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Law: Please note this State does not have a general privacy law in effect, you can visit USA State Law Tracker to monitor the progress of US State bills.

Regulator: The Arizona Attorney General ('AG')

Summary: There is currently no comprehensive privacy bill in the State of Arizona, although there have been recent attempts at such legislation though no bill for general privacy legislation has yet been passed. Regarding breach and data security requirements, these are regulated under Arizona's breach notification law under §18-552 of the Arizona Revised Statutes which requires, among other things, businesses to notify consumers and the AG in the event of a data breach. The AG holds the power to sanction violations of the law and issue penalties.


House Bill ('HB') 2069 for the Arizona Genetic Information Privacy Act, under §44-7921 et seq. of Chapter 38 of Title 44 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, came into effect on 29 September 2021, after receiving signature by the Arizona State Governor on 20 April 2021. The Act, among other things, provides provisions on genetic testing and direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies, stipulates various forms of consent that must be obtained before processing genetic data, describes organisations excluded from its application, and stipulates enforcement action and penalties for non-compliance.