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Law: Currently, there is no general data protection law in Cameroon.

Regulator: Not applicable.

Summary: While the preparation of a general data protection bill is currently ongoing, at present privacy-oriented legal provisions are to be found in various pieces of legislation, as well as in landmark case law. The Constitution of Cameroon, for instance, provides for the right to protection against any privacy interference and for the right to the privacy of correspondence. Other notable laws include Law No. 2010/012 of 21 December 2010 on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime in Cameroon, which sets out provisions on the protection of individuals' privacy, data retention periods, and electronic communications confidentiality. In relation to privacy rights' violations, in the landmark case Mrs. MBOCK Frankline Junior v. Les Films TERRE AFRICAINE and Les Brasseries du Cameroun it was held that the mere evidence of the violation of privacy gives rise to a right to monetary compensation, without the need to establish that a concrete damage was suffered.