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Law: Law of 11 May 2010 No. 998-IIIQ on Personal Data (only available in Azerbaijani here) ('the Personal Data Law')

Regulator: Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies ('the Ministry')

Summary: The Personal Data Law is supplemented by several Decrees including the Requirements for the Protection of Personal Data (only available in Azerbaijani here) and the Regulations on Transmission of Personal Data Collected and Processed at Corporate Information Systems to Third Parties on Fee Basis (only available in Azerbaijani here). The Personal Data Law provides general data protection requirements including regarding data subject rights, obligations of data controllers and processors, and restrictions on data transfers. The Ministry is authorised to conduct inquiries and adopt measures, although it has not been particularly active in enforcing the Personal Data Law. Azerbaijan is also a member of the Council of Europe and signatory to several major international treaties which stipulate privacy related requirements, including the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data ('Convention 108').