onto the ground.] I'm not infected!

[A third guard standing nearby prepares a syringe for a lethal injection.]

Male soldier 3: Ah, shit. Hold her down. [He approaches the woman with the syringe.]

Female civilian: It's wrong. The scan's wrong!

Male soldier 1: [To the third guard] Do it.

Female civilian: [Pleading] Please!

[The guard injects the woman and she begins to seize on the ground. The guards back away as the other civilians watch in fear.]

Male soldier 1: [Speaking to the other suspects] Eyes forward.

Male soldier 2: [The woman dies.] All right, she's down.

[The two guards move onto the fourth and final suspect. As the guard gets ready to scan him, the man smacks the device out of his hand. The man gets up and attempts to run away.]

Male civilian 3: Fuck this!

Male soldier 1: [The guards ready their guns.] Stop!

[The man continues to run for a few feet before being shot dead by the guards.]

Male civilian 2: [Panicking] Holy shit. Holy shit.

Male soldier 1: Shut up! Consider yourself lucky. That's what happens when you hide out in a condemned building. [To the other guard] Call the clean up crew.

Male soldier 2: [Using radio] We're through here. Gonna need two bags and two more for the box.

Male soldier 4: [Speaking to the nearby onlookers] All right, people, this isn't a show. Keep moving along.

Male soldier 2: [Responding to the radio] Yes, sir. We'll stay put. [To the other guard] They're on their way. Shouldn't be long.

[Joel and Tess continue walking down the street as they enter the area with the checkpoint. A Humvee pulls in and parks in front of them as people walk through the open gate.]

Tess: Seems like more people are gettin' infected.

Joel: That just means more people are sneakin' out.

[Joel approaches two guys talking against a wall to the left as Tess waits in front of the checkpoint. Joel listens in on their conversation.]

Male civilian: Where's Mark at?

Ronnie: You didn't hear? They caught him trying to use fake ration cards.

Male civilian: Jesus. What'd they do?

Ronnie: What do you think? They beat the shit out of him and dragged him off. Haven't heard from him since.

Male civilian: Oh, fucking idiot. Should've known better.

Ronnie: He's got a family. What's the guy gonna do?

Male civilian: Yeah? How's that working out for him now?

Ronnie: [Looks over to Joel] Hey asshole, what are you looking at?

Male civilian: Ronnie, shut the fuck up, man. [Looks at Joel] Hey, Joel. We're not looking for trouble, okay?

Joel: No harm, no foul. [Joel starts to walk away.]

Male civilian: [Speaking to Ronnie] What the hell's wrong with you? Do you know who that is?

Ronnie: Psh, whatever, man.

[Joel approaches a man and woman standing against some newspaper stands. The man greets Joel in a familiar fashion.]

Male civilian: 'Sup, Joel?

[The player will then have the choice of interacting with him. Doing so will activate the first optional conversation of the game and triggers the following conversation.]

Joel: [Replies] Howdy.

Male civilian: You hear they took Maryanne?

Female civilian: What happened?

Male civilian: Came and snatched her in the middle of the night. Said she was a Firefly. You believe that shit?

Female civilian: [Cringes] Better not mention the Fireflies too loudly. You don't want the wrong person hearing you.

Male civilian: Yeah. Yeah, you're probably right.

[Joel walks away and overhears a conversation between two nearby soldiers at the Humvee that recently pulled in.]

Female soldier: They fuckin' lynched 'em.

Male soldier: The entire squad?

Female soldier: Yeah. Way I heard it, they lined them up in the street and cut 'em up. Retribution and shit. We ever lose control of this place to the stragglers, that's what'll happen to us.

Male soldier: That will never go down here. Any straggler even looks at me the wrong way, I put his ass down.

Female soldier: [Scoffs] I'm sure that's what they thought at every other QZ before riots broke out.

Male soldier: It's those goddamn Fireflies. They keep stirring the population up. We put an end to 'em. That's how you solve this shit.

Female soldier: We agree on that.

[Joel continues down the street and approaches a man wearing a yellow jumpsuit sitting on a bench. The man begins muttering to himself, clearly in distress.]

Male civilian: They died right in front of me. Damn runners came out of nowhere. What am I supposed to tell their families?

[Joel moves along. If he walks to the end of the street to the closed gate, the guard standing watch will redirect him towards the checkpoint.]

Male soldier: Checkpoint's to your left, sir.

[Joel turns around and heads towards the South Checkpoint 5 gate, where Tess is waiting for him.]

Tess: I got us all new papers. They shouldn't give us any static up there. Just play it cool. [Joel scoffs]

[The two of them approach the checkpoint, where a military truck is waiting in the other lane. Two guards stand in front of them.]

Male soldier 1: [To the truck driver] All right, drive on through.

[Tess hands Joel her ID as they approach the first guard.]

Male soldier 1: [Faces Joel] Let me see your IDs.

Joel: There you go. [Joel hands the guard their IDs.]

Male soldier 1: [Looks over the IDs] What's your business here? [Looks back up at Joel]

Joel: Got the day off. Visiting a friend.

Male soldier 1: [Nods and hands the IDs back to Joel.] All right, move on through.

Joel: Thanks.

[As the guard steps to the side to let Joel and Tess through, the truck in front of them suddenly explodes. Everyone cowers as the pair get slightly disoriented from the explosion.]

Tess: Oh shit.

[The two guards start to close the checkpoint gate as gunfire erupts in the background.]

Male soldier 1: [To Joel and Tess] Get outta here. Go! [He turns around to his fellow soldiers.] Close it up!

Male soldier 2: Fireflies! [Begins exchanging gunfire.]

Male soldier 3: Fuckin' shoot 'em! [Closes the second gate to the checkpoint.]

Male soldier 1: They're running! [Starts chasing after the Fireflies offscreen] Call for backup! [His squadron follows him as gunfire continues.]

[Tess looks around and taps Joel's arm, getting his attention.]

Tess: Joel, come on, let's get outta here. [She turns around and runs toward the direction they came from.]

[A siren begins continuously playing in the background. The player is then given a small tutorial on how to perform a quick turn.]

PA system: Attention. Checkpoint 5 is now closed until further notice. All civilians must clear the surrounding area immediately. [Continues to pause and repeat itself.]

[After Joel turns around, he starts following Tess down the street.]

Tess: Joel, let's go. C'mon.

Joel: [Mutters to himself] Goddamn Fireflies.

Tess: [Runs to the entrance of an apartment building.] Looks like the coast is clear. C'mon.

[Tess opens the front door to the building. She walks inside as Joel follows her and closes the door behind them. Tess sighs and faces Joel.]

Tess: Fuck… so much for the easy route. Patch yourself up, all right?

[Tess hands Joel a health kit, which opens a tutorial onscreen on how to use it. Tess walks ahead of him as he bandages himself. Once he's successfully healed himself, he stands up and starts following Tess through the hallway of the building.]

Tess: They're gonna close all the checkpoints. We're gonna have to go around the outside.

Joel: Outside the wall?

Tess: [Sarcastically] Or we could just let Robert go.

Joel: [Scoffs] Cute.

[A man sitting in a lawn chair in the hallway notices Tess. He stands up and starts a conversation with her as he walks alongside her. Joel follows behind them.]

Male civilian: Hey, Tess. You see that shit?

Tess: I was there. [Pauses] Hey, how's the east tunnel looking?

Male civilian: It's clear. I just used it. No patrols. Where you off to?

Tess: Gonna pay Robert a visit.

Male civilian: [Chuckles] You too?

Tess: Who else is looking for him?

Male civilian: Uh, Marlene. She's been asking around, trying to find him.

Tess: Marlene? What do the Fireflies need with Robert?

Male civilian: You think she'd tell me?

Tess: Well, what did you tell her?

Male civilian: The truth. I got no idea where he's hiding.

Tess: Good man. Hey, you stay out of trouble, all right? Military's gonna be out in force soon.

Male civilian: Yeah, see you around.

[The man stops and leans against the wall. Joel and Tess continue further down the hallway.]

Tess: [To Joel] Marlene lookin' for Robert? What do you make of that?

Joel: I don't like it. We better find him before the Fireflies do.

[The two reach the end of the hallway and enter a room to the left. Inside is another man sitting on the couch.]

Tess: This is us.

Male guard: Hey, guys. How's it going?

Tess: Shit's stirring up out there. How we lookin' over here?

Male guard: Ah, it's been quiet. No signs of military or infected.

Tess: That's what I like to hear. [She approaches the entertainment center to the left and gets ready to push it.] Joel, give me a hand with this.

[Joel walks over and helps Tess push the furniture out of the way. As they do so, it reveals a large hole in the wall behind it.]

Male guard: Y'all take it easy out there.

[Tess drops down the hole in the wall. Joel down after her into a dark, basement area.]

Beyond the Wall[]

Tess: Argh, God, this place reeks. They need to watch what they throw away down here. [She turns on the light switch and turns down the hallway to the right.] Let there be light.

[Joel starts to follow in Tess' path.]

Tess: Let's grab our gear.

[Tess vaults over a large pipe obstructing the path. As Joel approaches it, the player is given a small tutorial on how to vault. Joel climbs over and the two enter a small workshop area. Tess approaches the nearby desk, with equipment on top of it.]

Tess: Our backpacks are still here from last time.

[Tess proceeds to grab a pistol, inspects its magazine, and puts on her backpack. Joel approaches his gear and follows suit.]

Joel: [Inspecting the magazine] Not a lot of ammo. [Pulls the slide on the pistol.]

Tess: Well, make your shots count.

[Joel tucks away his pistol, puts a gas mask inside his backpack, and proceeds to put on the backpack. He attaches a flashlight to the front strap. The player is then given a small tutorial on reloading. Joel reloads his pistol.]

Tess: All right, Texas. Boost me up.

Tess: [If the player waits a little while] Wanna boost me up?

[Joel walks over to the ledge and the player is prompted to interact with it. He approaches the wall and turns around. Preparing to boost Tess up, he clasps his hands together.]

Tess: You ready?

Joel: Yes, ma'am.

[Tess climbs onto the above ledge, using Joel's hands as a boost. She turns around and kneels down, extending her hand out to Joel.]

Tess: C'mon.

[Joel jumps up and grabs Tess' hand. With her help, he pulls himself up onto the ledge. The two approach a hole in the floor above them, covered with a door to keep it hidden. Joel lifts the door and holds it up.]

Joel: Go on.

[Tess climbs to the floor above and grabs onto the door, relieving Joel.]

Tess: Got it.

[Joel climbs up through the opening and gently drops the door back to the ground, concealing their entrance. The two are now inside of an abandoned pizza shop. Joel stands up and turns around as Tess jogs ahead.]

Joel: Be careful.

Tess: When am I not?

Joel: [Scoffs] That a trick question?

[Tess walks out of the shop's entrance into a dilapidated portion of the city, outside of the QZ's walls. She stands there as the player is given the choice to activate the second optional conversation of the game.]

Joel: Ain't been out here in a while.

Tess: [Sarcastically] It's like we're on a date.

Joel: Well I am the romantic type.

Tess: You got your ways.

[The two cross the street and come to the side of an apartment building. There is a large hole into the second story from the outside.]

Tess: [Sighs] Where's the ladder?

Joel: It's gotta be around here somewhere. [He begins searching the area.]

Tess: [If the player takes a while] Hey, try over there.[fn 1] [Points towards the nearby car. She continues searching the area] No ladder here. [She walks back.] Check that back area.

[Joel finds the ladder on the ground behind the rusty, white car. He picks it up.]

Joel: [Calls out] Got it.

Tess: Great. Bring it over.

[Joel carries the ladder over to the hole in the building. He places it against the wall and steps to the side, turning to Tess.]

Joel: Ladies first.

Tess: [Chuckles and starts climbing the ladder] Lady? You must be thinking of someone else.

Joel: [Laughs] It's all relative.

[The player is then given a small tutorial on climbing ladders. Joel starts climbing the ladder.]

Tess: This way.

[Joel climbs onto the second story floor with Tess and they walk through the apartment. Joel approaches Tess waiting at a collapsed stairwell.]

Tess: Down through here.

[She drops down the staircase and Joel follows her. They start walking through the first floor of the building.]

Tess: You think Robert's still got our guns?

Joel: For his sake… he better.

Tess: Look, once we get our merchandise back, it should be easy to unload.

Joel: Speaking of merchandise, when's that next shipment due?

Tess: Well, we're meeting Bill next month; more pills, lots of ammo, supposedly.

Joel: Yeah, well he always shows up with somethin'. Should keep us busy for a while.

[The pair come to a hallway infested with Cordyceps spores. Tess stops Joel.]

Tess: Hold up. Spores.

[They both put on their gas masks and continue down the hallway. Joel enters the door on the left.]

Joel: [Referring to the spores] Where the hell are all these comin' from? Place was clear last time.

Tess: They're coming outta somethin'. Stay alert.

[The player is given a short tutorial onscreen on crouching. Joel then crouches under an opening in the wall to the right and Tess follows. As they crawl under the debris, Joel finds a fungi-covered corpse that the player can interact with. Doing so will trigger the third optional conversation of the game.]

Joel: There's our culprit.

Tess: Pfft. Body's not that old. Better keep your eyes and ears open.

[They come out to the other side of the debris. Joel goes to grab a large wooden plank obstructing their path.]

Joel: We should be able to fit through here.

[Joel pulls on the board, causing a part of the ceiling to collapse in front of him. He cowers from the falling debris.]

Joel: Oh, shit.

Tess: [Calling out] You okay?

Joel: Yeah [He lowers his arms.] Damn ceiling's falling apart. Be careful.

[Joel approaches the door in front of him, partially blocked by a large filing cabinet.]

Joel: This way. [He starts squeezing through the opening, Tess follows.] Easy.

[As Joel comes out on the other side, he hears coughing to his right.]

Joel: [Startled] Jesus. [He looks down and sees a man wearing a gas mask, trapped under some debris, reaching his hand out.] Watch it. Watch it. [He pulls Tess to safety.]

Male smuggler: [Pleading] Help me… [Coughs] My mask broke. Don't… Don't leave me to turn. [Coughs] Please. [He continues to struggle under the debris.]

Tess: [To Joel] What do you wanna do?

[A short tutorial on how to aim and shoot a weapon flashes on screen. The player is given the choice of either putting the man out of his misery or walking away.]

Male smuggler: [If the player walks away] Come back… [Coughs] Don't— [Coughs] Don't leave me like this. Come back!

Tess: [If the player shoots the man.] Poor bastard.

[The two continue through the spore-infested area. Joel crouches under some boards partially covering a door and Tess follows. As he crawls under, a board in the hallway is knocked over in front of them and they hear groaning nearby.]

Tess: Up ahead. You hear that?

Joel: Shh, shh, shh.

[Remaining quiet, Joel leans against the wall to his left and focuses his hearing. The player is given a short tutorial on how to use listen mode. A runner enters the room next to them.]

Tess: [Quietly] How you wanna handle it?

[Joel sneaks up behind the runner, strangling him. He enters the next room and looks to the right, where two runners are viciously eating a corpse. Joel reacts.]

Joel: Jesus.

[The player can either sneak past the two runners or kill them. Killing all the enemies or simply leaving the area triggers the following dialogue.]

Tess: All right, that's all of 'em.

Joel: Let's hope so.

Tess: Let's head back into the city.

[The two continue up the stairs. If the player goes into the back left room and collects the note to brother artifact, reading it will trigger the following conversation.]

Joel: [Referring to the note] They got infected trying to sneak into the zone.

Tess: Tsh. As much as everyone complains about it, you got all these poor bastards wishing they were living on the inside.

[Joel and Tess cross over a hole in the floor and drop out of an opening in the wall to the outside. They both take off their gas masks and make their way to a nearby rundown building.]

Tess: [Inhales and exhales] Ahhh… Some fresh air. That's the one thing I love about the outside. Fuckin' hate the smell of the city.

Joel: Why don't you ask Bill to get you some of them air fresheners?

Tess: [Scoffs] Hey, if they weren't expired, that'd be a good idea.

[Joel and Tess approach a pallet covered by overgrowth against the building. They pull it back, revealing a concealed entrance. Dialogue is determined on who pulls the pallet away first, the player or Tess.]

Tess: [If Tess removes the pallet] Through here.

Joel: [If the player removes the pallet] After you.

[Tess enters through the opening and Joel follows her.]

Tess: Cover the entrance.

Joel: [He complies] I got it.

[After he covers the entrance, Joel stands up and follows Tess. They climb up onto the floor above them and Tess approaches the edge of the collapsed floor. She kneels and looks down.]

Tess: [Sighs] Damn it. Plank fell down. [She stands back up.] Be a dear, would you?

Joel: [Scoffs] I'll get it.

[Joel drops down to the floor below them and picks up the large wooden plank. Tess runs over to the nearby ledge.]

Tess: Here. Pass it to me.

[Joel walks over to the ledge and places the plank against the wall.]

Joel: It's a bit heavy.

Tess: [Scoffs] I think I can handle it. [She begins pulling the plank up.]

Joel: All right.

[Carrying the plank, Tess walks back over to the collapsed floor. She places the plank over the cleft in the floor as Joel circles back around.]

Tess: There we go. [She crosses to the other side.] Get your ass up here. Let's move.

Joel: Bossy today.

[Joel climbs back up and follows Tess across the cleft.]

Tess: We're gettin' close.

[Tess exits through a broken window and drops down a destroyed fire escape staircase. Joel follows her down a nearby alley.]

Joel: Let's make sure there aren't any soldiers around.

Tess: [Vaults over a concrete barrier.] It's clear. C'mon.

[Joel follows and they continue making their way through the alley until Tess opens a door. She enters, with Joel following behind.]

Tess: Shut it.

[Joel shuts the door behind him and they head into the next room. Tess approaches a door that leads to the outside and knocks. After a moment, a young boy opens the door.]

Tess: Hey, little man. [She pulls out ration cards.] Make sure the coast is clear? [The boy nods and goes to grab the cards. She pulls them away.] No soldiers. None of Robert's men. Yeah?

[The boy nods in response and she hands him the ration cards. He shuts the door and proceeds to check the area around him. Tess sighs and leans against the railing.]

Joel: [To Tess] You know he's expecting us.

Tess: Well, that'll make it more interesting. [Joel scoffs]

[The boy taps on the window from the outside, signaling that the area is clear.]

Tess: Good to go. C'mon.

The Slums[]

[Tess opens the door and turns right. Her and Joel walk into a slum, where many people living in poor conditions line the area. A man leaning against the wall calls out to Tess as they enter.]

Terrance: Hey, Tess. Hey, Tess. Hey, pretty lady, how you doin' today? I heard you got some merchandise—

Tess: Not right now, Terrance. [She keeps walking.]

Terrance: No, no, no, it's good. Look, I got the card.

Tess: Not. Now. You hear me?

Terrance: Okay. I can do that. [Quietly] Don't get all huffy-puffy about it.

[Tess stops ahead as Joel approaches a street vendor to his right. She addresses Joel.]

Female vendor: If you ain't got ration cards, don't even waste my time. I'm not interested in bartering for bullets.

[Joel walks away to the left where a group of people are lined up at another vendor. He overhears the hungry patrons in line.]

Female civilian 1: Hurry up. We're starving.

Male vendor: [Cooking rats behind the stand] Keep your shirt on. Next batch comin' right up.

Female civilian 2: [Speaking to Joel] Hey, don't even think about cutting in line.

Male civilian: Fuckin' A. Been waiting on this rat forever.

[Joel turns around and approaches a man by a fence. Two dogs are behind it barking and a sign on it reads "15 tickets each!"]

Male vendor: [To Joel] Sorry, man. These dogs are all accounted for. Sold out in less than an hour. Try me next week.

[Joel regroups with Tess waiting for him just nearby. He walks on ahead into a marketplace where vendors line both sides. A vendor on the right suddenly stands up from his chair as they pass through.]

Male civilian: You touch it, you buy it.

[To the left, a woman is sitting on a man's lap. The man calls out to Tess as they walk by.]

Male civilian: Tess, it's been a while. You don't visit us anymore.

Female civilian: Who the hell is that?

Male civilian: None of your damn business.

[Joel and Tess reach the end of the marketplace before entering a bus. To their left is a man guarding a poker game. Joel approaches him.]

Male civilian: Private game, buddy. Scram.

[Joel enters the bus, outside the windows to the right are two guys fist fighting as a group of spectators cheer them on. Suddenly, a man sitting in the bus stands up in front of Joel, blocking his way.]

Malick: Where do you think you're goin'?

Tess: [Walks in from behind] Malick. Sit back down.

Malick: Oh, sorry, Tess. Didn't realize you two were together. Go ahead.

[Malick sits back down. Joel and Tess exit out the other side of the bus.]

Joel: Who's that?

Tess: An old headache. Don't ask.

[They continue to move forward. Joel approaches a man sitting in a lawn chair to the left. He questions Joel.]

Male civilian: What do you want?

[Joel doesn't respond and walks away. He walks to the end of the area, overhearing a conversation between a man and woman against the fence.]

Male civilian: That guy's been hoarding all sorts of shit in that factory.

Female civilian: [A military convoy drives down the adjacent road.] Whoa, whoa, hold up, man.

Male civilian: Yeah, yeah.

[Joel turns around and regroups with Tess. They both approach a man leaning next to the alley.]

Tess: I'm lookin' for Robert. [Pulls out ration cards] He come through here?

Male civilian: Half hour ago. He went back to the wharf. He's there now.

[The man grabs the ration cards from Tess' hands and pockets them. Tess leads Joel to an area where three of Robert's thugs guard the opposite end.]

Joel: [Muttering] Here we go.

[The two groups confront each other.]

Tess: Let us through.

Male thug 1: You guys need to turn around and head back if you know what's good for you.

Tess: Our beef isn't with you. We just want Robert. You don't want to do this.

Male thug 1: [Aggressively] Turn the fuck around and leave now.

Tess: I'm not going anywhere without Robert.

Male thug 1: Bitch, [Points at Tess] I will bash your skull unless you turn around and get your dumbass outta here.

Tess: [Rolls her eyes] Fuck this.

[Tess draws her pistol and shoots the smuggler in the head. The two smugglers behind him run to cover.]

Male thug 2: Take cover!

[Tess taps Joel on the arm and they do the same, ducking behind some cover to their right.]

Tess: [To Joel] You ready?

Joel: Yeah.

Male thug 3: [Yells out from behind cover] I'm gonna fuckin' kill you!

Tess: I'll cover you. Get the angle on them.

[The pair take down the two smugglers. They continue advancing towards the wharf.]

Tess: Nicely done, Texas.

Joel: You too. How the hell did he get all these guys?

Tess: If Robert's good at one thing, it's writing blank checks. Let's go put an end to that.

[Tess attempts to open a fence gate to the left, but it's locked.]

Tess: Shit. Not goin' through here. [She looks to her left at a wall.] Hey, boost me up.

[Joel approaches the wall and turns around to face Tess.]

Joel: All right, [Waves her over] c'mon…

[Joel clasps his hands together as he boosts Tess on top of the wall. She kneels down and extends a helping hand to Joel.]

Tess: Gimme your hand.

[Joel jumps up and grabs Tess' hand. She pulls him up onto the wall with her.]

Tess: There you go.

Joel: [Rises to his feet] All right.

[The two continue making their way forward and descend a flight of stairs. In front of them is a fence with a hole in it. Tess stands by it.]

Tess: [Waving] Over here, Joel.

[Joel crouches through the hole and drops down below as Tess follows. They both immediately take cover as they notice more of Robert's men in the nearby computer store.]

Tess: Pfft. More of Robert's guys.

Joel: Shit, I seem 'em.

[Two smugglers exit the store in front of Joel and Tess, having a conversation.]

Male thug 1: How do you know they're coming?

Male thug 2: Two of our guys died trying to take Tess out. [Tess looks at Joel and shrugs.] I guarantee that she and Joel are on their way here right now to get Robert.

Male thug 1: Jesus. We shouldn't've taken this job.

Male thug 2: Not our call. Let's spread out and make sure no one's creeping around in here.

Tess: [Quietly] Nice and quiet, Texas.

[The two smugglers diverge from each other. Tess sneaks up behind the one to the left and stabs him in the neck, killing him.]

Tess: [Quietly] Move up. Move up.

[Tess and Joel sneak their way towards the computer store where two separate smugglers patrol. Inside, a smuggler enters the other room and starts having a conversation with the other one. Joel and Tess sneak into the room as they listen in.]

Male thug 3: I meant to tell you, I was down on Jordan Street, and all these soldiers showed up with a group of about five civs, all in handcuffs.

Male thug 4: Let me guess, Fireflies?

Male thug 3: Yup, they lined 'em up against the wall and bang, bang, bang, they just executed all of 'em.

Male thug 4: Phew. Holy shit.

Male thug 3: Yeah, I hear it's like that all over the city. They're cracking down on 'em hard.

Male thug 4: [Cringes] I got a cousin with 'em.

Male thug 3: Seriously?

Male thug 4: Yeah. Idiot thinks he's gonna save the world. [Sighs] Hope's he's all right.

Tess: [Leaning against the wall] You take one out, I'll take the other.

[Joel and Tess take down both of the smugglers inside. Tess looks out the window at the last remaining smuggler.]

Tess: There's another one. Over there.

[They take out the last smuggler, clearing the area.]

Tess: Let's search the area.

[Joel looks around the area and finds a warehouse key on the body of the last smuggler. Him and Tess head to the back of the computer store. Joel unlocks the door with the key and they enter into a storage area. Outside the door in front of them are three more of Robert's thugs, having a conversation. The pair hides behind some sandbags.]

Male thug 1: Hey, we consolidated the crates in the South warehouse. Supplies are locked up.

Male thug 2: Good, let's do another once over and then head out. It's getting close to curfew. [The two stand outside the storage area.]

Male thug 1: What about Robert? Who's he holing up with tonight? Guy's too paranoid to stay here by himself.

Male thug 2: Fuck if I know. We'll check in with the others and come up with something.

Male thug 1: Okay.

[The three smugglers begin patrolling the area. Inside the nearby warehouse are two more smugglers. Joel and Tess take all five of them down.]

Tess: We shoulda brought more people.

Joel: They'd just slow us down.

Tess: Yeah, you're right. [Pauses] C'mon, the docks are this way. Let's do this.

[The pair head to the first floor of the warehouse. Joel interacts with a nearby chain hoist that starts raising an industrial door. Tess crouches under it and Joel follows. They exit outside to the Mission Hill Pier, which is crawling with Robert's men. They quickly take cover behind a destroyed half wall overlooking the area. Tess peeks over and points to two men talking in the distance.]

Tess: There's our boy.

[The camera cuts to the two men. One of them is Robert, inaudibly talking to one of his thugs. Robert nods and walks into the wharf behind him. The camera cuts back to Joel and Tess.]

Tess: [Looks at Joel] That cocky son of a bitch.

Joel: [Nods] Let's go wrap this up.

[They both vault over the half wall and drop down to the ground below, taking cover. Joel starts to move up, with Tess following behind.]

Tess: Let's be smart about this. There's a lot of 'em.

[In the distance is a pair of smugglers having a conversation.]

Male thug 1: Shipments have been dry for a long time.

Male thug #2: Yeah, well we lost our contacts in the North, lost our contacts in the South. [Turns around and walks into the wharf.] Shit, I don't know who's left out there to sell us stuff. Guess this is why we're taking shitty protection jobs.

Male thug 1: [Turns around and starts walking] Fucking Robert. That rat better be good for it.

Male thug 2: Even if he is, then what? I'm telling you, this zone is done for. We better think of an exit strategy.

Male thug 1: [Stops and turns around] You're insane. Going outside the wall is suicide.

Male thug 2: Plenty of the other smugglers do it. What do you think's gonna happen here once supplies run out?

Male thug 1: I'd still take my chances in here.

[The guards go their separate ways and start patrolling the area. If Joel turns right and approaches a blue dumpster near the ocean, he can collect a shipping manifest lying on the ground. After reading the note, he will comment the following.]

Joel: This guy's wheeling and dealing with everyone in town.

[Just further ahead inside the wharf, Joel will find the docks note by another blue dumpster. If he picks it up and reads it, he will quietly mutter to himself.]

Joel: Well, leave it to Robert to piss everyone off.

[Joel and Tess continue to either take down the surrounding smugglers guarding the wharf or sneak past them. Inside the warehouse, they approach the office on the far side.]

Tess: That office. Robert must've run in there. Let's go.

[Joel opens the office door and the two walk inside. Joel opens another door on the left side of the room. Inside is Robert, who notices Joel enter and starting aiming his gun in Joel's direction. Joel quickly takes cover behind the wall to the left.]

Robert: Oh, shit! [Fires a few rounds at them as Tess crosses to the other side of the door.] Get back! Get the fuck back!

Tess: [Calling out from behind cover] We just wanna talk Robert.

Robert: [The camera cuts to Robert aiming his gun and yelling.] We ain't got fuckin' nothin' to talk about! [Camera cuts back to Joel and Tess.]

Tess: Put your gun down!

[Robert fires off another round, hitting the door frame. As he continues to pull the trigger, his gun makes a clicking noise. The pistol's clip is empty.]

Robert: Yeah… Go fuck yourself!

[Robert throws his emptied pistol in the direction of Joel and Tess. He takes off running through a door to the left.]

Tess: He's running! [Her and Joel start chasing after him.]

Joel: [Calling out] Robert!

Robert: [Runs into the next room and exits outside, shutting the door behind him.] Screw you, Joel!

Tess: [Pointing to the door] Joel, this way! [Joel follows] C'mon. He ran in here!

[Joel kicks open the door, leading to a back alley. Robert is seen as he turns into an alley to the right. The pair continue to chase after him as knocks over a trash can, attempting to deter them. He turns left into a building.]

Tess: Over here. [Continues to chase him inside] We almost got him!

Robert: [Struggling in the distance] C'mon. C'mon!

Tess: [The pair enter the next room.] Joel, this way! [She points to another door and they enter.] Joel. He's right there!

[They both jump out the open window after Robert. The cinematic "Queen Firefly" begins with Joel and Tess vaulting over the window and into an alley. They look left and spot Robert as he tries to fight past a locked gate.]

Tess: Well, hello, Robert.

Robert: [Chuckles nervously and turns around.] Tess. Joel. No hard feelings, right?

Tess: [Clicks teeth] None at all. [Reaches down for a steel pipe.]

Robert: [Briefly puts hands up in defense.] All right…

[Robert tries to run and Tess bashes his leg with the pipe, causing him to trip and fall to the ground.]

Robert: [Groans in pain] Ah… Goddammit!

Tess: [Drops pipe] We missed you.

Robert: Look, whatever it is you heard, it ain't true, okay? I—I just want to say—

Tess: The guns. You wanna tell us where the guns are?

Robert: [Gulps] Yeah, sure, but… i-it's complicated, all right?

[Tess looks over at Joel who pushes off from the wall and walks over to Robert.]

Robert: Look, all right, just hear me out on this. I got— [Joel kicks him in the face.] Ah, fuck! [Joel extends Robert's arm and begins to pull it backwards.] Ah, stop! Stop! Stop! [Joel stops as Robert groans.]

Tess: [Draws handgun] Quit your squirming. [Kneels beside Robert] You were saying?

Robert: [Breathing heavily] I sold 'em…

Tess: Excuse me?

Robert: I didn't have much of a choice. I owed someone.

Tess: You owed us! I'd say you bet on the wrong horse.

Robert: I just need more time. Just gimme a week.

Tess: You know, I might've done that if you hadn't tried to fucking kill me.

Robert: C'mon, it wasn't like—

Tess: Who has our guns?!

Robert: [Hesitates] I can't…

[Joel and Tess look at one another.]

Robert: Look, just give me a couple of da—

[Joel breaks Robert's arm. Robert screams and rolls on his side in agony.]

Robert: Fucking…

Tess: Who. Has. Our guns?

Robert: [Pauses and breathes rapidly] It's the Fireflies. I owed the Fireflies!

Tess: What?

Robert: Look. They're basically all dead. W-we can just—just go in there, finish 'em off. We get the guns! What do ya say? [Joel and Tess look at each other and stand over Robert.] C'mon! Fuck those Fireflies! [Chuckles nervously] Let's go get 'em!

Tess: [Pauses and looks at Joel] That is a stupid idea.

[Tess shoots Robert twice in the face, killing him.]

Joel: [Inhales sharply.] Well, now what?

Tess: We go get our merchandise back.

Joel: [Disbelief.] How?

Tess: I don't know. We… explain it to them. Look, let's… let's go find a Firefly.

Marlene: You won't have to look very far.

[Tess and Joel are startled and look to see where the voice is coming from. Marlene walks out of the shadows, holding her bloody side.]

Joel: There you go, Queen Firefly.

Marlene: Why are you here?

Tess: Business. [Notices Marlene's wound] You aren't looking so hot.

Marlene: [Looks at wound then looks around] Where's Robert?

[Tess walks to the side to reveal his bloody corpse by her feet.]

Marlene: [Chuckles in disbelief.] I needed him alive.

Tess: The guns he gave you? They weren't his to sell, and I want them back.

Marlene: Doesn't work like that, Tess.

Tess: The hell it doesn't.

Marlene: [Walks closer to Tess] I paid for those guns. You want 'em back? You're gonna have to earn 'em.

Tess: [Turns to look at Joel and back at Marlene.] How many cards are we talkin' about?

Marlene: [Scoffs] I don't give a damn about ration cards. [Pauses] I need something smuggled out of the city. You do that - I'll give you your guns back and then some.

Joel: How do we know you got 'em? [Inches closer to Marlene.] Way I hear it, the military's been wiping you guys out.

Marlene: [Nods] You're right about that. I'll show you the weapons.

Male soldier 1: [Over radio] Search the area.

Male soldier 2: [Voice] Yes, sir.

Marlene: I gotta move. What's it gonna be? [Eases back.]

Tess: [Glances at Joel] I wanna see those guns. [Follows Marlene]

Marlene: Follow me.

[Joel and Tess start to follow Marlene offscreen. The cutscene "Queen Firefly" ends.]

The Cargo[]

[Joel and Tess, now joined by Marlene, begin fleeing from the area as Robert's smugglers continue searching the building they just came from.]

Male soldier 3: [Voice] Behind the door!

Marlene: We gotta get outta here. Now!

Male soldier 2: [Voice] They locked it!

Male soldier 3: [Voice] Don't let them get away!

Male soldier 4: [Unintelligible], straggler!

Marlene: You want this deal? We gotta move.

[The trio turns left and ascends some stairs. Marlene approaches a gated fence as a military convoy of Humvees drive down the road on the other side. She turns left.]

Marlene: Through here. I know a way around this. C'mon.

[Marlene climbs a box in front of her and jumps up, grabbing and pulling down a fire escape ladder. They climb it and ascend the fire escape stairs to the roof of the building, overlooking the city. A couple blocks away is a large explosion, surprising them. The player is prompted to press L3 to focus on it.]

Tess: Holy shit. Is that your people?

Marlene: What's left of them. Why do you think I'm turning to you guys? [She turns around and sighs] This way. [She begins leading the pair to some nearby roof windows.]

Joel: So why now?

Marlene: We've been quiet. Been planning on leaving the city, but they need a scapegoat. They've been trying to rile us up.

Joel: Looks like they did.

Marlene: [Defensively] We're trying to defend ourselves.

[They drop down into a room through the open roof windows. Marlene approaches a blue metal door and attempts to open it. She struggles due to the wound on her side.]

Marlene: [Turns around] Joel, gimme a hand with this.

[Joel complies and lends her a hand with opening the door. Marlene draws her pistol and begins to lead them down a staircase.]

Tess: Hey. How you holding up?

Marlene: I'll live.

[They exit the building into an area underneath a bridge. Marlene takes cover behind a nearby crate. She peeks out and spots a military soldier in the distance.]

Marlene: Hold up. [Faces Joel and Tess] Soldiers. [Pauses] That's the way out. The door under the bridge.

Joel: Ain't a big fan of these odds.

Marlene: We can sneak by them, even though I know that's not your style.

Tess: We'll see how it goes. [Sighs] Let's get moving.

[The three turn the corner and begin sneaking forwards.]

Marlene: [Quietly] We need to get to that door.

[The player is then prompted to press L3, focusing on the door across the gap. They turn left and ascend some stairs, where a group of soldiers are patrolling the area and the nearby building. To the right on the bridge, a soldier is harassing a Firefly he has in custody. Two of his comrades lay dead beside him.]

Male soldier 1: You picked the wrong day to screw with us.

Warren: Go fuck yourselves.

Male soldier 1: [Shoots the man with a pistol, killing him. He starts walking away.] Good riddance.

[At the same time, two soldiers have a conversation in the building to the left. One stands at the door as the other is inside.]

Male soldier 2: Damn, we missed all the action.

Male soldier 3: Justice waits for no one, private.

Male soldier 2: Ah, whatever.

[As the two soldiers are having the conversation, Marlene will instruct Joel while hiding behind the nearby cover.]

Marlene: [Whispers] I'll get this one. Go around and get the other.

[Joel enters the building and sneaks his way to the adjoining hallway. There, he comes behind one of the soldiers and takes him down. Marlene strangles the guard across from him.]

Marlene: Good. Stay quiet. [They advance through the building.] Okay, watch yourselves. [They approach the group of soldiers patrolling the area ahead.] They're out in numbers today. [If Joel stealthily takes down a guard by the window] Good.

[Joel continues to dispatch the rest of the soldiers in the area. Marlene approaches the three dead Fireflies on the bridge. Joel walks up behind, prompting the player to activate the fourth optional conversation of the game.]

Marlene: Goddammit, they got Warren. [Snivels] Goodbye, friend.

Joel: We should go, Marlene. There's bound to be more soldiers on the way.

Marlene: You're right. Let's move.

[The trio continues moving forward as they reach a staircase.]

Marlene: Not much further now.

[They descend it and reach the door Marlene pointed out earlier. Joel opens it.]

Marlene: Go on. Get inside.

[Joel holds the door open as Tess and Marlene enter. He shuts it as the other two push some nearby lockers to block the door together. Marlene bends over in pain.]

Tess: Where are we going, Marlene?

Marlene: [Looks back up and walks forward] This way. It's not far now.

[They begin walking through a warehouse, with Marlene leading the way.]

Tess: How're ya holding up?

Marlene: I'm running on fumes… but I'll make it. [They enter the next room] The place is right up ahead.

[As they walk outside of the warehouse, the QZ's public announcement system goes off.]

PA system: Attention. Curfew is now in full effect. Anyone caught outside without proper authorization will be arrested and prosecuted. [Continues to pause and repeat itself.]

Tess: Shit. We need to hurry.

[They cross the alley and into the next building.]

Joel: The hell are we smugglin'?

Marlene: I'll show you.

[Marlene leads them up the staircase and into a kitchen. She approaches the door inside and unlocks it. She attempts to open it and turns to face Joel.]

Marlene: Joel, gimme a hand with this.

[Joel approaches the door and goes to help Marlene open it. The cinematic "We're smuggling her?" begins. As Joel helps Marlene open the door, she stumbles to the floor upon entrance, still pressing against her wound. Ellie Williams waits to the side in the room. Joel comes in, Tess following.]

Joel: Whoa, whoa, whoa… Come on now, get on up. [Bends down to help Marlene.]

Ellie: Get the fuck away from her! [Dashes out from the side with her switchblade.]

Tess: Hey, hey, hey! [Grabs Ellie's wrist.]

Marlene: [Still on the floor.] Let her go.

[Ellie yanks her arm away from Tess' grip.]

Joel: You're recruitin' kind of young, aren't ya?

Marlene: [Slowly stands up.] She's not one of mine.

Ellie: Shit. [Aids Marlene.] What happened?

Marlene: Don't worry, this is fixable. I got us help. [Ellie turns to look at Joel, Tess, and back at Marlene.] But I can't come with you.

Ellie: [Pauses] Well then I'm staying.

Marlene: Ellie, we won't get another shot at this.

Joel: Hey— [Inches closer to Marlene.] We're smuggling her? [Points to Ellie.]

Marlene: There's a crew of Fireflies that will meet you at the capitol building.

Tess: [Scoffs] That's not exactly close. [Joel crosses to Tess. Ellie remains with Marlene.]

Marlene: You're capable. You hand her off, come back, the weapon are yours. Double what Robert sold me.

Tess: Speaking of which, where are they?

Marlene: Back in our camp.

Tess: [Scoffs, looks back at Joel, who gives off a similar expression, and back at Marlene.] We're not smuggling shit until I see them.

Marlene: [Wearily.] You'll follow me. You can verify the weapons, I can get patched up. [Weakly points at Ellie.] But she's not crossing into that part of town. I want Joel to watch over her.

Joel: [Talks over Ellie] Whoa, whoa. I don't think that's the best idea.

Ellie: [Shouts over Joel] Bullshit! I'm not going with him.

Marlene: [Sternly] Ellie…

Ellie: [Baffled] How do you know them?

Marlene: I was close with his brother, Tommy. Said if I was ever in a jam, I could rely on him. [Looks at Joel.]

Joel: Was that before or after he left your little militia group?

Marlene: He left you too. [Glares] He was a good man. [Nods]

Tess: Look, just take her to the north tunnel and wait for me there.

Joel: [Disbelief] Jesus Christ.

Tess: She's just cargo, Joel.

Ellie: [Softly] Marlene…

Marlene: [Interrupts her] No more talking. You'll be fine. [Strains to fully stand.] Now go with him.

Joel: [To Tess] Don't take long. [Turns to Ellie] And you, stay close. [Ellie glances at Marlene.] Let's go!

[Marlene watches Ellie as she exits their location with Joel. She exhales and rests back on the counter next to her. The cinematic "We're smuggling her?" ends. The camera cuts to Joel and Ellie in the parking lot. Joel approaches three dead Fireflies on the ground.]

Ellie: [Looks at the bodies] Whoa… I heard all the shooting, but… What happened?

Joel: The Fireflies. Same thing's gonna happen to us if we don't get off the street.

Ellie: You're the pro. I'm just following you.

[The pair continues forward and walks down a staircase. In the background, the PA system sounds off again as a military convoy passes by in front of them.]

PA system: Attention. Harboring or aiding wanted criminals is punishable by death. Do not place yourself at risk. Report any suspicious activity immediately. [Continues to pause and repeat itself.]

[Joel leads Ellie down another staircase to the right.]

Joel: Down here. [They pass through a tunnel and emerge ahead, Joel in front.] C'mon, keep up.

Ellie: I am.

[As they move forward, two more military trucks drive down the road to their left. They turn into an alley to the right and enter a courtyard.]

Ellie: Where are we going?

Joel: Up there. [Points to a staircase attached to a building, too high to reach.] That'll get us to the north tunnel.

Ellie: How are we supposed to reach that?

Joel: [Annoyed] Just gimme a minute.

[Joel looks around and finds a dumpster in the nearby room. He pushes it against the platform, allowing them to climb up onto the stairs. Joel climbs up first and ascends the stairs, Ellie follows. They enter the building.]

Ellie: This tunnel. You use it to smuggle things? [They start walking down the immediate hallway.]

Joel: Yep.

Ellie: Like illegal things?

Joel: Sometimes.

Ellie: You ever smuggle a kid before?

Joel: No. That's a first. [Pauses] So what's the deal with you and Marlene, anyways?

Ellie: I don't know. She's my friend, I guess.

Joel: [Scoffs] Your friend, huh? You're friends with the leader of the Fireflies. What're you, like twelve?

Ellie: She knew my mom, and she's been looking after me. And I'm fourteen, not that that has anything to do with anything.

Joel: So where are your parents?

Ellie: [Sighs] Where are anyone's parents? They've been gone a long, long time.

Joel: Hm. So instead of just staying in school, you decide to run off and join the Fireflies, is that it?

Ellie: Look, I'm not supposed to tell you why you're smuggling me if that's what you're getting at.

Joel: You wanna know the best thing about my job? I don't gotta know why. To be honest with you, I could give two shits about what you're up to.

Ellie: Well great.

Joel: Good.

[At the end of the hallway, they ascend a staircase into another hallway. Joel approaches the last door on the right and goes to open it. The cinematic "Killing Time" begins. He opens the door and enters the room. Ellie stands behind him.]

Joel: This is it.

[Ellie enters the room, and Joel closes the door behind her. He walks up to a sofa couch, dusting it off and fixing the pillow. He lays on the sofa and closes his eyes.]

Ellie: [Examining Joel] What are you doing?

Joel: Killing time.

Ellie: Well, what am I supposed to do?

Joel: I am sure you will figure that out.

Ellie: [Looks around the room and walks past Joel, looking at him and shaking her head.] Your watch is broken.

Joel: Pfft.

[As Joel falls asleep, the camera cuts. The cinematic "Killing Time" continues in the beginning of the next chapter.]


  1. The English subtitles mistakenly transcribes this line as "Hey, try that area over there."
  "Hometown" Current transcript
"The Quarantine Zone"
"The Outskirts"  