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Agent in charge. That's why they call me AC. I direct this whole operation. It's my job to try and establish a new, gold backed currency. We'll bring civilization back to this corner of the country.

Derek Garrison, also known by the nicknames AC and Dirk, is the leader of the Secret Service in Appalachia.


Derek is the agent in charge of the operations within Vault 79 (giving him his nickname "AC"). He was put in charge thanks to Secret Service regulations.[1] His job is to try to create a new currency backed in gold. According to him, he and his fellow Secret Service members will bring back civilization to the East Coast.[2]

Derek recorded a holotape about being able to hear the bombs drop from within the vault during the Great War.

Derek survived a coup attempt by Shorty and spent the time afterward just listening to the radio.[1] When Mercedes Stern was pregnant with Maggie, he threw a baby shower for her.[3] However, now he faces a new crisis. The vault's reactor has malfunctioned, turning many of his former subordinates into feral ghouls who in turn killed more agents. He and several others managed to lock themselves into a secure, though small and poorly supplied, part of the vault where they await an unlikely rescue.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Secrets Revealed: Derek and others must be rescued from their predicament in the vault. After fixing the reactor, Chase Terrier needs to be dealt with. Derek can be convinced to either kill or spare him. Afterward, he will try to negotiate for the gold to be returned in exchange for military schematics.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Dirty black suit


Derek Garrison appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Reginald Stone's journal
  2. Vault Dweller: "What do you do here?"
    Derek Garrison: "Agent in charge. That's why they call me AC. I direct this whole operation. It's my job to try and establish a new, gold backed currency. We'll bring civilization back to this corner of the country."
    (Derek Garrison's dialogue)
  3. Chase Terrier's journal
  4. Vault Dweller: "What happened down here?"
    Derek Garrison: "We were doing routine work in this part of the vault when the reactor went. Next thing we knew half our people were turned into monsters trying to kill us. Worse, the fighting activated the security systems and robots. It was either lock ourselves in here or die. That was almost three months ago. We're running out of food and water, so it's a good thing you showed up."
    (Derek Garrison's dialogue)