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Law: Personal Data Protection Law 79/08, 70/09, 044/12, and 022/17 (only available to download in Montenegrin here) ('PDPL')

Regulator: Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information ('AZLP')

Summary: The PDPL is based on Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC) and is currently being revised in order to be in closer alignment with the GDPR. Further to the same, the AZLP was granted observer status in the European Data Protection Board ('EDPB') in 2018, allowing the AZLP to attend the EDPB's plenary meetings and monitor its work, with the aim of aligning the PDPL with the GDPR. The PDPL contains provisions on, among other things, special categories of data, data subject rights, data transfers, and measures to safeguard personal data. In addition, the PDPL establishes the role of the AZLP and outlines the calculation of penalties for violating the PDPL.