WP Engine Reviews

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Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Must read (very detailed)

Don't even know where to start.
Tried migrating my site over from UNOEURO (WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE PROBABLY)

Just launched a new website, and we wanted quicker loading speed, so I read that WpEngine would be a good solution.
Tried the "automated migration" they offer, apparently, that doesn't work, since you cant "auto" with Wordpress. The funny thing here, WP Engine = Wordpress Engine, and it can't automate through Wordpress. Ridiculous.

Now okay, I then try the manual migration. That makes everything worse, now getting fatal errors, plugins don't work, themes don't work. Absolutely insane. Back and forth with the support team, and no one seems to know jack sh** about anything, you have to be a specialized SFTP, the fu****g advanced WordPress ex PHP file user to even get your way around this.

Tried several times with this, backing up, uploading and so forth, with no luck what so ever. Then after like 5th try suddenly my page wasn't responding, and everything went full slide and wrong fonts and so on.
This they couldn't help with, the only thing they would know how to do, was to do a "fresh" backup from before.

I spent nearly three days back and forth with this s*** and now they want me to do a backup again. At this point, I felt my head exploding, and my inner Mike Tyson came through, wanting to punch these guys through the screen. Gave up on this horrible company and poorly educated support team, and asked for a refund.

Staying at UNOEURO until I find something more reliable.
Read for yourself if you think it's worth your time trying this hosting provider.

Furious regards,
Robin Sand

Date of experience: August 30, 2018

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

WP Engine has become a different animal over the past 12 months...

WP Engine has become a different animal over the past 12 months. They have always been an expensive way of hosting websites but I have had my personal and corporate accounts with them for 2-3 years now.

There support was always outstanding - really friendly people where nothing was too much trouble. I leaned on a bit of advice from these support guys once or twice and they were always exceptional. That always justified the high end hosting pricing for me.

However they have moved into support that is average and doesn't really seem to care like they once did and have introduced major hikes in pricing. What was 10 sites costing me $99 per month had had to be cut to 5 sites costing me $115.

Numbers are obviously much greater on corporate site.

As i say, a different animal, and as soon as I get the time I will start the project of moving away from them.

Date of experience: August 15, 2018

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

lacking behind

Pushing changes via git is throttled (< 100KiB/s). Overall I got the impression that the management console did not get much attention in the past time. The tooling is not up to date industry best-practices.

Would not recommend.

Date of experience: June 28, 2018

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Absolutely excellent onboarding process

Absolutely excellent onboarding process

Live chat instantly available with operators who answered every question no matter how tedious from a first time wordpress installer.

Their backend services are very easy to use and integration with wordpress systems such as prompting backups is great.

Couldn't recommend more.

Date of experience: May 08, 2018

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

WP Engine Review - The Best WordPress Hosting For 2018

Hi I’m Roman from WP Rocket. As a webmaster, I can’t stress the importance of web hosting enough. It’s one of those aspects of your website you do not want to skimp.

Web hosting is the backbone of your site. Ensuring the quality of your web host is absolutely crucial with today’s high standards for SEO and user experience.

With that being said, If you were to ask me who is the best WordPress hosting provider for the money? I’d say WP Engine without a doubt judging by sheer performance.

WP Engine is the best premium WordPress host, hands down. However, it comes with a premium price. Can you can swing $35 bucks a month?

Read our full in-depth WP Engine review at wprocket.co

Date of experience: April 25, 2018

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

Bad performance and billing practices

Bad performance and billing practices, lots of "emergency maintenance" and infrastructure issues on a regular basis. I caught wpengine over-billing me by fudging the site traffic numbers (by 2 magnitudes no less). Also be aware that when they "refund" you, they just credit your wpengine account and you have to call to actually get the money back onto your credit card. I will be moving off their service for sure as they have just informed me that they will be increasing my monthly bill by about 40% starting in 5 months. I wouldn't even consider staying, mostly because the website performance is quite horrible from whatever corner-cutting they are doing behind the scenes. I really regret choosing them as I have to move all these sites again!

Date of experience: April 01, 2018

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

ok but not for me

They are remarkably expensive, I am not really sure how they justify the cost.

I tried them but left for various reasons, server kept going down which is strange as from what I know they use Google servers, so it leads me to believe they are installing multiple WordPress instances on the same server - cutting costs.

If you a really want a good reliable service get your own managed server.

Date of experience: November 11, 2017

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Poor product knoweldge from staff - service offering has huge gaps

I signed up for WPengine after speaking with a helpful sales guy (UK based). The server needed to include 2x installations of Wordpress, one for the website and another for the blog (it was actually a news site for SEO, but for the purposes of this review we will just call it a blog) www.(main)fistwpinstall.co.uk/(blog)secondWPinstall/ I was informed I could do this on the personal plan, no problem. Yey!

On signing up, paying for a year on the personal plan with UK Data centre, I figure this is not possible by doing some research. I spoke to a colleague via the chat box to clarify, and they tell me I need to buy a Professional Plan unless I add an additional website (at an additional $14 a month) and add set up a forwarder on the DNS for the sub domain, not happy I use a second account (Which I purchased with the original order but was hoping to use it for another website, but this is a different story) So I install the blog and try to set this up via the DNS - Im struggling at this point so I speak to another Technical advisor via the Chatbox and he informs me, no, this can not be done! - As you can imagine, not happy at this point!

I speak to the original chap on the phone again who advises I upgrade to the professional plan. A little unhappy, I ask to speak to his Boss. I don't understand why it is so difficult to add a second installation of WordPress on the server and why this is going to cost me an additional $700, so when you include UK data Centre this works out at $1500 total.

I understand the benefits of using WPEngine; I get it! I just don't know how you can go from a plan that allows 1x WordPress install to a plan that accepts ten installs. I don't need ten installs; I only need 1 install and sub folder with wordpress installed for the website blog, how is this so difficult for WPengine to understand, surley most companies have this? why are you talking to me like I am the first person to ever ask this question.

IN short, I have spoken with two people on the phone - employee 1x didn't have a clue what he was talking about. The other (his manager) didnt understand the point I was trying to raise, he was very abrupt and kind of told me to go away, they're not interested, "The product is not for me, and I need to find another server, WP Engine isn't suitable for you riff-raff" (he didn't say riff-raff, I made that up, but that was how I interpreted it. Secondly the support staff on the chat facility the first person did not have a clue, she took a long time to get back with replies, she must have been the 1st day on the job. She kept referring me back to blog posts for answers. She gave me the wrong advice and wasted a good few hours of my time. The 2nd chap I spoke to on the chat - in all fairness he was very knowledgeable, he shot from the hip, was very to the point and didn't skirt around any of the points I was raising.

If any of the management at WPEngine are reading this I would ask that you, please look over this case, you very clearly have issues that need addressing. Some of your employees don't know the product they sell, and you have a big gap in your service offering. I am now going to go back to the drawing board and try to find another server - a full 3/4 hours of my life wasted!

Date of experience: August 21, 2017

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Worst hosting experience ever

Worst hosting experience ever! 3 times in less than 4 months the server was down 5, 6 and 7 hours because of DDOS attacks. Not against us but other websites on the same server.

At our old one dollar hosting provider they could reroute DDOS attacks in minutes. But at WP Engine, where you pay at least 30 times as much, they just do not have the skills.

"Funny" thing is:
We moved because we wanted more security and to be sure to keep a solid uptime.

What we got was 30 times higher costs, wasted money on online advertising through the down time and properly lost leads.

Date of experience: August 09, 2017

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Incredible Service!

Cannot fault WPEngine. The support team are absurdly good - they always seem to go above and beyond my expectations and have helped me out many times when I was at a loose end. I can't recommend WP Engine enough! Thanks!

Date of experience: June 01, 2017

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

The best Wordpress hosting solution

1) Support - They know more about Wordpress than other services and always available via live chat.

2) Speed - Sites load rapid compared with many other providers.

3) Development - Staging server is genius! makes making revisions safer and better. Makes redesigning an entire website far less painfull.

Date of experience: January 20, 2017

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

bad service and poor support

I bought wpengine for 3 reasons.

1) Performance
2) Security
3) support

The performance is ok, however many other hosts can follow their speed nowerdays .. with PHP7 and HHVM ect.

Security - my site has been hacked twice .. atlthough they promised extreme security ...

when i asked how it happend and if i can get more security, i am told to find another host..

in my opinion, its not worth the money. I am moving after such a flippant reply from support.

Date of experience: May 31, 2016

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I trust WP Engine with the key part of my business

I have hosted sites with WP Engine for over 2 years now. I started out with a 10 site package and hosted some of my smaller sites with it. I hosted my main websites on 2 VPS's. My initial thought was to try out WPEngine with my smaller sites and then move my key sites over once I saw how it worked.

I was drawn to WPEngine because of the daily backups, staging sites and support - I didn't have any of this easily with my VPS. I was also finding that it was expensive to hire people to run updates on my VPS to keep it up to date.

It actually took me over a year to transfer my main site to WPEngine - my reason for it taking so long was that I was worried about the migration process and any downtime during this.

Last summer WPEngine added a new site migration tool to my dashboard and this looked like what I needed to use. I knew that my existing 10 site contract wasn't going to be sufficient once I moved my main site over as its size and visitors would have taken me up to the limits of this contract.

I sent a message to WP Engine asking some questions about my upgrade options and they booked a phone appointment with me. They answered my questions easily and I decided to upgrade to their Premium plan - I didn't feel pressurised into this upgrade - it was my decision as I wanted peace of mind that I can continue to grow my sites without looking at visitor numbers or site sizes - I know I have capacity and if there is a spike in traffic I am covered.

The migration process was easy. If you follow the steps in the video it works perfectly and quickly - as I say my main site is pretty large and image heavy, the whole migration was less than 2 hours with no downtime.

I was concerned at first at how much I am paying for the Premium plan. However when I added up what I spent on the VPS's I had, back up services, maintenance etc its about what I was paying.

I moved all my sites to WPEngine in November 2015 - its been a good decision for my business. My sites are faster, I have the peace of mind that they are secure and that I have technical help when I need it. I also know that my sites are backed up everyday and the staging sites are a godsend.

My move to WPEngine has been a good business decision and I now focus on content and growing my sites.

I did experience a few days of downtime in December 2015 when the servers were attacked. The support staff were quite straight with me with what was going on - which is all you can ask in such situations.

Date of experience: March 27, 2016

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Special Hosting Requirements

My wife's business currently runs on Word Press. Because she uses Infusionsoft with a membership plugin called Memberium, she needed a hosting company that could accommodate specific technical needs.

WP Engine was able to handle these needs. The plugin's reps worked directly with WP Engine's reps to set things up and the migration plugin made very easy for me, a non-technical guy. The WP Engine customer service team has since resolved with a number of technical questions by chat, with good follow up on all tickets.

We have not had any problems with hosting since moving over and it was nice to be able to easily buy an SSL certificate, which can be difficult with some hosting providers.

Date of experience: March 18, 2016

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Better WordPress Hosting Than Rackspace

WP Engine has made our sites faster and more secure.

We host around 30 - 40 active sites at any given time.

When we were hosting with Rackspace's Cloud Sites servers, it was only a matter of time until one of our sites would inevitably be infected with malware. It would take hours or sometimes days to isolate the problem and figure out a fix.

Not the case with WP.

We've been with WP Engine now for over a year and have never had an issue. It saves us time, provides us with a platform we can trust and doesn't cost too much in comparison with other leading hosting providers.

Support is always helpful and it has some cool features that only WP Engine provides.

Date of experience: March 11, 2016

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great product, great team.

I can't say enough good things about WP Engine. We've been comfortably using an alternative solution for years, and just recently moved our first client over to WP Engine, and we're sold. I've met a few members of their staff at various conferences, and these are really sharp people who share their knowledge to help others succeed online. Good folks over there.

Date of experience: March 10, 2016

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

A great choice for Wordpress sites

My job is maximizing the revenue that business websites generate. There are two things that can work against that goal: slow performance and downtime. Our business relies on Wordpress and WPEngine. We enjoy the highest load times, little down time and we don't have to take our site down for days because of getting hacked. WPEngine is the reason. If you run a Wordpress site, consider WPEngine. If your business relies on a Wordpress site, get on WPEngine now.

Date of experience: March 04, 2016