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Work at a Pizza Place is a job simulation Roblox experience developed by Dued1 on November 3, 2007 being called "Work at the Krusty Krab", but it was taken down due to copyright issues somewhere in early 2008-mid 2008. In January 2009, the game was remade this time being called "Work at a Pizza Place". In this game, players work together at a pizza place in order to fulfill orders and to use their earnings to upgrade their house, buy furniture, gears, and order pizza from the restaurant.

Work at a Pizza Place has been one of the earliest and most popular games on the platform alongside Natural Disaster Survival, the game retains high concurrent player counts as a result of continuous updates. In 2018, the game celebrated its 10-year anniversary and reached 1B visits on October 11th of the same year. At Monopoly Roblox 2022 Edition Board Game, the game is featured.


There are six total jobs in the pizzeria. Most of these jobs work in a hierarchical fashion, creating interdependence between the players. For instance, if there are no cashiers, a cook cannot do their job, as they have no orders to prepare, and so on.

Players can also take a break by simply entering their own house or another player's house. After doing so, they will be automatically be placed on the "On Break" team and will be switched out of their work clothes. Players are able to take breaks whenever they please but won't receive pay since they're not working.


The manager is in charge of the pizza place, and manages all of its employees. The manager has the power to make players employee of the day, give them bonuses, vote to get them kicked out of the game, put them back to work, or fire them if they mess up their job a certain amount of times. However, if a player has the VIP game pass, they cannot be kicked out of the game or put back to work. There can only be one manager at a time.

The manager's office is located by the delivery room door, in the pizza boxing area. The manager's office has 2 windows; one looking outside, and one overlooking the area outside the office. Inside the office, there is a plant, a black office chair, bookshelves, and a desk with a lamp on it. During holidays, the manager's office tends to have a change in appearance. If someone has the manager job, only that person can access the office from the outside. On the other hand, anyone can leave the office from the inside.

In order for a manager to be removed, they must either:

  • Get 8 votes to be removed by the other players.
  • Step on the "Vote to Remove Manager" button.
  • Get kicked out of their job due to a glitch.
  • Click the "Quit my Job" button.
  • Leave the server.

Once a manager is removed from their job, they get teleported to the lobby of the pizzeria, and their office becomes accessible to every player. Another player can claim the manager job by sitting in the black office chair behind the manager's desk.


Cashiers must take orders from customers who either take the appearance of pre-made NPCs or of players in the server (universally showing up wearing the 1.0 package). The customers come in through the front door or drive up to the drive-thru and will continue to stand or park until talked to. After clicking on the speech bubble above the top of the customer's head, there are 3 options for the cashier to respond with. In regular mode, all of them are correct. However, they will take some time to choose their order. In Advanced Mode, all but 2 of the options are incorrect. In this mode, the customers will take less time to choose what they want. Additionally, the customer's order will be in text instead of appearing as an image. The cashier must read their response and press the correct menu item button on the cash register. Selecting the wrong option or clicking the wrong button will turn away the customers. In older versions of the game, the advanced version was the default.

Cashiers can also take orders from actual players. To order an item, players must come up to the cash register to get a pop-up menu showing decals of the three pizzas and Fizzly with each item costing 100 coins. Once the player makes a selection, they must tell the cashier what they want in the chat. It undergoes the same process of cooking and boxing as an NPC order would, with the only difference being that it can be delivered to the player directly. If the cashier makes the wrong selection, the player will not be charged and can try to order again until the cashier makes the correct selection.

Newer players can access a cashier tutorial by pressing a yellow button located in the near the drive-thru window. This tutorial can be played anytime, but it will not show up to players who deleted or finished it.


Cooks work in the kitchen area of the pizzeria, which is located just behind the cashier area. They fulfill orders shown on the whiteboard just above the preparation area. When making pizzas, cooks need to make sure that the pizza has been properly prepared and baked. When Fizzly drinks are ordered, all the cook needs to do is drag the required number of cans onto the conveyor belt, which moves into the boxing area.

To make a pizza, the cook must first check the whiteboard where orders are displayed. There are 3 kinds of pizza: cheese, sausage, and pepperoni. It all begins by dragging in pizza dough from the left of the prep table. There are four trays on said table: sauce, cheese, pepperoni, and sausage. To add ingredients, the cook must click and drag the ingredient to the pizza dough. All pizzas require sauce and cheese, while the pepperoni or sausages are only added if required.

Fizzly cans can be acquired from the fridge right next to the dough area. Since it is a canned beverage, it doesn't need to be prepared.

After the cook adds all the ingredients to the dough, they must open an oven, place the raw pizza inside and close it. The conveyor that leads into the boxing room will reject an item if:

  • It is not a pizza or a Fizzly soda.
  • It was not ordered and/or displayed on the order screen.
  • It lacks the required ingredients.
  • It's gone cold.
  • It's been burned.
  • It has bugs on it.
  • It's not cooked.

Pizzas that are burning can be put out by equipping the extinguisher located right next to the door leading out into the cashier area. The cook must grab the extinguisher by pressing the "E" key or clicking on it and continue holding the right mouse button while facing the pizza until the sound of the fire going out is made. Then, it can be thrown away via the trash can near the cashier area entrance. Pizzas can also be trashed if they've been infested by bugs due to being left on the floor. If a bug-infested pizza is placed in the oven, a squealing noise will play and they will turn black. Cold pizzas, however, can be reutilized by simply reheating them.

Newer players can access a cooking tutorial by pressing a yellow button located near the ovens. This tutorial can be played anytime, but it will not show up to players who deleted or finished it.

Pizza Boxer[]

Pizza Boxers are responsible for taking pizzas and Fizzly cans from the kitchen and boxing or placing them onto the correct conveyors, the boxing area is located right outside the manager's office. Pizza boxers must take the pizza from the conveyor belt on the right and take a box from the compartment above the boxing table, drag the pizza into a box, and then close it. The boxed pizza is then placed on the conveyor belt on the left and transported to the delivery table. If a pizza that isn't boxed tries to go through the conveyor, it will be rejected. Fizzly cans cannot be boxed, so they are placed directly on the smaller conveyor belt next to the pizza delivery conveyor.

In older versions of the game, dozens of pizzas could be seen on the roof right above the boxing and delivery areas. This would happen because boxers accidentally dragged the pizzas above the pizzeria. If a boxer had their camera tilted just right, they could actually drag those pizzas back down from the roof and box them. In 2018, however, this had been patched.

The pizza boxes currently have the "Builder Brothers Pizza" logo. They previously showed the "Hot & Fresh Pizza Pizza" logo, which was a logo of a real brand, so it was most likely changed to avoid copyright infringement.

Newer players can access a pizza boxing tutorial by pressing a yellow button located in front of the box prep table. This tutorial can be played anytime, but it will not show up to players who deleted or finished it.


Delivery drivers are responsible for delivering the boxed pizzas and Fizzly drinks to the correct houses or player. Each of these houses has an assigned house number (such as "A1", "B2", "C3", etc.). Every order will have one of these house numbers unless they're a player-ordered item, in which case they will show a preview of said ordered item (such as a Fizzly can). The driver must go to the correct house and carry the corresponding items to the front door, where a model of the NPC or player the order was taken from will open the door and take it and any other orders that house may have. If the delivery driver delivers an order to the wrong house, there will be no penalty, meaning that it can be delivered to the right costumer with no problem. They get 10 coins (which was previously 15 coins per order until updated back to 10 in the July 2018 update) per pizza and Fizzly delivered. If they deliver a rainbow pizza or Fizzly, then they will get 100 coins. The coins given will increase in quantity with the progressive addition of 2 coins for every order given to the same house.

Delivery is one of the most crucial jobs of the pizza place, with the other being Supplier, as it is the only way employees are paid without bonus checks or microtransactions. When a pizza is delivered, everyone earns money for it. It is important to have good delivery drivers, especially those who know to take advantage of the daily Double Time and Neon Time event, In Double Time each delivery earns everyone twice as much money. Double Time starts about every 30 minutes and lasts for 4. In Neon Time event, each delivery earns 100 money, Neon Time starts if someone spends 295 Robux on it, or sometimes it will start automatically. Neon Time lasts for 4 minutes.

Newer players can access a delivery tutorial by pressing a yellow button located near the locker. This tutorial can be played anytime, but it will not show up to players who deleted or finished it.


Suppliers are responsible for transporting the pizza ingredients, boxes, and sodas from the warehouse to the pizzeria using large trucks in order to keep resources available. The supplies are cubes of pizza dough, tomato sauce, cheese, pepperonis, sausages, Fizzly, and boxes. Depending on what supplies run out, progress within the pizza place is halted until the supplier restocks the missing supplies, so they must always watch for any items that are running low. The maximum number of resources that each item can be restocked to is 99, with no more being counted until that supply has lowered again. When the supply runs out, it will be marked with a 0, which will be flashing red.

There are two boards that show the stock of each supply: one in the pizza place's loading dock and another in the warehouse. Suppliers can check these boards to know which items need to be replenished. Towards the back of the warehouse, there are buttons with corresponding colors relating to specific supplies which the supplier can step on to produce the ingredient cubes, which can then be loaded into supply trucks.

Afterward, the supplier must drive the truck to the pizza place's loading dock, park in reverse, exit the truck, and pull the lever to release the boxes onto the conveyor belt.

Because the pizza place depends on having ingredients for orders, the supplier is possibly the most important job in the game. Suppliers must know how to stack the supplies so there are no "loose" boxes, which may fall off the truck or make the truck fling off the map. Luckily, delivery trucks can knock down trees and mailboxes. This can give suppliers an advantage if there are any obstacles on the road.

Newer players can access a supplier tutorial by pressing a yellow button located just in front of the buttons. This tutorial can be played anytime, but it will not show up to players who deleted or finished it.

On Break[]

Players who are not currently working are "On Break". Players will get this status by walking into their house or someone else's house or choosing to stay home during the job selection at the beginning of the game. Players who are "On Break" do not get coins when pizzas are delivered. However, they would receive paychecks if they worked before going on break. Since the December 2017 update, managers will be placed on break if they enter a house. A message will show up for the manager confirming if they want to go on break or not, and warning that someone else can become manager during that time. For trolls, this gives them a small advantage, because managers can't put them back to work unless they give up their jobs to walk into a troll's home.


When a new player joins the game, they are automatically given a house which they can customize. This house saves automatically, loading in whenever they join Work at a Pizza Place.

There are twelve houses on the map, divided into three sections: A (A1-A3), B (B1-B6) and C (C1-C3). The player's house will be placed into a random vacant location on one of these three streets. Any houses which are not occupied by players will be vacant (sporting gray paint and the Medium House upgrade) until a new player joins.

Houses are a way for players to spend and manage their hard-earned coins. Players can change the color of their house's walls, roofs, doors, and windows, as well as buy furniture from the in-game Catalog, which they can then place wherever they want in their house. Additionally, VIP only items, coins, and gamepasses can be bought with Robux.

Houses start off with the Shack House upgrade. Players can use the coins they earn from working, bonuses they get from the manager, their daily coins for joining the game, or buying house gamepasses to upgrade their house. These upgrades can expand the player's house size and floors (such as Large House, Two-Story House, and Backyard, as well as Mansion).

Formerly, players could rate houses, but this was removed since it was most likely considered unnecessary. A like button has been added to replace the rating system. You can find it under the Customization tab in the Catalog for 800 coins.


The following is an ordered list of all currently available house upgrades that players can progress through:

Name Cost Description
Shack Free A default house player will start with.
Tiny House 100 coins Makes house bigger than a Shack house.
Small House 1,200 coins This makes the house slightly bigger, allowing more items to be placed.
Medium House 3,700 coins The house will be turned into a much larger with space for extra walls. Vacant houses are always this size, adopting a standardized appearance.
Large House 5,200 coins Just like the second upgrade, it makes the house slightly larger.
Two Story House 14,900 coins This upgrade adds a second floor (with a staircase) to the house.
Three Story House 36,000 coins Another floor is added to the house, right above the second floor. It also adds a balcony and another door.
Backyard 40,000 coins Inserts a fenced-in area behind the house, a backdoor to the yard and a green button that can be pressed at any time if you wish to close your backyard, making it more private.
Basement 45,000 coins or 960 Robux Adds a basement to the house and another staircase.
Mansion 200,000 coins or 2300 Robux

This is the second largest upgrade available for the house. It is coming with features; Can hold 800 furniture pieces, place furniture in the front yard, a second balcony, custom ceiling/stair colors, and a wooden backyard fence. Plus an attic.


600,000 coins or 4200 Robux

As the largest and most expensive upgrade available for the house, the Estate contains nearly 2x the floor space, a new attic, giant garage, and also the ability to place furniture in garage and on the side of house.

Since an 2022 update, you can get Modern Houses after purchasing an Estate. Here are currently available modern houses:

Name Cost Description
Tiny Free A Tiny modern house, similar to Shack house, but it haves different look.
Small 40,000 coins Bigger modern house, where you can put more furniture than in Tiny house.
Garage 80,000 coins Similar to Small house, but it adds a Garage even if you don't have the gamepass.

Since 2023, there has been a second house slot added where you may rebuy the normal houses (not modern houses) for 50% more moneyz than the original price.

House upgrade gamepasses:

Name Cost Description
Garage 145 R$ Adds a separate garage that can spawn locked cars and paint on a car will stay on, even if you generate a new car.
Pontoon Boat 650 R$ Gives a luxury boat with a music player and 11 seats. (In 2018 the Pontoon Boat's music player was modified. As of the update, only the driver can hear the audio they play).

Shop (Catalog & The Dump)[]

Since the homes of new players have nothing in them, they are usually encouraged to customize their homes by buying furniture from the catalog, using in-game coins which they earn from completing their jobs. Another way of buying furniture is The Dump. The Dump offers discounts on items in the catalog and can have rarity items along with locked items which once purchased will unlock that item in the catalog. The discounts for the dump go up to 90%, which can be sold back to make a 15% profit as items are sold back at a 75% reduction of the original price. Mr. Builder owns The Dump (previously there were 2 clerks who can help you change the color of parts of your house in exchange for coins but paint buckets were issued to everyone from January 23, 2017, to replace this feature). The Dump was once closed from January 23, 2017, to January 31, 2019.

The catalog contains gear, furniture, etc., which can be purchased with coins. Once you buy something from the catalog, in order to use it or place it in your house, you must use the inventory (bag on top left corner). Use the removal tool (red X gear on 2nd row [gear row]) to remove furniture.

  • To start with, the game will offer you a free furniture item (previously 4). Open up the inventory (backpack icon) and click on the item to equip and place it in your house!
  • A free gift appears above your mailbox occasionally, which is a daily item. Touch the mailbox when the present icon is shown above your mailbox.


Coins are the only currency used in Work at a Pizza Place.

You can earn coins through the following:

  • Starter Check (500 coins — can only be obtained once)
  • Daily Check (200 coins, 400 with VIP)
  • Paycheck (Twice an in-game day, once in the daytime and once in nightfall)
  • Bonus Check (150 coins, given by the manager)
  • Uncashed Paycheck (If the player leaves without claiming the standard check)
  • Secret Island Chest (1500 coins — can only be obtained once)
  • Microtransactions
  • Selling unwanted items
  • Moneybag (maximum 2000 coins, each coin gives 200)



Pets (referred to as 'Zoobers') were added to the game during Christmas 2015. They can be purchased for 7,000 coins. The player can customize their Zoober upon purchase and can have 3 active at a time. The Zoobers will float near you but can be held in the player's hand if instructed to. The player can disable their Zoober any time by simply clicking the green button on the bottom right, and click it again to re-activate the Zoober.


The player can purchase accessories for their Zoober through the top hat button in the Pet interface. Only 1 accessory can be worn by a Zoober at a time.


The player will need to frequently check the Pet tab on the top of their screen to check on their Zoober's stats. The 4 stats are:

  • Hunger
  • Sleep
  • Fun
  • Pet

These need to be frequently checked on, and if one of the stats are low, the player can click on the correct button representing the stat to increase it (e.g. If the Zoober's sleep stats are low, click the "Sleep" button to put them to sleep). Zoober with very low stats has a tendency to cry or appear sleepy.

Since the update of the new pet GUI, caretaking is no longer available and the only way to make the pet sad or cry is to make them sleep and then jump.


New Pets[]

A new kind of pets were added in November 2023. Unlike the older pets, they have to be taken care of as they give random abilities for the player to use.


  • 🐶 (Pets) - Shows the pets equipped or in daycare.
  • 🍕 (Pepperoni) - Feeds the pet a pepperoni pizza.
  • 🍕 (Cheese) - Feeds the pet a cheese pizza.
  • 🍕 (Sausage) - Feeds the pet a sausage pizza.
  • 🖐️ (Pet) - Petting it will zoom the screen into the pet's face and the player is given a option to give them love.
  • 👐 (Hold) - The player will hold the pet with both arms.
    • 🤾‍♂️ (Throw) - The pet is thrown by the player, harming them and lowering their happiness. Doing so lots of times will kill the pet. It appears when pressing hold.
    • 🛑 (Stop) - The pet will be released from the player.
  • 🤚 (Stay) - The pet will stat in a fixed location and cannot move (though it can turn) until the player sets it free.
    • 🛑 (Stop) - Releases the pet from the fixed location.
  • 🎩 (Hats) - Hats bought for the pet will be shown.
  • 📊 (Stats) - Shows full information about the pet's name, happiness, mood, birthday, age, personality, favorite food and ability.


There are two ways for the pet's life to end.

  • If neglected for a few hours, a pet will die.
  • The player can kill the pet directly by throwing them until it dies of its injuries. Once low on mood, the pet's GUI will become black and a death counter will show up. It will increase if nothing is done. It can be however prevented instantly the petting it.


All stickers

A picture of all stickers which can be obtained.

Stickers were added to the game on September 15, 2018, and function as cosmetic decorations which players can collect and apply to walls for aesthetic purposes. Their color determines the rarity, which ranges from Common (Blue), Uncommon (Green), Rare (Yellow) and Legendary (Purple). They were originally awarded for free through a daily reward system but were later changed to be available through serving customers who arrive with a capsule in their hand. Once the customer's order is delivered, it will award all players currently working at the time with a random sticker. Stickers can also be purchased using Robux from vendors in the main dining area of the restaurant and rolling a duplicate sticker will award the player with coins.


A customer holding an uncommon sticker capsule.

Employee Benefits[]

The manager has the power to hand out employee benefits to hard-working employees. There are two kinds of employee benefits: Bonus checks and Employee of the Day.

  • Bonus checks can be handed out by the manager for hard work. These are blue, 150 coins checks which can be cashed instantly. There is a 10-minute cool down for handing out bonus checks.
  • The Employee of The Day is a highly sought-after award that managers may appoint an employee for. The employee of the day is commemorated with a golden plaque of their avatar in the cashier room, manager's office, and the pizza boxing room. There is a 15-minute cool down between selecting employees of the day. Apart from having your name on the wall, this has no benefits.

Party Island[]

Party Island is a game that can be teleported to from Work at a Pizza Place. The game allows players to customize their house and throw parties, where other players can dance and explore other people's houses. DJ booths are popular party items. The map, unlike the regular game, only features houses, and lots of people can play.

Players can teleport through the tall portal next to The Dump.

Easter Eggs[]

  • It is possible to push a customer away from the cashier area and even carry them on your head. Walk into a customer until they move and jump onto your head. When they are on your head, you can take them to an oven, get them off your head, shove them in the oven, close the door, and bake them alive. They can be still interacted with normally, even when burnt to a crisp. After a while, the burnt customer will despawn. It is unknown if this is intentional or not.
  • There is a rocky island far northwest of the back of the pizza place. On the island, there is a treasure chest that will give you a one-time prize of 700 coins upon being opened.
    • An additional jungle-like island can be found southeast of the front of the pizza place. This island has a small shelter with a homeless man whom you used to be able to sell your unwanted items to. Eventually, the homeless man was moved to the side of the old dump, until the dump renovation update came out, then he was moved back to the island, and you could no longer sell things to him. Now, you can sell unwanted items to the person at the front counter of the dump. To the east of the jungle island, there is a tropical island with a shelter, a homeless man whom you can't talk to, and a cave.
  • Near the drive-thru is a secret room that has a dark brown wall. It contains a "Can You Keep a Secret?" poster, along with a rusty working soda machine and a dirty restaurant table with chairs. It's possible to see players in the pizza boxing area, through the ovens from the kitchen, and a little bit of the cashier area through semi-transparent walls that can't be seen through the other side. Additionally, it is possible to get into the upper ovens by climbing a truss that is located behind them and entering them through a roof that has no collision. The semi-transparent walls are one-sided only, meaning that only those who are inside the secret room are able to see through.
  • There is an Easter Egg which teleports you to the Work at a Burger Place game. It can be found by swimming towards Rock Island near house C2 and touching the mini Krusty Krab restaurant located under the water where you will be teleported to the game. You must have detailed water enabled in order for this to work.
  • There used to be an underwater tunnel with a skeleton inside of it near house A3. This tunnel has since been moved to near house C3, while its previous location now hosts an empty, large tunnel that you can swim through. At the end of said empty, large tunnel, the water ends, and you can sit under the map.
  • If you fly above the pizza place using a hang glider, you will encounter a customer NPC floating in the sky, if a player tries to communicate with the NPC using the dialog all the choices will simply be "LOL" as demonstrated in this video.

    The entrance to the current tunnel.


    The end of the current tunnel, which takes you underneath the map.

Double Time Event & Special Pizzas[]

During the Double Time event which will happen occasionally in the game, players and customers would be able to walk faster and orders turn to gold pizzas. During Neon Time event, players and customers would be able to walk faster and orders turn to rainbow pizzas. Special pizzas are pizzas that will increase the money gained for completing a regular order.

  • If the order is golden, you will get double the amount of money.
  • If the order is rainbow, you will get 10 times the amount of money. Rainbow pizzas and Fizzly makes a sparkling sound when nearby.
  • During Double time, all pizzas are golden for 4 minutes. When Double Time ends, all of the pizzas go back to normally, except the pizzas that were supposed to be golden in the first place.
  • During Neon Time, all pizzas are rainbow for 4 minutes. When Neon Time ends, all of the pizzas go back to normallym except the pizzas that were supposed to be rainbow in the first place.

Game passes[]

There are 13 gamepasses. Every gamepass is permanent.

Name Cost Description
VIP 990 Robux
  • 50% more coins per paycheck.
  • X2 more coins in Daily checks.
  • You can use your paint bucket to change the material of your boat, car, or house.
  • The manager cannot put you back to work or nominate you for a ban.
  • Able to invite players to teleport to your house to have a party.
  • Able to teleport back to your house at any time.
  • Access to neon floors in the catalog.
  • Crown icon next to a name.
  • Yellow text chat.
Manager Teleporter 80 Robux Teleports you to the manager's chair as soon as the manager quits their job.
Hang Glider 65 Robux See the pizza place from a new perspective. WARNING: Do not attempt to use hang glider while in free fall.
Large House 960 Robux Three Story House that has a backyard and basement.
Pizza Delivery Vehicle 225 Robux Cruise around in your sweet pizza delivery vehicle. Click 'X' to turn on your headlights and 'H' to honk.
Pontoon Boat 650 Robux Take your friends on trips to different islands. Features a music player and seats up to 11 people.
Garage 195 Robux Adds a garage to your house and your own personal car that no other players can steal. The colors you paint your car save.
Emoji Pack 75 Robux Express yourself with this emote expansion pack! *Disgust *Pass out *Shocked *Evil Laugh.
Mansion 2,300 Robux Can hold 800 furniture pieces! You can put stuff in your front yard! Second balcony! Custom ceiling colors, stair colors, and much more! Wooden backyard fence!
Golden Pizza Slicer 70 Robux Get 10% more moneyz on each pizza which was sliced with a golden slicer and delivered!
Radio 150


Show off your taste in music from your car radio to other nearby players.
Victorian Unlimited Set 400 Robux Place an unlimited number of Victorian style pieces in your house.
Animal Morph 200 Robux Be a dog or rat! More animals will be included in this gamepass in the future.
Estate 4,200 Robux
  • Free Jeep vehicle included
  • Nearly 2X the floor space!
  • New attic!
  • Giant garage!
  • Able to place furniture in the garage!
  • Able to place furniture on the side of your house


Obtainable Badges[]

Name Image Objective
Manager Manager Badge Give a bonus check to 15 players as manager.
Supplier Supplier Badge Bring a total of 500 supply boxes to the pizza place.
Delivery Delivery Badge Deliver 100 pizzas.
Pizza Boxer Pizza Boxer Badge Box 100 pizzas.
Cook Cook Badge Cook 100 pizzas.
Cashier Cashier Badge Take 100 customer orders.

Unobtainable Badges[]

Name Image Objective
Snowman Snowman Badge Help the snowman find his carrot nose.
Hard Worker Hard Worker Badge Earn the Joyful Bell Helmet by performing each job (except manager) 5 times. If you leave the game, your progress toward the joyful bell helmet will reset. Bring 5 supply boxes to the pizza place, take 5 customer orders, cook 5 pizzas, box 5 pizzas(or Fizzly), deliver 5 pizzas(or Fizzly). Players using mobile devices do not have to take 5 customer orders.
Find Robin Find Robin Badge Find Robin hidden on the map.
Pizza Hat Pizza Hat Badge Unknown.
Find the zombie Find the zombie Badge Unknown.
Boombox Backpack Boombox Backpack Badge Collect a pizza from a community pizza launcher during the pizza party event.
Pizza Mohawk Pizza Mohawk Badge Unknown.
Purple Afro Purple Afro Badge Unknown.
Disco Hat Disco Hat Badge Unknown.


ROBLOX Holiday 2014 Event[]

Main article: ROBLOX Holiday 2014

This is the first time for featuring in an event. The objective is need to do all job 10 times, expect Manager and On Break jobs to get the Joyful Bell Helmet. The second objective is need to find to the carrot nose in spawn-points to get the Snowman's Carrot Nose.

Teen Titans Go! Event[]

Main article: Teen Titans Go!

This is the second time for featuring in an event. The objective is need to find tiny Robin spawning throughout the game to get the Robin's Mask.

Disney Infinity Event[]

Main article: Disney Infinity

This is the third time for featuring in an event. The objective is need to deliver 30 times in the server to get the Pizza Place Hat.


This was a third party event with the game Blink (outside of roblox), created by Dued1's brother. If you purchased Blink, you could get special items in Work at a Pizza Place.

BLOXtober 2015 Event[]

Main article: BLOXtober 2015

This event is the fourth one held in the game. The objective is need to find the tiny zombie, which spawns in random places to get the Nerf Bandana.

Pizza Party Event[]

Main article: Pizza Party

This is the fifth time for featuring in an event. The objective is need to touch a pizza that has been shot from a Community Pizza Launcher to get the Boombox Backpack. The second objective is need to touch a pizza that has been shot from a Developer Pizza Launcher to get the Pizza Mohawk. The third objective is need to touch a pizza that has been shot from a Video Star Pizza Launcher to get the Purple Party Fro. The fourth objective is need to touch a pizza that has been shot from a Admin Pizza Launcher to get the Disco Ball Helmet.

Game Staff[]

These players are members of the staff team for Work at a Pizza Place.

Moderators can be identified in-game with the [MOD] tag in chat, green chat text and ban hammer in the player list.


Community Managers[]



  • English
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Turkish
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Italian
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Korean
  • Dutch
  • Japanese
  • Malay
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • Fizzly was originally Mountain Dew, and Builder Brothers Pizza was originally Hot and Fresh Pizza Pizza, but they were most likely changed due to copyright.
  • One of the wrong responses you used to be able to say to customers was "Hi, I'm Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?", this is a line from the 2003 Christmas comedy film, Elf.
  • On March 30, 2018, Dued1 released two new exclusive items and double cash for two days as part of the game's 10th anniversary.
    • However, contrary to popular belief, Work at a Pizza Place was released in January 2009. The game ID originally occupied one of the Easter eggs of the game; Work at the Krusty Krab.
  • The game was the first to achieve 100 million visits on the platform.
  • On October 11, 2018, the game surpassed one billion visits.
  • Work at a Pizza Place has won an award for "Best Mobile Game" during the 4th Annual Bloxy Awards. Including the award, the game has been nominated 3 times throughout 3 Bloxy Award shows.
  • There is a way to "reset" the Remove Manager counter as a Manager without having to step on the vote button. First, click a player. Then, go to your office and make sure no one is in there. Finally, click the "Quit my job" button, and quickly sit on the executive chair.
  • You used to be able to use the Snowball and Pumpkin Trophy gears to knock the manager into the Remove Manager button, which would cause them to automatically quit their job. This method of removing the manager became very popular, and has since been removed from the game.
  • Supplier and Cashier are the only fully independent jobs in the game, meaning that they do not have to rely on someone doing another job before they can perform theirs.
  • Many features that had been removed were re-introduced later such as the drive-thru, job switch notifications, and double-time.
  • Obtaining the Delivery badge will grant the user the Pizza Boy skin in Arsenal.
  • There was a way that you could get inside the manager's office via the window and using the sleep emote to glitch through it in and out. This glitch has been since patched.
  • Contrary to popular belief, you are not paid for how many tasks you do, you are paid for how many pizzas are delivered if you worked that day.
    • This means clicking a user's pizza before it goes through the conveyor belt slot does not affect them nor give you extra money for doing nothing.
  • The current in-game soundtrack is the 3 album since the release of the experience, being the added in 2023. Kyle Allen Music made the current and the 2016-2023 second album version. The first version is made up by songs from Andrea Quarin, Raffaele De Leonardo, Owen Mulcahy; and extra songs by Sungtae Kim, Geoff Harvey and Basspartout.