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Law: Law No. 81 on Personal Data Protection 2019 (only available in Spanish here) ('the Law'), and Executive Decree No. 285 of 18 May 2021 that regulates Law No. 81 on Personal Data Protection (only available in Spanish here) ('the Decree')

Regulator: National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information ('ANTAI')

Summary: The Law entered into force on 29 March 2021. The Law, which is further regulated by the Decree, governs the principles, rights, obligations, and procedures in relation to the protection of personal data in Panama. More specifically, the law provides for, among other things, consent procedures for the processing of personal data, obligations for the cross-border processing of personal data originating in Panama, and a Personal Data Protection Council with advising power and functions.

In addition, there are several other laws, such as the National Constitution of the Republic of Panama, which regulate personal data protection. The Constitution outlines the right to privacy of personal communications and documents, the right to access information contained in databases held by public bodies or by private persons providing public services, as well as to request the correction, rectification, or deletion of such information.


Cybersecurity is a crucial topic for national prosperity, now more than ever. Siaska SSS Lorenzo, Managing Partner at Arias Law, discusses how Panama has taken steps to reduce this growing threat.

Law No. 81 on Personal Data Protection ('PDPL') entered into force on 29 March 2021, and was regulated on 29 May 2021 through Executive Order 285/2021 ('the Order'), creating a wide range of details and parameters to be followed. Siaska SSS Lorenzo, Managing Partner at Arias Law, discusses the Order and how it expands upon the PDPL.