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  "Lakeside Resort" Current transcript
"Bus Depot"
"The Firefly Lab"  

The following is the full transcript of "Bus Depot", the tenth chapter of The Last of Us Part I.


Highway Exit[]

[Amongst a black background, "SPRING" appears in bold white letters at the bottom right of the screen. The screen cuts to Ellie Williams, facing an etching of a deer on a stone wall, deep in thought. Joel Miller inaudibly calls out to her from behind.]

Joel: [Muffled] Ellie. [Louder] Ellie! [The audio returns to normal. He yells even louder.] Ellie!

[Ellie turns around as the camera cuts to reveal Joel. They are on an overgrown highway, a sign above them reads "Salt Lake City".]

Joel: Did you hear me?

Ellie: No. What?

Joel: [Points to a sign reading "Hospital"] Look. Hospital. This is where we get off. [Waves Ellie over] Let's go, kiddo.

[The player now takes control of Joel. The pair start to walk down the highway, and Joel strikes up a conversation.]

Joel: Heh. You feel that breeze, huh? I tell you, on a day like this, I'd just sit on my porch, pick away at my six-string. [Pauses] Yeah, once we're done with this whole thing, I'm gonna teach you how to play a guitar. Yeah, I reckon you'd really like that. Whaddya say, huh?

[Ellie doesn't respond, continuing to space out. The player has the chance to interact with her, activating the ? optional conversation of the game. Doing so will trigger the following conversation.]

Joel: Ellie, I'm talkin' to you.

Ellie: [Tepidly] Huh? Oh, yeah, sure, that sounds great.

[They continue down the highway. Ellie briefly sits on the ground as Joel enters a nearby abandoned RV, finding the remains of a dead family inside.]

Joel: [Cringes] God…

[He searches the RV and exits, regrouping with Ellie standing outside by a city bus; an airlines advertisement is displayed on the side of it.]

Ellie: I dreamt about flying the other night.

Joel: Oh yeah?

Ellie: Yeah.

[The player is once again given the choice to continue the conversation by interacting with her. Doing so will trigger the ? optional conversation of the game.]

Joel: Go on, tell me about it.

Ellie: So, I'm on this big plane full of people. And everyone is screaming and yelling 'cause the plane's going down. So I walk to the cockpit, open the door, but there's no pilot. I try to use the controls, but… I obviously have no clue how to fly a plane. And right before we crash… I wake up. [Pauses] I've never been on a plane. Isn't that weird?

Joel: Hmpf. Well, you know, dreams are weird.

[They resume walking and get off on the subsequent highway exit. In front of them are the gates to an abandoned quarantine zone.]

Joel: Look at that… Another city, another abandoned quarantine zone.

[He climbs on top of the bus in front of the gates. The player will then be prompted to press L3, which triggers Joel to focus on the Saint Mary's Hospital and the following dialogue.]

Joel: There's that hospital the Firefly mentioned. C'mon, kiddo.

[Ellie follows him onto the bus. They both drop down on the other side of the gate and enter through the front doors of the Logan James Bus Station, just in front of them.]

Joel: Maybe we cut through here, huh?

[They both descend the stairs into the station and Ellie sits on a bench. The player is given the choice of activating the ? optional conversation of the game. After interacting with her, Joel will ask the following.]

Joel: Everything all right?

Ellie: Yeah, I'm fine.

Joel: You just kinda seem extra quiet today.

Ellie: Oh… Sorry.

Joel: No, i-it's not… [Sharply exhales] It's fine.

[Joel continues to search around the bus station. If the player finds the note to wife artifact in a nearby suitcase, Joel will comment after reading it.]

Joel: Psh. We didn't have a clue back then.

[Joel notices a ladder on a nearby ledge.]

Joel: Well, we could use that ladder. [He approaches the ledge and turns around.] Here we go.

[Joel takes a position so he can boost Ellie up onto the ledge. He waits a moment before looking up, realizing that Ellie isn't paying attention. He calls out to her.]

Joel: Ellie. [She doesn't respond. The camera pans to Ellie, still sitting on the bench. He calls out louder.] Ellie.

Ellie: What?

Joel: The ladder, c'mon.

Ellie: [Stands up] Right…

[She walks over and Joel boosts her up.]

Ellie: [Murmurs] Okay… [Rises to her feet.]

[She picks up the ladder and goes to set it down for Joel. She hears a noise behind her and she turns her head around.]

Ellie: Oh, my God… [Drops the ladder and runs off]

Joel: Woah! What is it? [She runs to the window and doesn't respond.] Ellie? Ellie?!

[Joel picks up the ladder and places it against the ledge. He climbs up onto the ledge behind Ellie.]

Ellie: Oh… you gotta see this! [Runs to the left]

Joel: What is it?

[He follows Ellie through a café as she looks out another set of windows. A silhouette is seen passing by.]

Joel: What the hell is—?

[Ellie leads him into a break room, with an opening in the wall to the outside. A giraffe is seen walking by for a split second.]

Ellie: Are you kidding me?

[She turns around and runs into a skybridge. She looks out the sides as giraffes pass by them and turn the corner. Joel catches up.]

Ellie: C'mon, hurry up!

[She passes through the skybridge and enters a room to the right. Joel follows.]

Joel: [To himself] What in the Sam Hill? [Walks closer]

Ellie: [Turns around] You see this?

[Joel enters the room with Ellie. Just outside of another collapsed portion of the station, a giraffe is seen eating some overgrowth. Joel quietly approaches it.]

Ellie: [Whispers] Shhh… don't scare it.

Joel: [Quietly] I won't… I won't… [He gets closer and starts gently petting the giraffe.]

Ellie: What are you doing?

Joel: It's all right. [Gestures Ellie over] C'mere, c'mere. [To the giraffe] Hey, fella. [Ellie hesitates] Hurry up, c'mon. [She approaches] Go on.

Ellie: [Gently pets the giraffe] Hey, there. [She chuckles. She stops petting the giraffe and turns to Joel] So fucking cool. [Giraffe walks away] Aw, where's it off to? [Turns around and runs away] Here, c'mon. Let's go.

Joel: S-slow down, kiddo. [He follows her.]

Ellie: Come on! [Waves Joel into the nearby stairwell] Hurry up. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!

[They both ascend the stairwell to the roof. Ellie rushes through the door and Joel follows. A tower of giraffes are seen traversing the overgrown Bethany Clare Field nearby.]

Ellie: Oh, man… Wow. [Pauses] Look at those things.

[She leans against the parapet as she watches the giraffes walk through the field. The player is given the choice of joining her, which triggers the ? optional conversation of the game. The camera cuts, facing Joel and Ellie.]

Joel: So… this everything you were hoping for?

Ellie: [Pauses, glances at Joel, then back to the giraffes] It's got its ups and downs. [Nods] But… [The camera cuts back] you can't deny the view though.

[They briefly take in the view for a moment. Joel steps back and goes to open the nearby door leading to a stairwell. The cinematic "It can't be for nothing" begins. As Joel reaches for the door, he stops. Ellie finishes watching the giraffes and approaches Joel.]

Joel: We don't have to do this. You know that, right?

Ellie: What's the other option?

Joel: Go back to Tommy's. Just… be done with this whole damn thing.

Ellie: After all we've been through. [Pauses] Everything that I've done. [Another pause] It can't be for nothing.

[Ellie nods her head and then walks towards the door, opening it and proceeding through. Joel looks back as the last giraffe fades from view before following Ellie into the stairwell. The cinematic "It can't be for nothing" ends. Ellie descends the stairs as Joel follows.]

Ellie: Look, I know you mean well… but there's no halfway with this. Once we're done, we'll go wherever you want. Okay?

Joel: Well, I ain't leavin' without ya, so let's go wrap this up.

[The pair enter a waiting room on the first floor. They exit the bus station, entering a triage station outside consisting of several medical tents.]

Joel: Well, this place takes me back.

Ellie: How so?

Joel: It was right after everything went down. I ended up in a triage just like this. Man, everywhere you looked, you just… saw families torn apart. Whole damn world seemed to have turned upside down in a blink.

Ellie: Is that after you lost Sarah?

Joel: Yes, it was.

Ellie: I… can't imagine losing someone you love like that. Losing everything that you know. I'm sorry, Joel.

Joel: That's okay, Ellie.

[After searching around, Joel heads towards a city bus on the far end of the triage. Ellie stops him just before entering.]

Ellie: Hey, Joel. I got something for you.

[The player is prompted to press L3. Joel turns around. The player is then given the choice to interact with her, triggering the ? optional conversation of the game. Joel approaches her.]

Ellie: Here. Maria showed this to me and I, uh… I stole it. I hope you don't mind.

[She holds out a photo of Joel and his daughter Sarah. Joel takes it and inspects it before storing it in his backpack.]

Joel: [Chuckles and sharply exhales] Well, no matter how hard you try, I guess you can't escape your past. Thank you.

[Joel turns back around and enters the bus. He climbs out an opening to the left as Ellie follows.]

Underground Tunnel[]

[The two turn left and follow a ramp down towards the eastern tunnel.]

Ellie: This time it's gonna be different. I just know it.

Joel: What do you mean?

Ellie: They're gonna be there—the Fireflies. I'm sure of it.

[They proceed to enter the underground tunnel and climb over a box truck obstructing the road. They advance down the tunnel until they hear nearby infected. It's revealed to be a large group consisting of runners, clickers, and bloaters.]

Joel: [Quietly] Oh, shit.

[Joel chooses to either sneak past the infected or dispatches them. If he decides to kill all of the infected in the immediate area, it will trigger the following dialogue.]

Ellie: Holy shit!

Joel: [Quietly] Stay quiet.

They make their way forward and enter a maintenance area to the right, where three runners lurk inside.]

Ellie: Oh, my God. There's so many of them.

Joel: I know. Let's just keep at it.

[They continue moving through the tunnel where they find another group of infected just ahead.]

Joel: Stay back.

[After sneaking past or dispatching the surrounding infected, they reach the far end of the area to a semi-trailer blocking the tunnel. Joel notices a crate on top of it.]

Joel: [If they sneak past the nearby infected] That crate could get us up there. [Pauses] Ellie, get on up there and drop that crate for me.

Joel: [Or, if they approach the crate while being chased by the infected] Here—let me boost you up there!

Ellie: Can't right now, there's too many of them!

Joel: [Or, if the nearby infected are killed] All right, you think you can shove that crate down?

Ellie: No sweat.

[If Joel opts to kill every single infected in the tunnel, it triggers the following dialogue.]

Joel: We killed 'em… I think we got all of 'em.

Ellie: I think you're right…

Joel: Endure and survive.

[Joel and Ellie approach the trailer as he boosts Ellie up on top.]

Ellie: Okay… [Gets on her feet and walks to the crate.] Look out below!

[Ellie pushes the crate down, allowing Joel to climb on top with her. They both drop down on the other side. The area in front of them is completely flooded. They climb onto the ventilation system to the left and follow it to avoid the water.]

Joel: We're good. I don't think they can reach us now.

Ellie: Okay…

Joel: [They continue following the duct] W-watch your step. That water looks pretty deep.

Ellie: Hey, that's what we can do once we're done.

Joel: What's that?

Ellie: You can teach me how to swim.

Joel: You got it.

[The two arrive at a fire truck and semi-trailer obstructing the road. On top of the fire truck is a ladder.]

Ellie: We can't reach that.

[Joel jumps in the water and dives under, crossing through a submerged bus to reach the opposite side. He surfaces.]

Joel: I'm on the other side!

Ellie: Cool. Drop that ladder down for me!

Joel: All right—hold on!

[Joel climbs up some debris and onto the fire truck. He picks up the ladder and carries it over to Ellie, placing it in front of her. She climbs to the top, joining Joel.]

Joel: All right, just stick to the edge. It's shallow over there.

[Ellie drops down and starts walking across the shallow end of the water.]

Ellie: [Squeals] Ugh, it's freezing!

[They both arrive in front of a fenced off maintenance area. Joel approaches the fence and attempts to open the door, but it is locked. He rattles the chain links and peeks into the other side. A pipe is lodged in the door's locking mechanism.]

Joel: And another jammed door.

[He walks to left and notices an opening in the top of the fence. He calls Ellie over to boost her up.]

Joel: All right. Gimme your foot. [Prepares]

Ellie: Okay… [She approaches Joel and steps onto the clasps of his hands.]

Joel: C'mon. Get that door open.

[He propels Ellie upwards and she climbs over the fence. As she drops, a clicker hiding behind the boxes to the right reveals itself and attacks her.]

Joel: Look out! Ellie! [He kills the clicker, saving her.] You okay?

Ellie: Yeah… it just surprised me. [Breathes heavily] Man, I can't wait for those things to be wiped out.

[Ellie dislodges the pipe jamming the door and opens it, allowing Joel to enter. They cross the maintenance room and into a hallway. Ellie crouches under some protruding pipes.]

Ellie: Watch your head.

[Joel follows as they enter into a large room, partially underwater. In front of them is a retractable ladder on the wall. Ellie looks out through a collapsed portion of the building to the right and sees Saint Mary's Hospital much closer now.]

Ellie: Hey, look… There it is.

[The player is then prompted to press L3 to focus on the hospital. Joel looks at it and scoffs. He jumps in the water in front of them.]

Joel: Just stay put.

Ellie: I'm not goin' anywhere.

[Joel swims over onto the nearby staircase. If he attempts to jump across the gap, he will fail and fall in the water. He surfaces and catches his breath.]

Joel: I ain't makin' that jump.

[He dives underwater and swims through a submerged hallway. He surfaces in the adjoining area and enters a room on the right.]

Joel: I need to get up there.

[He exits the room and climbs onto some nearby airducts. He follows them until he squeezes between some pipes. On the other side is a pallet, which he interacts with.]

Ellie: You made it! All right, come on, get me across.

[Joel pushes the pallet into the water. He drops down with it and brings it over by Ellie.]

Joel: All right, get on.

Ellie: [Whispers] Okay. [She jumps on the pallet.] Okay, there. I'm on it. Be careful.

Joel: I gotcha.

[Joel carries Ellie over the water and to the platform across. She climbs up and ascends the staircase. There, she reaches the retractable ladder.]

Ellie: Stand back!

[She drops the ladder for Joel. He goes to climb it when it suddenly breaks off the wall.]

Joel: Oh, shit. [He continues to hold the ladder.]

Ellie: Wh-what happened?

Joel: Damn ladder broke off the wall.

Ellie: Now what?

Joel: [Sighs] I'll figure somethin' out.

[Joel places the ladder against the opposite wall and climbs up. He picks it back up, placing it on the adjacent platform. After he climbs down, he picks it back up and places it across the gap.]

Ellie: Oh, I see… Good idea.

[Joel crosses and joins Ellie at the top of the staircase. They re-enter the east tunnel, where the waters are now turbulent. Ellie nervously looks at the rapids below.]

Ellie: Oh, boy…

Joel: [Walks up from behind] Just let me go ahead and you follow my lead.

Ellie: Okay. Right behind you.

[Joel leads Ellie across the top of box trucks and destroyed airducts until he jumps over a gap to another ventilation system. He turns around and faces Ellie.]

Joel: Okay. Come on—jump.

Ellie: You're gonna catch me?

Joel: I got you. [Ellie leaps across, making it without Joel needing to catch her.] See? You didn't even need me.

Ellie: Let's get the hell off this thing.

[Ellie follows the ducts as Joel trails behind. She jumps down onto an overturned bus lodged in the current. Joel drops down after her, and his weight causes the bus to shift. The pair attempt to keep their balance.]

Joel: Woah!

Ellie: Oh shit.

Joel: Ellie—Ellie, move!

[She climbs onto the platform across as Joel sprints towards her. He attempts to climb onto it as well but it breaks, causing Joel to lose his grip and fall back on the bus. He starts drifting away with the bus as the current pulls it. Ellie runs on the platform alongside him.]

Joel: Oh shit!

Ellie: Joel?! [Reaches her hand out] Here, c'mon!

Joel: [Slowly climbs to his feet] I got it.

[The bus shifts again, causing Joel to lose balance and fall inside.]

Ellie: Joel!

[Joel grabs onto a pole, but the forceful currents cause him to lose his grip.]

Joel: Son of a bitch!

[He gets pulled further back into the bus until he grabs onto a handrail to his right. He uses each handrail to pull himself forward against the current. He grabs the last rail but it breaks, causing him to get swept away the entire length of the bus and slams his back into the rear. Ellie jumps onto the bus to Joel's rescue, attempting to pry the door above his head.]

Joel: Ellie! [Starts prying the door with her.]

Ellie: I made it. I fucking made it! Okay! [Struggles] Open you piece of shit!

[She kicks the door open, which hits Joel on the head in the process. He briefly gets knocked into water before resurfacing, where Ellie is reaching her hand out.]

Ellie: Here we go! C'mon, let's get you—

[Ellie is interrupted by the bus crashing into something. She desperately holds onto the door as the bus slowly overturns.]

Ellie: Oh shit, shit. Joel!

Joel: [Joel desperately tries to reach for Ellie.] Ellie! Ellie, gimme your hand! Gimme your hand before I—

[The bus churns, pulling the pair underwater and the current launches Ellie away. Joel manages to collect himself and swims out of the bus to see Ellie's motionless body in the distance. He swims to her and grabs her, carrying her towards the surface. The cinematic "Find someone else" begins. Joel drags Ellie above the surface of the water and catches his breath. He notices she isn't breathing. He presses his ear to her mouth.]

Joel: C'mon. [He begins to give her CPR.] C'mon… C'mon. [He stops to check her airway.] C'mon. C'mon… [He continues applying chest compressions.] C'mon.

[Two Firefly soldiers approach, their rifles trained on Joel. The lead one, Ethan, walks steadily towards Joel and Ellie.]

Ethan: Hands in the air.

Joel: [Still applying CPR, he looks at Ethan and back at Ellie.] She's not breathing.

Ethan: Hands in the fucking air!

Joel: [Growing desperate] Come on, Ellie.

[Ethan then strikes Joel in the head with the butt of his rifle. The screen cuts to black. The cinematic "Find someone else" continues in the beginning of the next chapter.]

  "Lakeside Resort" Current transcript
"Bus Depot"
"The Firefly Lab"  