Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki

New Haven County is a roleplaying-type experience that features sundry concepts where players can join the police, or purchase weapons and incite violence around the experience. The experience is launched by the group of State of Mayflower, and in roleplaying terms, is one of the 4 counties of the State of Mayflower.

The experience is currently dormant with little to no players. As of January 19, 2022, it only had 5 players within the game.


The game takes place in an urban area, where players can choose to work as police officers or a criminal and incite violence. It additionally has several accessible interiors in which the players can enter, and other jobs/roles that players can take and gain income from it every 10 minutes. It has banks wherein players could deposit their money, in order to make it safe from danger. Players could only chat with nearby players, as the chat log is not visible.


All of New Haven County and its parts were developed by Southside Studios and its contractors.
