Harley Quinn Wiki
Harley Quinn Wiki

And you're Dick Grayson. Last of the Flying Graysons, ward of Bruce Wayne, the original Robin, Teen Titan and now; the protector of Blüdhaven.

Richard "Dick" Grayson, also known as Nightwing, is a superhero and close ally of Batman. He was also the first person to use the identity of Robin which is currently held by Damian Wayne.

He was killed by Harley Quinn while she was sleepwalking, and later was resurrected by Talia al Ghul.


Dick was a tall and muscular man with blue eyes and black hair that is swept to the right side. As a civilian, he wore a black coat with a red hoodie and blue shirt underneath.

As Nightwing, he wore a full body black suit with blue accents and a blue bird on the center that extends to his shoulders. He also wears a black mask and has a pair of escrima sticks equipped on his back.


The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour[]

"Journey to Love Part 3"[]

Nightwing was exercising at his gym in Blüdhaven when he received a call from Batman, informing him that villain Harley Quinn had been spotted in his city and was holding hostages at a local rest stop. He also told him that Commissioner Gordon was on her tail and dead set to bring her down regardless of the consequences, asking him to help Batgirl talk him down. Nightwing confronted Harley and Poison Ivy at the rest stop but after they explained they had only stopped for some food, he let them go.

However, they were soon interrupted by Gordon who arrived atop of a car and pointed a gun at Harley and Ivy. Nightwing stepped between them and told him to stop this and go back home before he did something he would regret. Gordon was unwilling to listen and threatened to shoot Nightwing in order to get to Harley but they were soon joined by Batgirl (secretly Gordon's daughter, Barbara) who told him he would have to shoot her as well if he continued which allowed Harley and Ivy to get away.

Season 3[]

"There's No Ivy in Team"[]

Gotham City. Demons are rising up. Criminals breed in the shadows. Blood paints the streets like graffiti. My home needs, Nightwing.
Harley Quinn
Uhhhh, anyone wanna switch seats?
Batman and Nightwing

Batman and Nightwing reunited

Nightwing was on the same bus as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, returning to Gotham after years away. He was greeted by Alfred, holding a sign with his name but was soon shoved out of the way by Harley who then stole Alfred's car, leaving Nightwing to call a cab. Once back in the Batcave, Nightwing remarked it seemed smaller and was surprised to find a woman's costume in his old alcove. Batgirl then appeared, introducing herself although he remained unimpressed by her, even refusing to shake her hand. Batman soon emerged from the shadows behind him. The insecure Nightwing made it clear that they were equals as he was no longer Robin, at which point Damian, the new Robin, made his presence known, surprising Nightwing with how old he had gotten. Batman commented on Nightwing's overly serious tone of voice but he insisted it is an appropriate amount of serious. At that moment, they were alerted that Firefly was attacking the Gotham Corn Factory. As Batman exclaimed "to the Batmobile", Nightwing claimed shotgun but Robin was already there, flipping him off, leaving Nightwing to ride with the Macaroni on his bicycle, much to his dismay.

Batgirl and Nightwing tangled up

Nightwing and Batgirl tied together

At the scene, the Bat Family watched from a distance while Firefly and his goons started burning the factory and Batman started laying out the plan. However, Nightwing went ahead and confronted Firefly on the roof, causing him to notice the rest of the team and a fight to break loose. Batgirl accused him of messing up their plan of being discreet but Nightwing simply replied that he does not do discreet before beginning to fight off the goons. As Batman directed them towards Firefly, Nigtwing and Batgirl both used their grappling hooks to swing towards him, causing them to collide and get all tangled up while Firefly burnt the rest of the factory causing it to explode, covering the whole area in a sea of popcorn. Batgirl noted they needed to do something to work on their teamwork which Nightwing agreed on stating he had notes for everyone.

Gonna need you to step aside, ma'am. Card-carrying Mensa member. JK, Mensa doesn't gift cards. My incredible brain is my card.
— Nightwing

In an attempt to foster group camaraderie, Batgirl took the team to an escape room. However, it turned out to be a deathtrap by the Riddler where they had to solve a puzzle in time or meet their demise. As Poison Ivy, who were there with Harley's Crew for the same reason, accidentally set off a switch, the rooms shifted, causing the two groups to be thrown together and trapped in different rooms. Nightwing found himself in a room with Poison Ivy, where the Riddler soon appeared on a screen before them, explaining a puzzle involving a "checkmate". As a chess-playing robot appeared, Nightwing confidently sat down in front of it, bragging about his Mensa membership. However, as Nightwing beat the robot, the roof grew spikes and continued to descend downwards. Poison Ivy then accused him of dooming them to death at which point Nightwing broke down, claiming she was right and starting to repeatedly hit his head and calling himself stupid.

Nightwing teaches Ivy to lose

Nightwing guides Poison Ivy to failure

Nightwing continued to break down, ranting about his failures as a solo hero as Ivy grew more and more annoyed with him. Nightwing then declared he would kill himself and jumped on top of a bookcase to get higher up and thus die faster. As Poison Ivy became even more angry with him for his outburst, Nightwing ignored her and began speaking of his mistakes, saying he should have never left Gotham in the first place but insisting Batman pushed him to it, remembering a quote he said about failure to change being fatal. This made Ivy realize the real way to solve the puzzle might be to fail on purpose and let the machine get the checkmate. Nightwing then guided Ivy on how to lose chess as quickly as possible, ending the match just in time before they were crushed.

Okay, let's try again. Hi, I'm Nightwing.
I know. Last of the Flying Graysons, ward of Bruce Wayne. The original Robin—
No, no. Nightwing, member of the Bat Family.
[Batgirl smiles]
You forgot "giant dickhead", dickhead!
Macaroni's new ride

Nightwing and the Macaroni

Having solved the puzzle, they were then reunited with their team mates as the rooms span back around to their original position. Soon thereafter, Batman solved the main puzzle, allowing them all to leave. Back in the Batcave, Nightwing made amends with Batgirl, asking to start over, although Robin still noted he was a "dickhead". Then, the batcomputer alerted them to another sighting of Firefly who was attacking an orphanage. As Batman and Robin ran to the Batmobile, Batgirl offered Nightwing a ride but he politely declined, again hitching a ride with the Macaroni who this time had a helicopter.

"Another Sharkley Adventure"[]

Nightwing and Batgirl with heartbroken Batman

In the Batcave, Nightwing and Batgirl tried to cheer up Batman who was heartbroken after being dumped by Catwoman. Nightwing told him Catwoman was being "a total B" to which Batman said he appreciated the solidarity but to not talk about her that way. Wanting to get back to work, Batgirl showed intel about an alleged criminal operation by Mad Hatter involving a fad of neuro-tech hats with the ability to read its wearer's mind, though Bruce dismissed the evidence as circumstantial and Nightwing left with him.

"Batman Begins Forever"[]

Bat family in the shadows

Bat kids to the rescue

After Bruce Wayne was kidnapped by Harley's Crew as they wanted to enter his mind to find out where he was keeping Frank the Plant (whom he had kidnapped), Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin threw a sleep-inducing smoke-bomb through window of Catwoman's Apartment. After they passed out, they tied them up and took them to Wayne Manor.

"Climax at Jazzapajizza"[]

To be added

"The Horse and the Sparrow"[]

Harley Quinn
Don't worry, Nightwing. You still have the best-lookin’ ass out of all of us.
Hm, let's give her a chance.
— Nightwing welcomes Harley to the Bat-Family
You still have the best-lookin’ ass out of all of us

Under the light of the Bat signal, Harley approached the Bat-Family, much to Nightwing's surprise. Harley said she was there to help, with Nightwing having some doubts. Harley then assured him that he still had the best looking ass out of all of them, making Nightwing change his mind. Welcoming her to the team, the Bat-Family swings off the roof with grappling hooks, and though Harley chastises them for leaving her behind, she calmly murmurs that she’ll take the stairs.

Season 4[]

"Gotham's Hottest Hotties"[]

To be added


To be added

"The First Person to Come Back From a Business Conference Without Chlamydia"[]

To be added

"Getting Ice Dick, Don't Wait Up"[]

After Batgirl went missing, Nightwing was fed up with Harley and ditched her by saying that she's not part of the Bat Family, she's just Harley Quinn. But soon after, he was seen on top of the tree wearing a friendship bracelet made by Harley, who then fell down as Harley and Barbara screamed, indicating that Nightwing has died.


Nightwing is dead, and Harley held a funeral for him where she, Batgirl, Robin, Alfred (who temporarily came out of Arkham), the Justice League, and the citizens of Gotham City attended, with his corpse inside his casket with a cover shaped like his buttocks.

"Potato-Based Cloning Incident"[]

After Harley met a clone of her made out of potato from Lex's Cloning Machine at the Legion of Doom, it has been revealed that Harley was the one responsible for killing Nightwing while she was sleepwalking.

"Killer's Block"[]

After Lex Luthor was defeated, Talia and Damian dug up Nightwing's grave and took his corpse to the Lazarus Pit. After the pit resurrected Nightwing the first thing he did was angrily asking where Harley was.


Evening gentlemen. Didn't your mom ever tell you not to play with matches?
— Nightwing[src]

Nightwing has a tendency to act overdramatic, often using an exaggerated, serious voice to express himself trying to act cool, giving speeches whenever he can and forcing everyone to know that he is not Robin or Dick Grayson anymore, to the point even Batman believes he sounds strange. He is also clearly disconnected from recent events from Gotham City or social media, being surprised when he finds out Batgirl joined the Bat Family and Damian had become the new Robin. Nightwing is socially inept, tending to speak too much to the degree that many find him annoying.

He seems to have some daddy issues, always trying to get Batman's approval and loving him as his son, for this reason he is always justifying his actions and defends him, like when he told Harkey it was him who broke up with Catwoman and not the other way round. Also, while he tries to keep his cool and maintain himself in calm, Nightwing tends to quickly panic, when he lost a chess game in a trap set up by Riddler, he lost his temper and started to cry and blame himself to the point of chosing to kill himself and die right there for 'being a failure'.

Nightwing is a bit vain, seeing himself as someone very good looking with a "nightbutt", something that Harley used to convince him to join the Bat Family. When he was nearly murdered by Professor Pyg, he quoted the entire city would've mourned him and his 'great ass'. While in the beginning, he is seen having trouble working in teams, acting in his own and refusing to follow Batman's plan. After getting trapped by Riddler and managing to escape, he finally starts to cooperate with his partners.

Despite everything, Nightwing is a heroic character who believes in justice and fighting crime to keep the city safe. He takes the rule of not killing very serious and scolded Harley when she killed Professor Pyg, despite her saving his life. He is often strict with his teammates, especially Harley, like when she got herself a bat costume and her public association with her supervillain girlfriend, Poison Ivy.

Media Appearances[]

The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour

Season 3

Season 4


  • In March 2021, co-creator Patrick Schumacker confirmed on Twitter that Nightwing would appear in Season 3 of Harley Quinn.[2]
  • A recurring joke in the show is about how gorgeous looks his butt, that even a magazine called him one of "Gotham's Hottest Hotties" ranking as the #2.
  • According to the episode "The Most Culturally Impactful Film Franchise of All Time", Nightwing's date of his death was September 04, 2023.


