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Doctor Who's Infamous Moments in History was a Doctor Who? story included in the Doctor Who Yearbook 1994.


Seven incarnations of the Doctor visit points in Earth history from the time of Cleopatra to the invention of the first steam train.



  • It is noted that, since 1963, the Doctor has witnessed many timeless moments in history.
  • The Sixth Doctor tells Cleopatra he thinks her obelisk would look better on the Thames Embankment.
  • An Elizabethan wonders what Raleigh will bring back from the New World next after previously bringing back tobacco and potatoes. He returns as a member of the LA Raiders.
  • Ace asks somebody attenting an execution for "a penny for the guy".
  • The Second Doctor was at the start of the Hundred Years' War and at its end.
  • The Fifth Doctor was a witness to the first steam train and Adric the first trainspotter.
  • The Third Doctor was once present at the building of Stonehenge.
  • The Fourth Doctor was there at the birth of John Logie Baird's invention. Baird says the Doctor is watching the most unique contribution to science since the dawn of man but before that hands over to Richard and Judy for the latest fashion tips.


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