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If I give you this suit then they'll come for you... and they'll find me. Maybe not tomorrow, but eventually. They will kill me for it. I don't care if I die, I may as well already be dead. But they will also kill Jen, and I can't risk that.

Agent Mochou is a former spy for the People's Liberation Army featuring in the Settler questline in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


A lifelong agent trained from birth in the People's Republic of China for this singular purpose,[1] Mochou, under the threat of death, was assigned to the American theater and worked closely with other communist operatives against the American war effort. Orders and a lifetime of being shaped to think as Chinese commanders wanted her to think resulted in an incredibly capable and loyal agent until the Great War happened and Mochou realized the two superpowers both lied to their people, manipulating them like puppets.

Once she saw the puppeteers, she realized she wanted nothing to do with any of it; she did not wish to return to China and fled into the wasteland instead. Mochou fell in love with a man who was another Chinese spy and she gave birth to Jen sometime after the War; both the relationship and Jen's birth were forbidden under the Chinese orders.[2] Jen's parents taught her Chinese, how to scavenge in the wasteland to survive, and taught a healthy skepticism of capitalism, though not the principles of communist thought. The family lived together in the Capital Wasteland.[3]

Mochou assumed that all governments had fallen, including China. However, she was wrong: Another pre-War asset, loyal to the communist cause beyond nuclear fire,[4] tracked her down using trackers embedded in her gear, and presented an ultimatum: Follow orders or have her and her family be killed. Sometime around 2092,[5] she abandoned her family, disappearing overnight, to avoid dragging them into the invisible war.[6][7] Jen and her father moved on, assuming Mochou had died, and Jen began to forget her mother's face and what she looked like.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon interactions dead
This character can be killed.
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Invisible Ties: Mochou is located as part of the quest and depending on the player character's decisions, she will die, become estranged from her daughter, or join the settlers at Foundation.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • If Mochou is spared and settles in Foundation, Samuel will tell her and Jen about a doctor who can change Mochou's face.[8]
  • If the player character chooses to kill Mochou, which can only be done if the dialogue to attack Mochou while talking to Jen is chosen, Mochou's essential status will be disabled and Jen will shout, "Wait!" Mochou can be killed and she will not fight back. A Chinese officer sword can be looted from Mochou. Jen will mention she needs a moment and asks to talk once she gets back to Foundation. She will continue to work with Foundation until All That Glitters, in which she will mention she's going to bury her mother beside her father to the north in the Capital Wasteland.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Chinese stealth armor (initially)
Laundered green dress (at Foundation)
Chinese officer sword


Agent Mochou appears in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Mochou is the name of a legendary Chinese woman, who is the subject of a number of ancient tales.
  • Mochou (莫愁) means "free of sadness" in Chinese.



  1. Vault Dweller: "So you were a spy before the war, too?"
    Mochou: "Yes. I was trained from childhood to do this job. It's all I knew, I never chose any of this. It was either follow orders or die."
    (Mochou's dialogue)
  2. Vault Dweller: "What's China like?"
    Jen: "I honestly have no idea. I was born here sometime after the war and I've lived here my whole life. Mostly in the Capital Wasteland. My parents didn't talk about it much. I know they didn't want to go back, that they weren't supposed to have me or fall in love with each other. We were just a normal family of survivors, except sometimes my parents had to go do things. Then one day my mom just never came home."
    (Jen's dialogue)
  3. Vault Dweller: "Where did you all come from?"
    Jen: "Oh, I joined up with them north of here a while back. They seem to be from all over this region. My family used to live in what's now the Capital Wasteland."
    (Jen's dialogue)
  4. Vault Dweller: "Someone tracked you down? Who?"
    Mochou: "Another pre-war asset, very loyal to the cause. They only come here occasionally to check up on us... but trust me, you don't ever want to meet them."
    (Mochou's dialogue)
  5. Jen: "The entry you're looking for would have been broadcast daily since about... 11 years ago."
    (Jen's dialogue)
  6. Vault Dweller: "Why didn't you just leave after the bombs fell?"
    Mochou: "I did! They tracked me down with tracers in my gear, years later. I thought everything was all over, that the governments were all gone, that I was free. If I had known, I would have thrown it all away and just hoped for the best. I thought holding on to it would save my life, but I was wrong. So wrong."
    (Mochou's dialogue)
  7. Mochou: "If I give you this suit then they'll come for you... and they'll find me. Maybe not tomorrow, but eventually. They will kill me for it. I don't care if I die, I may as well already be dead. But they will also kill Jen, and I can't risk that."
    (Mochou's dialogue)
  8. Vault Dweller: "What're you going to do now?"
    Jen: "I'm going to help my mom get settled in at Foundation, show her all our decadent consumerist ways. Samuel told us about a doctor who can change your face... so we might look at doing that down the road. If they can do it for a ghoul."
    (Jen's dialogue)