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Left 2 Survive is a FPS game created by thenoob2899. It's a cooperative game where the objective is to avoid getting killed by hostile infected characters, as they constantly swarm and attack the players. Players can use different weapons to fend off these infected. The game is based on the Left 4 Dead video game series. (The game was last updated in August 2017 and that included a small change to make the game available on Computers and not mobile due to it never being designed for mobile.)

This game (along with other games that used to be in the front page) was stolen by hackers, and it was redistributed among the roblox community.

Left 2 Survive is considered as the best Left 4 Dead based game on ROBLOX, but some people prefer PlaceRebuilder's Reason 2 Die because of its history - Reason 2 Die was one of the first Left 4 Dead based games.


A screenshot of real game play. Includes users Fivedollars, ViperThunder, Erictatje, and Rjhgjh.


A random map will be selected. There is a time limit of 5 minutes for each round, and the objective is to stay alive until the round ends. The infected constantly spawn in the map and try to kill the players. Players have to defend themselves using weapons.

If a player dies during a round, or joins when a round is in progress, the player will be taken to the lobby. All the players in the lobby can join the round whenever they want as infected. Once the round ends, players will be taken back to the lobby and they have 30 seconds to prepare for the next round. When a new round starts, every player in the lobby will automatically join the survivors team. Each player who survived will receive 50 points. Points are also awarded for killing the infected.

The Infected[]

The infected are team of characters who attack the survivors. Players who are waiting for the round to end may join the game as an infected and attempt to take down the survivors. The infected are notable for having no facial features and missing walking animations.

Zombie is the most common infected, meaning it spawns often while the special infected spawn less often. Zombie is also the only free to play infected, while the special infected cost points to play.

L2S Shop

The shop's GUI.

Infected Description Playable Price
Zombie The most common infected. Weak and attacks simply by touching, though it often appears in large quantities. Yes Free
Hunter A hooded infected that can pounce on its victims. Yes 65
Smoker An Infected in a green jacket and with a deformed head that can launch it's very long tongue at players to snare and hurt them. Yes 20
Jockey A tiny, crawling infected that can lunge at its targets and ride them. Yes 50
Tank A gray, muscular infected that can withstand a lot, allot of damage and has strong attacks, including the ability to throw rocks. The game warns the players when a tank spawns. Only in the last 210 seconds of the round, when there are less than 2 tanks alive. 150
Charger An orange infected with a large arm. It can charge at players to knock them down and cause major damage. Yes 65
Spitter A haired infected that can spit acid at players. Yes 30
Boomer An infected in an orange suit that can spit bile on nearby players. Explodes on death, hurting surroundings. Yes 25
Witch A female infected that hangs around its spawn area. If a player startles it, it will turn hostile. Witches are fast, have a high amount of health and strength, so it's better to leave them alone if you don't have good weapons. Yes 95

Weapons & Items[]

Weapons are your defence against the infected while items assist you. Weapons and items can be bought from the store in the lobby. Once you've bought a weapon you will receive it for the next 3-5 rounds.

Weapons and items also appear placed in maps and can be picked up by players, but will be lost once the round ends. Glock 17 or Kimber and a molotov, pipe bomb, pills or boomer bile can be received at the start of the round. Ammo crates also appear around maps that can be used to restock ammo on most guns, excluding the M60 and M79.

Weapon/Item Description Availability
Glock 17 Light semi-automatic handgun.

Start of round


Kimber Medium semi-automatic handgun.

Start of round


Desert Eagle Powerful semi-automatic handgun.



Glock 18 Automatic handgun. Very fast fire rate but inaccurate.



H&K MP5 Submachine gun.



AK-47 Powerful assault rifle.



M16 Accurate & powerful assault rifle.



Shotgun Pump-action shotgun. Deals high damage at close range.



Benelli M4 Semi-automatic shotgun. Less accuracy but more power and higher fire rate.



Hunting Rifle Powerful & accurate bolt action rifle. Must reload after each shot.



M60 Very powerful machine gun.



M79 Grenade launcher. Great splash damage, but must reload after each shot..




Cuts trough infected on its path.



Katana Lightweight sword.



Crowbar Knocks over infected "and gives you the Gordan Freeman look" - A reference to Half Life.



Frying Pan Strikes infected down.



Nightstick Melee weapon used by police.



Molotov Throwable bottle that causes a fire.

Start of round



Pipebomb A very powerful throwabl fused bomb that attracts the infected to move to it.

Start of round



Boomer Bile

Throwable bottle that attracts the infected to move to it. It is currently unusable but can be obtained, perhaps due to a bug.

Start of round



Pills Restores a small amount of health and slightly reduces damage taken. Can be used 3 times before consumed.

Start of round



Medkit Restores full health. Can also be used 3 times before consumed.




When a round is about to start, a random map is selected. Same map might be selected multiple times in a row. Maps contain items, weapons and ammo crates located in certain spots.

Image Map Creator(s) Description
L2S Map Cliffside Chaos Cliffside Chaos DarkDriceratops A large house surrounded by a cliffside. This map doesn't have a variety of weapons, so staying close to an ammo box is highly recommended.
L2S Map Country Harvest Country Harvest
  • Miniature3DDemonic
A large map with 4 buildings and trees between them.
L2S Map Dead Highway Dead Highway ZangooseSlash Roads with two small buildings.
L2S Map Farmland Acres Farmland Acres littlefid A farm with a corn field. This is likely the most difficult map due to the small size and lack of hideplaces
L2S Map Forgotten Paradise Forgotten Paradise WishNite A beach with a road and 5 buildings at it. you can reach the top of one of the buildings by using "The pipe bomb jump" trick.
L2S Map Hotel of Heck Hotel of Heck Chiatszki A Hotel surrounded by a road and some blocks. There are no ammo boxes in this map, which means that you'll have to aim really really good, or run. This map also have a secret entrance to the roof. you can reach there by using "The pipe bomb jump", or by jumping on another character, while he's standing on the table.
L2S Map Inside of Town Inside of Town Thenoob2899 A map similar to "Skyline". Contains a drivable car. You can use the car to drive (carefully) around the map in circles, which allows you to evade (bypass) any incoming zombies.
L2S Map Military Base Military Base Thenoob2899 A fortress where the infected break in. you can use "The pipe bomb jump" to reach the top of the building.
L2S Map Prison Prison arttuarttu An enclosed prison building. In this map, players can glitch themselves through the cells and by doing that protecting their body from regular zombies attacks.
L2S Map Salty Harbor Salty Harbor Thenoob2899 Dock site.
L2S Map Skyline Skyline Thenoob2899 A city with tall buildings and a train.
L2S Map Suburb Suburb Thenoob2899 A neighborhood with many houses. This map is pretty big, and it contains many weapons and ammo boxes.
L2S Map The Main Street The Main Street Thenoob2899 A street with buildings. One of them is a large hotel. There is also a drivable car.
L2S Map Vertigo Square Vertigo Square Thenoob2899, VirtualDarks A Town with a large fountain in middle
L2S Map Zombie School Zombie School ComicKnight A school with play yard and some houses.


Since ROBLOX made a few changes to the way scripts works, some bugs got created.

  • The pills glitch - If you're using pills in-game for a few times, you'll get kicked out of the game. according to Thenoob2899 this was a parenting glitch, and it's now fixed.
  • The boomer bile bug - If you find anywhere in the game a boomer bile (or if you get one in the beginning of the game) You can't use it. If you will hold the boomer bile tool you won't see the model and the tool script won't react to any user input. in other words, this is a useless tool that is taking some space in your inventory and hotkeys.
  • The fat tank bug - If you're paying to play as a tank, your character will spawn in the map like it should, as a tank. The only problem is that your character will instantly fall on its belly and you won't be able to move it.
  • The Shop glitch - Buying something in the shop without selecting an item will kick you.
  • FilteringEnabled - Since ROBLOX removed Experimental mode and forced all the old games to run with FilteringEnabled, Everything related to local scripts got broken. For example, Status GUI (the game doesn't tell you anymore what does it do, how much time left, how many bullets left), Guns (They're not working anymore, only meele weapons), Etc...


  • Witches attack only if they're startled (unless they're player-controlled).
  • If you're playing as an infected, move in a zig-zag motion and keep jumping to avoid getting shot.
  • Player-controlled infected can be recognized how they don't move directly at players (like normal infected do) and their T-shirt is drawn over their texture.
  • Try to conserve pipe bombs. They will save you if you encounter a tough infected or get overrun by a horde.
  • Also try to conserve ammo. Use weaker weapons against weaker infected and stronger weapons against stronger infected.
  • It's recommended to use melee weapons only against weaker infected
  • Pipe bombs are useful against tanks, because attacking them with other weapons will use a lot of ammo
  • Smokers can attack occasionally from long ranges, so killing them immediately on sight is a good choice
  • The infected have no pathfinding, so they can get stuck in corners and walls, allowing you to outrun them.
  • The infected can't spawn in certain areas so it's safe to stay in them (unless there are player-controlled infected).
  • If you leave the game, and you have more than 500 points, the game will save only 500. don't be afraid to spend some in the shop.
  • Pipe-bombs are pushing unanchored parts away. if you have enough health points you can use one to make a really high jump. This method is called "The pipe bomb jump".

Unused content and secrets[]

The secrets in the map "Hotel of Heck"[]

  • In the map "Hotel of Heck" it is possible to get to the roof. Most of the people think that's impossible because the stairs inside the hotel leads to a blocked door, but it's possible in one other way. In one of the rooms on the second floor of the hotel you can find a room with a table. look up and you can see a hole. You can reach the roof by having someone on the table and jumping from his head to the top. you can also reach the top alone if you did the pipe-bomb jump successfully.

The stairs with the blocked door The room with the table and the hole in the wall

  • In the roof there is a secret unused room. Inside the room you should've been able to find a pipebomb/crowbar, and a boomer bile/pills. The items inside this room still spawn in-game, but there is currently no known way to enter the room and take them.

The room in the roof The room with the spawners


  • There is an unused weapon called "Hammer". It is a regular meele weapon that has the old roblox sword animation. It is one of the weakest meele weapons in the game (the damage factor value is 50). it can be found in the uncopylocked version of Left 2 survive, and it can't be found in-game.

The unused hammer weapon in ROBLOX Studio.


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • In the farm map, there is a scarecrow that looks like the old guest character.
  • Thenoob2899 Planned to add more missions (game modes) to the game, and will probably be in the future as Left 2 Survive was last updated in August 2017.
  • The map "Forgotten Paradise" was modified by its creators a few times before it was added to the game.
  • In Thenoob2899's profile, you can see he owns a few map models made by other users. some of these maps are available in the game (for example: the Hotel Map, Cliff Chaos, Dead Highway, Forgotten Paradise...) and some of them are not. It is very likely that he planned to add some of these maps in a future update, or at least ask the creator to modify them a little bit, so they would fit the game's needs (like he did in Forgotten Paradise.)
  • The map 'Country harvest' was originally named 'Blood Harvest'.[1]


