Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki


13+ years of ageSufficient evidenceReporting violations
(Last updated on 2023-12-23 06:03 UTC.)

Neither Fandom staff nor Roblox Wiki staff will directly ask you for your age, or any other firmly personal details, for any reason in relation to these policies.

All registered editors must be at least 13 years old

The following is a Fandom policy enforced on the Roblox Wiki.

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Per Fandom's Terms of Use and their implementation of COPPA, all users who register an account on Fandom must be at least 13 years of age (in most regions) in order to edit our wiki or participate in our discussion areas. This is necessary to protect our youngest community members from unknowing and improper automatic data collection on Fandom itself.

Registered users who are evidently younger than the minimum age will be immediately blocked from the Roblox Wiki until sometime after the user turns 13 years old and ultimately referred to Fandom staff's COPPA enforcement team due to Terms of Use violations.

Even with a parent's approval, do not register an account on Fandom for yourself if you are not at least 13 years of age. If you need assistance deactivating your Fandom account, contact Fandom staff.

Sufficient evidence

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Any concrete admission or statement of being an age below the minimum on any Fandom community will be taken as immutable evidence that the user is acting counter to this policy.

Reporting violations

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⚠️ WARNING: Do not directly inquire about the private information of any other editor.

If you come across a user that is in violation of Fandom's minimum membership age policy, please promptly submit a report by reporting the associated post (on Discussions) or contacting a member of wiki staff. Do not engage in any further discussions with underaged violators.

Remember, any communications –even towards violators– is still subject to our comments policies. Incessant taunting of violators (i.e. that they "will be reported," etc.) and belittling the youngest members of the Roblox community is counter to our policies on minimodding and constitutes as harrassment.
