Roblox Wiki
Roblox Wiki
This game has a dedicated wiki project hosted by Fandom that is part of the Roblox Interwiki Project and provides more information about the game.

Treelands is a game developed by Fissy Games where you build a treehouse by using currency earned from selling fruit and completing tasks to build fruit harvesters that are part of your treehouse. In Treelands, two types of in-game currencies can be found, gold and silver. Gold is collected from a vault with the amount of gold that is earned increasing with the more harvesters that you own or you can buy gold. Silver is collected through selling many different types of fruit and crystals. These currencies can be used to buy or upgrade vehicles and build more onto a treehouse. As for what can be built on a treehouse, different parts such as walkways and buildings can be purchased and placed onto a treehouse.

Treelands is considered to be in beta and has an entrance fee that must be paid before playing it. Beta Players could have receive rewards if the alpha/beta period ended. The entrance fee is 25 Robux.

The development of this game has been discontinued due to a developer passing away. Due to this, Adopt Me! has been created.
