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Royal Weddings was a series of books in the Disney Princess franchise that focused on specific weddings by various Disney Princesses. Although some expanded on events already shown briefly during their debut films or extension media, others such as Belle and Aurora are newly depicted. They also are sometimes released in pairs, such as Cinderella/Tiana, Rapunzel/Belle, Aurora/Ariel, etc. An anthology book called "Forever After" was also released, which included Rapunzel, Belle, Cinderella, and Tiana's weddings. Because of this, specific titles were granted to each of the included stories beyond each princess' "Royal Wedding".


Cover Title Release Date
Wedding Book
Cinderella's Royal Wedding January 17, 2012
While walking in the palace gardens, Prince Charming proposed to Cinderella, and she accepted enthusiastically. The king then proceeded to show Cinderella the portrait of his late wife in her wedding gown on their wedding day, and stated that, since it was a tradition, he wants her to wear the same gown and jewelry. Cinderella quietly looks at the picture, as while she wasn't entirely sure about this, she wanted to respect the king's wishes.

As the preparations were underway, however, it became apparent that Cinderella trying to adopt what the king wanted by wearing his wife's dress was not easy at all: The frilly dress made Cinderella feel clumsy, and the pearls were too heavy for her to even walk, leaving Cinderella uncertain as to what she should do. In addition, the Grand Duke, determined to show Cinderella how important it was to wear the dress, gave her a stack of books detailing the necessary knowledge on royal traditions. She tried reading everything and remembering everything, only to fall asleep. While asleep, Cinderella dreamt back to when she was a little girl. her mother gave her a beautiful necklace as well as left her with advice that the necklace will remind her to listen to her heart whenever she had a problem, as it would lead to the answer she was looking for. She woke up and, inspired by her dream, she searched through her old trunks. She eventually found the portrait of her mother on her wedding day with the help of her mice friends and her Fairy Godmother as well as a bit of the latter's magic. Cinderella then showed the portrait to the royal dressmaker and asked if it was possible for him to make her a gown like the one in the portrait. The dressmaker, after bowing his head, stated he would be honored. She then thanked him, and also suggested an idea for the veil if it wasn't too much trouble for him. Afterwards, she visited the royal jeweler. After showing him both the necklace that had belonged to the Queen and her own mother's necklace, she then asked if he could combine the two into one. The Jeweler accepted, and stated that he'll make the finest necklace in the kingdom just for her.

On the morning of the wedding, Cinderella requested to see the king. Afterwards, she then stated that she is proud to be joining his family. She then explained that the wedding dress was a copy of her mother's wedding gown, to honor her own family tradition, and also stated the veil and necklace will honor the king's family tradition as well. The king then admitted that it was a great honor as Cinderella had blended the treasures of two families, and created a new tradition as a result. He then proudly offered Cinderella her arm as they didn't want to keep the prince waiting. The king then proceeded to lead Cinderella down the isle, with the guests being delighted. They also acknowledged that before that day, they never saw the prince so happy. At the end of the ceremony, everyone proceeded to cheer as they knew that Cinderella and the Prince had found true love. The wedding banquet had Cinderella and the Prince cutting the wedding cake for everyone to enjoy, and when it came time to go home, the guests lined up to thank the new couple for inviting them to the celebration. Cinderella proceeded to have the wedding of her dreams by following tradition and her heart.

Tiana's Royal Wedding Cover
Tiana's Royal Wedding July 24, 2012
Throughout New Orleans, the news of Prince Naveen and Tiana's marriage was buzzing. Everyone proceeded to gather to welcome his parents. Although Tiana was nervous about meeting them, the King and Queen of Maldonia were very kind to her, with the queen even giving Tiana royal helpers to plan the wedding. The royal helpers visited, and explained to Tiana what her wedding should be like, but failed to ask Tiana what she wanted. Later, Tiana requested advice from her friend, Charlotte La Bouff. Specifically, while she doesn't want to upset the King and Queen, she isn't sure she liked what the royal helpers have planned. Charlotte then told her she should do what she wants as its her wedding day. Tiana then proceeded to make Charlotte her maid of honor, her first wedding decision. Later that day, her mother proceeded to show her a sketch of the wedding dress she planned to make: specifically, her dream wedding dress. She then told Tina that it was perfect. Meanwhile, Naveen and Louis secretly planned the music for the wedding reception, as Naveen felt the royal helpers' choice of music was too boring, especially for someone like Tiana, deciding instead to have something jazzy and fun. After everyone went to bed, Tiana sneaked into the La Bouff's kitchen to work with Charlotte on the reception menu. Tiana planned on making their favorite foods to be served, starting with gumbo. Upon finishing, Charlotte then gave Tiana a beautiful blue necklace, explaining that every bride needs "something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue." The next day, she faced the royal helpers and, while thanking them for sharing their ideas, she managed to get everything she needed. This left the helpers surprised, as they had assumed the princess would want the wedding day planned for her. The Queen of Maldonia then walked in and wondered why the royal helpers were confused. Tiana then nervously explained what had happened, fearing the Queen might get angry. However, the Queen wasn't upset, and acknowledged she should have remembered that Tiana preferred planning her events personally. She then takes out the tiara and requested that she wear it for the wedding, as it was the one the queen herself wore for her own wedding to the king. Tiana was honored to wear it. It was then the final fitting of the Tiana's gown, and it managed to be stunning and have Eudora's love in every stitch. Although overall happy that it was perfect, she nonetheless missed her father. The night before the wedding, she stood on her balcony and gazed at the evening star, and while saddened that her father could not make it to the wedding due to his having died during World War I, she nonetheless knew her father's love would always be with her. On the day of the wedding, Charlotte's father, Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouff, walked Tiana down the aisle, with her bouquet containing her father's old spoon, her wearing the dress Eudora made, the Queen's tiara, and the necklace from Lottie underneath the veil. As the ceremony ended, Tiana knew that no matter how wonderful her wedding plans were, it was ultimately love that made the wedding perfect. Tiana and Naveen left the church together, with all of New Orleans turning out for their first appearance and first dance. The guests enjoyed Princess Tiana's cooking, whether it be gumbo to beignets. Tiana and Naveen then shared the sweetness of their new life together as they took the first bite of their delicious cake.
Belle's Royal Wedding
Belle's Royal Wedding July 23, 2013
Taking place some time after the film, Belle was getting prepared for the wedding, which was days away. Belle then told Mrs. Potts that she was happy and that she had never dreamed that her life would become such a grand adventure. However, she frowned and realized that The Prince had spent most of his life unloved and lonely inside the castle and wanted to show him for their wedding how well loved he is. Mrs. Potts then agreed to the idea. Upon finishing trying out her new dress, Belle then requested that the servants, in addition to making various preparations, also be the actual guests. Mrs. Potts and the other servants worked hard to prepare for the big day (such as having Chef Bouche bake various cakes, Mrs. Potts and the dresser deciding on drapes, and another servant make an ice swan sculpture), as they wanted the couple to feel love in every detail.

Meanwhile, the Prince, feeling like the happiest man in the world, wanted to repay Belle for restoring him and his servants' human forms and make her the happiest woman, telling Lumiere as much. He then decided to try and find the perfect gift for Belle. The Prince then, after getting his best clothes, proceeded to pay a visit to the village. After searching around, he then went found a gift for Belle, and then went to a flower shop and requested for roses, as they were Belle's favorite.

Eventually, the wedding day arrived. The prince could not take his eyes off Belle upon the latter appearing on the grand staircase. The reception itself was held in the ballroom. Chip brought down the ring. During the ceremony, the Prince proceeded to, after Belle read her favorite book of exciting adventures and commenting that they don't compare to what she felt every day with him, give Belle a blank journal as his gift so they could "fill it with all the adventures [they] will have together." After the ceremony, Belle and the Prince walked into the ballroom where they then had a banquet due to the servants had created a spectacular feast. Belle then slyly told the servants to clear the area and open the door, stating that there is so much food that she's not sure if "even [our] whole household could eat all this food" and then winking at the servants. Cogsworth and the other servants smiled as the couple went outside, with the entire village being present, waiting to surprise them. the Prince then asked Belle if she invited all of them. Belle then confirmed it, as she wanted to show him how much you are loved, with the Prince exclaiming it was a magnificent gift. The Prince then repeated his thanks to the villagers for coming, being unable to stop smiling. They then shared their first dance, with the crowd shouting "congratulations!" With the friends gathered around them, Belle and the Prince knew that the next chapter of their story would be an even greater adventure than before.

Rapunzel's Royal Wedding
Rapunzel's Royal Wedding July 23, 2013
Around the beginning of Spring, Flynn invited Rapunzel to take a special trip with him. Rapunzel attempted to ask where they were going, with Flynn telling her that that would ruin the surprise. Max and Pascal decided to come along as well. That evening, they went to the same lake that Rapunzel and Flynn had in the past seen the floating lights. Flynn intended to propose to Rapunzel. However, he left it on shore. Fortunately, Maximus noticed the same thing and had Pascal sent flying to the boat, carrying the ring. Now that he had the ring, he then proposed, with her accepting. On the way back, Rapunzel wanted to tell everyone the good news. First, she paid a visit to The Snuggly Duckling and gave the news. Everyone was delighted and offered to help the couple with the wedding. Attila helped Rapunzel with designing the cake, baking and icing until finally, she had the perfect wedding cake, which was immensely tall. The decorations had Rapunzel and Tor looking at fancy bouquets. However, what pleased Rapunzel was a field of wildflowers. Flynn and Rapunzel then asked Pascal and Max whether they'll be the ring bearers, and they agreed with a squeal and neigh, respectively. Eventually, they had to find a dress, with Rapunzel trying on gown after gown (a lavender dress with unicorn patterns on the skirt, a more Viking-based dress, and a green dress with hearts on the skirt). None of the dresses were quite to Rapunzel's tastes, so she decided to design her own. She took many times sketching until the design was exactly what she wanted. On the morning of the wedding, everyone in Corona waved to the King and Queen as they passed by in the royal coach. Upon arriving at the church, the king greeted Rapunzel. He then proudly took her arm and the ceremony began. Rapunzel walked down the aisle as Flynn beamed throughout, but something happened to the ringbearers: Specifically, Max, due to the flowers, sneezed and caused the rings to roll away. Max chased one ring, also landing himself in girls clothing in the process due to plowing through a carriage, while Pascal chased the other through all the reception decorations. Ultimately, they managed to arrive back at the ceremony just in time, finding the rings and saving the wedding on that front, although everything for the reception had been ruined in the process. Nonetheless, they didn't have to worry for long, as the friends who helped them plan their special day also helped clean up. They were soon dancing happily. Flynn and Rapunzel then took their first taste of the wedding cake, just as Tor finished adjusting the last of the flowers. Flynn and Rapunzel were thankful for their friends helping them prepare the perfect wedding twice. As they rode away, Rapunzel cried out that it was the "Best. Day. Ever!"
Ariel's Royal Wedding
Ariel's Royal Wedding July 22, 2014
Taking place some time after Triton transformed Ariel into a human permanently, Ariel and Eric are making plans for marriage, with the kingdom rejoicing. However, Ariel wasn't completely familiar with human customs on weddings. She found an invite list and wondered why it was massive, with Grimsby explaining that weddings are for families, and Eric had a massive amount of relatives to invite. In addition, while walking, several people gave her several things, baffling her as she didn't even know what she needed yet. Soon, Ariel began to grow nervous due to the books, plans, and lists being shown to her, due to the immensity of human weddings, which owing to her unique heritage, she had never actually attended in before, much less participated as a bride in. Because she had just gotten used to moving with her legs, she even needed some dancing lessons for the wedding. She also asked Carlotta if she could help with the Wedding Dress, with Carlotta agreeing and Ariel trying on the dress once it was finished. The next morning, she also visited Chef Louis and explained she didn't know what a proper wedding cake was like, with Louis explaining that he'll make the best wedding cake in all the sea and land, and Ariel hoping her family would see it. However, she eventually became glum, as she remembered Grimsby's statement that weddings are for family, and since she wasn't originally human, that meant her family most likely cannot attend a wedding, despite them wanting to be a part of it. She eventually went to the beach upset, with Eric after learning why she was upset explaining that he took that into account and made sure the wedding was set on the royal ship. Ariel, relieved, then proceeded to tell her family right away. Ariel then requested for her sisters to be the bridesmaids (due to knowing her best), Sebastian to be the ring-bearer, and for King Triton to give her away. Ariel's sisters then proceeded to find 'something old, something new (despite Ariel already having her dress as a new thing), something borrowed, and something blue', with Aquata and Adella loaning her their favorite seashell hair clip and blue starfish, respectively, and Triton giving Ariel a pink pearl formerly belonging to her mother. Eventually, the wedding day arrived, with the humans sitting on deck and Triton using the trident to levitate the merpeople so they could watch. After the vows were read and the rings exchanged, Ariel and Eric kissed at Sebastian's prompting. Chef Louis also made two different cakes: a traditional wedding cake for Eric and Ariel and the other humans, and a special oceanic cake for the merpeople. Sebastian then led the sea animal orchestra, with Ariel and Eric doing their first dance as husband and wife on the deck. At the end of the wedding day, Ariel and Eric sailed away.
Aurora's Royal Wedding (Cover)
Aurora's Royal Wedding May 26, 2015
Princess Aurora dreamed many times that her handsome prince would find her... and eventually Prince Philip did find her! Now they're getting married! Follow along with word-for-word narration as Aurora plans her wedding to the Prince and decides what kind of princess she wants to be.

Taking place sometime after the events of the movie, Prince Phillip personally proposes to Aurora, despite already having been betrothed to each other. After Aurora delightedly says yes, the entire kingdom begins preparing for the royal wedding, with Phillip making his horse Samson take a bath, while King Hubert and King Stefan tasting the food for the banquet. Queen Leah congratulates her daughter and leaves her to choose her wedding dress. However Aurora has trouble choosing from so many dresses, and is even more confused when choosing the table settings. When Phillip brings her out for a walk, Aurora confesses to him that she is unsure and doubting her ability as a princess. Phillip encourages her and brings Queen Leah to Aurora; the Queen encourages and comforts her daughter, telling her that a princess is not what you do, but most importantly what you are. Overjoyed, Aurora thanks her mother and asks if she can wear her mother's wedding dress, to which she agrees.

During the wedding, Aurora appears in her mother's wedding dress, walked down by King Stefan. She and Phillip say their vows and share a passionate kiss, before feeding each other the wedding cake and dancing happily. The story ends with Phillip and Aurora leaving for their honeymoon in a carriage, stating that the wedding ended as Aurora imagined "once upon a dream".

Jasmine's Royal Wedding (Cover)
Jasmine's Royal Wedding May 26, 2015
Jasmine and Aladdin are getting married! Jasmine decides that her wedding will be exactly like her mother's. That way she'll still be a part of her wedding. But as Jasmine starts to plan, she realizes she's missing a "treasure of treasures". Will Jasmine find it before she says "I do?"
Snow White's Royal Wedding (Cover)
Snow White's Royal Wedding May 26, 2015
Once The Prince awoke Snow White with a kiss, he asked her to be his wife. And now it's time to plan the wedding! Follow along with word-for-word narration as Snow White decides on the dress, the cake, and the carriage for her simple and sweet wedding.


  • The ending of Ariel's Royal Wedding seems to be at sunset, yet in the film, it was still daytime outside.
  • Cinderella's Royal Wedding was the first source to give an actual image of Cinderella's Mother, predating the 2015 live-action film.
  • Rapunzel's Royal Wedding has direct ties to the short film Tangled Ever After.

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Disney Princesses logo
Official Disney Princesses: Snow White • Cinderella • Aurora • Ariel • Belle • Jasmine • Pocahontas • Mulan • Tiana • Rapunzel • Merida • Moana • Raya

Other Princesses: Minnie Mouse • Tiger Lily • Maid Marian • Eilonwy • Daughters of Triton • Calla • Megara • Melody • Sally • Kida Nedakh • Ting-Ting, Su, and Mei • Kilala Reno • Kairi • Princess of Gentlehaven • Nancy Tremaine • Vanellope von Schweetz • Sofia • Anna • Elsa • Elena
Other Heroines: Alice • Wendy Darling • Tinker Bell • Nala • Nakoma • Esmeralda • Jane Porter • Giselle • Mirabel Madrigal • Asha

Films: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) • Cinderella (1950) • Sleeping Beauty (1959) • The Little Mermaid (1989) • Beauty and the Beast (1991) • Aladdin (1992) • Pocahontas (1995) • Mulan (1998) • The Princess and the Frog (2009) • Tangled (2010) • Brave (2012) • Moana (2016) • Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) • Moana 2 (2024)

Theme Songs: "If You Can Dream" • "It's Not Just Make Believe" • "The Glow" • "Live Your Story" • "Starting Now" • "Like a Princess"
Video Games: Disney Princess: Fashion Boutique • Disney Princess • Disney Princess: Magical Dress-Up • Disney Princess: Royal Horse Show • Disney Princess: Royal Adventure • Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey • Disney Princess: Magical Jewels • Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure • Disney Princess Enchanting Storybooks • Disney Princess Majestic Quest • Disney Tsum Tsum •Disney Emoji Blitz • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode • Disney Magic Kingdoms
Home Video: Disney Princess Sing Along Songs: Once Upon a Dream • Disney Princess Sing Along Songs Vol. 2 - Enchanted Tea Party • Disney Princess Sing Along Songs Vol. 3 - Perfectly Princess • Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams
Books: Kilala Princess • Disney Princess • Disney Princess Beginnings • Disney Princess Comics Treasury • Royal Weddings
Cancelled: Princess Academy

Disney Parks
Castle of Magical Dreams • Enchanted Storybook Castle • Fairy Tale Forest • Fantasy Faire • Golden Fairytale Fanfare • Mickey's Magical Celebration • Minnie's Tiara of Dreams • PLAY! • Princess Pavilion • Royal Banquet Hall

Fireworks: Disney Illuminations

See Also
Sofia the First • Disney Fairies • Princesses of Heart • Palace Pets • Princess Academy • Ralph Breaks the Internet • Disney Princess - The Concert • Like a Princess

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Cinderella logo
Films: Cinderella (video/soundtrack) • Cinderella II: Dreams Come True (video) • Cinderella III: A Twist in Time (video/soundtrack) • Cinderella (2015 film) (video/soundtrack)

Shows: A Poem Is... • Chibi Tiny Tales
Video Games: Disney Princess (video game)• Cinderella's Dollhouse • Cinderella: Magical Dreams • Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep • Disney Infinity • Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure • Disney Magical World • Cinderella Free Fall • Disney Emoji Blitz
Books: Royal Weddings • Disney Princess Beginnings
Cancelled projects: Cinderella Stories
Albums: The Lost Chords: Cinderella

Disney Parks
Castle of Magical Dreams • Cinderella's Fairy Tale Hall • Cinderella Castle • Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour • Disney Animation Building • Fairy Tale Forest • It's a Small World • Mickey Mouse Revue • Prince Charming Regal Carrousel • Princess Pavilion • Storybook Land Canal Boats

Entertainment: Cinderella's Surprise Celebration • Cinderellabration: Lights of Romance • Disney's Believe • Disney Dreams: An Enchanted Classic • Dream Along with Mickey • Fantasmic! • Mickey and the Magician • Mickey and the Wondrous Book • Mickey's Gift of Dreams • Mickey's Magical Celebration • Mickey's Magical Music World • One Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On! • Royal Princess Music Celebration • The Starlit Princess Waltz • Twice Charmed: An Original Twist on the Cinderella Story
Restaurants: Cinderella's Royal Table
Shops: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique
Parades: Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade • Disney's Dreams On Parade: Moving On • Disney's Fantillusion • Disney's Magical Moments Parade • Disney's Party Express • Disney Carnivale Parade • Disney on Parade • Disney Stars on Parade • Dreaming Up! • Festival of Fantasy Parade • Flights of Fantasy Parade • Happiness is Here Parade • Jubilation! • Magic Happens • Main Street Electrical Parade • Mickey's Rainy Day Express • Mickey's Soundsational Parade • Paint The Night Parade • SpectroMagic • The Wonderful World of Disney Parade • Villains Cursed Caravan • Nightfall Glow • Minnie's Tiara of Dreams
Fireworks: Disney Enchantment • Disney in the Stars • Fantasy in the Sky • Magic, Music and Mayhem • Magical: Disney's New Nighttime Spectacular of Magical Celebrations • Momentous • Once Upon a Time • Remember... Dreams Come True • Wishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams • Wonderful World of Animation • Wondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Summer: Club Mouse Beat • Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Disney Villains Wicked Gathering • Frightfully Fun Parade • Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular • It's Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains • Mickey's Boo-to-You Halloween Parade • Villains Dance Party
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade • Cinderella's Holiday Wish • Disney Winter Magic Cavalcade • Royal Christmas Wishes

Original: Cinderella • Jaq and Gus • Perla and Suzy • Mice • Birds • Prince Charming • Fairy Godmother • Bruno • Major • Cinderella's Father • Lady Tremaine • Anastasia Tremaine • Drizella Tremaine • Lucifer • The King • The Grand Duke • Herald • Mary • Royal Guards

Sequels: Pom-Pom • Prudence • Beatrice and Daphne • Countess Le Grande • The Baker • Flower Vendor • The Queen
Remake: Cinderella's Mother • Lizard Footmen • Mr. Goose • Captain • Town Crier • Sir Francis Tremaine
Deleted: Jabber • Professor LeFoof • Spink

Cinderella's Castle • Cinderella's Château • Village • King's Castle
Glass Slipper • Pumpkin • Pumpkin Coach • Magic Wand • Cinderella's Dress
Films: Cinderella • A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes • Sing, Sweet Nightingale • Work Song (Cinderelly, Cinderelly) • Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo • So This is Love • Put It Together • Follow Your Heart • The World Is Looking Up to You • It's What's Inside That Counts • Perfectly Perfect • More Than a Dream • I Do • At the Ball • I Still Believe • Lavender's Blue • Strong

Deleted: Dancing on a Cloud • The Cinderella Work Song • The Face That I See in the Night • The Dress That My Mother Wore • Sing a Little, Dream a Little • I'm in the Middle of a Muddle • The Mouse Song • I Lost My Heart At the Ball
Twice Charmed: All Because of a Shoe • It's Never Too Late • In a Moment • Believe in Me
Miscellaneous: The Art of Dressing Well

See also
As Told by Emoji

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The Princess & the frog title
Films and Television: The Princess and the Frog (soundtrack/video) • A Poem Is... • Tiana • The Princess and the Frog (live-action film)

Video Games: The Princess and the Frog • Kinect: Disneyland Adventures • Disney Princess Enchanting Storybooks • Disney Universe • Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure • Disney Sorcerer's Arena • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: The Art of The Princess and the Frog • Disney Princess Beginnings
Music: Bayou Boogie • Music from Tiana's Bayou Adventure

Disney Parks
Club Villain • Castle of Magical Dreams • Midship Detective Agency • Princess Fairytale Hall • Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom • Tiana's Bayou Adventure

Entertainment: Disney's Believe • Disney's Showtime Spectacular • Mickey's Magical Celebration • Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire • Mickey and the Magical Map • Mickey and the Wondrous Book • The Golden Mickeys • The Starlit Princess Waltz • Tiana’s Mardi Gras Celebration • Tiana's Showboat Jubilee • Villains Tonight!
Restaurants: Tiana's Palace
Shops: Eudora's Chic Boutique • Ray's Berets • Louis' Critter Club • Critter Co-Op • Tiana's Bayou General
Parades: A Million Splashes of Colour • Disney Stars on Parade • Dreams.... And Shine Brighter! • Festival of Fantasy Parade • Magic Happens • Main Street Electrical Parade • Mickey's Soundsational Parade • Mickey and Friends Celebration
Fireworks: Disney Dreams! • Disney Enchantment • Happily Ever After • Harmonious • Illuminate! A Nighttime Celebration • Momentous • Wonderful World of Animation • Wondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Halloween: Celebrate the Magic • Disney's Maleficious Halloween Party • Dr Facilier's Carnival-Loween • Frightfully Fun Parade • Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular • It's Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains • Let's Get Wicked • Mickey’s Halloween Treat Cavalcade • The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime • The Nightmare Experiment • Villains Grove • Villains Mix and Mingle • World of Color: Villainous!
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade • Disney Holidays in Hollywood • Disney Winter Magic Cavalcade • Royal Christmas Wishes

The Princess and the Frog: Tiana • Prince Naveen • Ray • Louis • Mama Odie • Juju • Dr. Facilier • Lawrence • Charlotte La Bouff • Eudora • James • Eli La Bouff • King and Queen of Maldonia • Prince Ralphie • Evangeline • Firefly Five Plus Lou • Reggie, Darnell, and Two Fingers • Stella • The Fenner Brothers • Facilier's Friends on the Other Side • Facilier's Shadow • Firefly Family • Randy • Mimi • Beaudreaux • Swamp Gators • Georgia • Spoonbills • Butterflies • Marcel • Bayou Animals

Tiana's Bayou Adventure: The Bayou Community Band • Zydeco Critter Band • Timoléon • Apollo • Rufus • Byhalia • Gritty • Beau • Rara Critter Musicians • Octavia • Pawpaw • Claude • Bernadette • Sebastián • Phina • Afro-Cuban Musicians • Felipe • Mayra • Mondo • Isabel • Gloria • Delores • Lari • Emily • Walter
Cameos and Crossover characters: Br'er Rabbit • Br'er Fox • Br'er Bear • Mr. Bluebird • Br'er Frog • Br'er Goose • River Belle Chorus • The Bees • Singing Storks • Bass Frog

Facilier's Talisman • Mama Odie's Wand • Mama Odie's Gumbo Cauldron • Tiana's Foods
Tiana's Foods • Southern Dome Salt Company • Finest King Carrots
New Orleans • Bayou of New Orleans • Mama Odie's Tree • Tiana's Palace • Maldonia • Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Emporium • Duke's Café • Tiana's Home • Fleur du Bayou • Tiana's Foods • Tiara-Topped Water Tower • Old Mill Pond • Lemoine Soda Club • Lari's Home
Original songs: Down in New Orleans • Almost There • Friends on the Other Side • When We're Human • Gonna Take You There • Ma Belle Evangeline • Dig a Little Deeper • Never Knew I Needed • Special Spice

Bayou Boogie: Everyday Princess • Live To See You Smile • Shadow Man • Do What I Wanna Do • When You're In Love You'll Understand • Zippin' To The Zydeco • I Was Born To Blow This Horn • Play With The Band • Night and Day • Life In The Swamp • Love is a Magical Mystery • Sing Away The Blues • Mama Odie's Kitchen Song

See Also
Disney Revival • Electric Holiday

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The Little Mermaid - 2013 Logo
Films: The Little Mermaid (video/soundtrack) • The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (video) • The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning (video) • The Little Mermaid (2023) (video/soundtrack)

Shows: The Little Mermaid (videography) • A Poem Is... • The Wonderful World of Disney: The Little Mermaid Live! (soundtrack) • Sebastian's Caribbean Jamboree • Ariel
Video Games: NES game • Sega Genesis Game • Ariel's Story Studio • Kingdom Hearts • Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories • Kingdom Hearts II • The Little Mermaid 2: Pinball Frenzy • Disney's The Little Mermaid: Magic in Two Kingdoms • Disney Emoji Blitz • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: The Art of The Little Mermaid • Disney Princess Enchanted Stables: The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Baby Beau • Poor Unfortunate Soul: A Tale of the Sea Witch • Official Comic Adaptation • Disney Comics • The Little Mermaid's Treasure Chest • Disney Princess Beginnings • Marvel Comics • The Little Mermaid: The Full Film Script • Prince of Song & Sea • The Little Mermaid: Against the Tide
Music: The Legacy Collection • Sebastian from The Little Mermaid • Sebastian: Party Gras! • The Little Mermaid: Songs from the Sea • The Little Mermaid: Splash Hits • Ariel's Favorites
Cancelled projects: Little Mermaid's Island

Disney Parks
Mermaid Lagoon • Disney's Art of Animation Resort • Ariel's Grotto • Country Bear Musical Jamboree • Triton's Garden • Blowfish Balloon Race • Disney Animation Building • Fairy Tale Forest • Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster • It's a Small World • Jumpin' Jellyfish • King Triton's Carousel of the Sea • Mermaid Lagoon Theater • Ariel's Playground • Mickey's PhilharMagic • Princess Pavilion • Scuttle's Scooters • Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom • Sorcerer's Workshop • Storybook Land Canal Boats • The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure • The Whirlpool • Voyage to the Crystal Grotto

Entertainment: Animagique • Believe! Sea of Dreams • Castle of Magical Dreams • Disney Dreams: An Enchanted Classic • Disney KiteTails • Disney's Wishes • Fantasmic! • Feel the Magic • Golden Fairytale Fanfare • King Triton's Concert • Mickey's Magical Celebration • Mickey's Magical Music World • Mickey and the Magical Map • Mickey and the Wondrous Book • The Golden Mickeys • The Little Mermaid - A Musical Adventure • The Starlit Princess Waltz • Villains Tonight! • Voyage of The Little Mermaid
Restaurants: Ariel's Grotto
Parades: Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade • Disney's Fantillusion • Disney's Magical Moments Parade • Disney Carnivale Parade • Disney on Parade • Disney Stars on Parade • Festival of Fantasy Parade • Mickey's New Year's Eve Parade • Mickey & Friends Street Celebration • Mickey's Soundsational Parade • Move It! Shake It! Dance and Play It! Street Party • Paint The Night Parade • SpectroMagic • The Wonderful World of Disney Parade • Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams
Fireworks: Believe... There's Magic in the Stars • Celebrate the Magic • Disney Dreams! • Disney Enchantment • Disney in the Stars • Disneyland Forever • Fantasy in the Sky • Happily Ever After • Ignite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light • Magic, Music and Mayhem • The Magic, the Memories and You • Momentous • Once Upon a Time • Remember... Dreams Come True • Wonderful World of Animation • World of Color • Illuminate! A Nighttime Celebration • Wondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party! • Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Summer: Stitch's Summer Dance Bash • Summer Blast
Halloween: Are You Brave Enough? • Disney's Not So Spooky Spectacular • Frightfully Fun Parade • Happy Hallowishes • Let's Get Wicked • Re-Villains! Halloween Parade • The Villains World • Villains Night Out! Chapter 2
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade • Disney Winter Magic Cavalcade • Royal Christmas Wishes

Original: Ariel • Flounder • Sebastian • Scuttle • Prince Eric • King Triton • Ursula • Flotsam and Jetsam • King Triton's Daughters • Max • Grimsby • Carlotta • Chef Louis • Ursula's Garden • Glut • The Seahorse Herald • Harold • Merpeople • Sea Creatures • Lagoon Residents

Sequel: Melody • Tip and Dash • Alex • Morgana • Cloak and Dagger • Undertow • Hammerhead Shark • Flounder's Guppies • Baby Penguin • Ursula and Morgana's Mother
Prequel: Queen Athena • Marina Del Rey • Benjamin • The Catfish Club Band • Stevie • Electric Eels
Little Mermaid's Island: Sandy • Scales
TV Series: Urchin • Gabriella • Ollie • Dudley • Pearl • Pearl's Mother • Manta • Little Evil • Daniel • Moray • Simon • Lobster Mobster and Da Shrimp • The Sorceress • Glowfish • Ebb and Flo • Empreror Sharga • Sharkanians • Octopid • Brain Sponge • Zeus • Spot the Killer Whale • Claud and Claudia Crab • Crab Scouts • Hans Christian Andersen • Lucky • Thor • Augustus • Stormy the Giant Seahorse • The Magical Wishing Starfish • Howling Hairfish • Apollo • Archimedes • Seaclops • Neptune • Dr. Vile
Comic Book: Indigo • Marlin the Magician • Jenny
Remake: Queen Selina

The Little Mermaid • Ariel
Prince Eric's Statue • Trident • Ursula's Cauldron • Ursula's Necklace • Melody's locket • Queen Athena's music box • Dinglehopper • Royal Ship • The Wedding Ship • Snarfblatt
Atlantica • Ariel's Secret Grotto • Ursula's Lair • Prince Eric's Castle • Sharkania • Morgana's Ice Cave
Films: Fathoms Below • Daughters of King Triton • Part of Your World • Under the Sea • Poor Unfortunate Souls • Les Poissons • Kiss the Girl • Down to the Sea • For a Moment • Tip and Dash • Here on the Land and Sea • Endless Sky • Just One Mistake • Jump in the Line (Shake, Senora) • I Remember • Man Smart (Woman Smarter) • I Will Sing

TV Series: Just a Little Love • You Got to be You • The Edge of the Edge of the Sea • The Lobster Mobster's Mob • The Beddy Bye Blues • Sing a New Song • In Harmony • This is the Life • Never Give Up • You Wouldn't Want to Mess with Me • The Sound of Laughter • Daring to Dance • Just Give Me a Chance • Evil Lullaby
Musical: She's in Love • Human Stuff • Positoovity • I Want the Good Times Back • Storm at Sea • Daddy's Little Angel • Her Voice • The World Above • The Contest • If Only • Beyond My Wildest Dreams • Sweet Child • One Step Closer • All Good Things Must End
Songs from the Sea: The Sea Kingdom • What's It Like to Be a Mermaid? • The Scuttle Strut • There's Only One Ariel • He's a Friend • At the Mermaids' Ball • Party With Me • My Room in the Sea • Dreaming • H2O, What a Feeling! • We Share the Earth • Where Mermaids Dwell
Splash Hits: In My Blue Backyard • Home is
Remake: Wild Uncharted Waters • For the First Time • The Scuttlebutt
Deleted: Silence is Golden • Gonna Get My Wish • Impossible Child
Other: Music is in the Air • One Dance • A Mermaid Song

See Also
Musical • The Disney Afternoon • Disney Sing Along Songs: Under the Sea

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Films: Sleeping Beauty (video/soundtrack/The Legacy Collection) • Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams • Maleficent (video/soundtrack) • Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (video/soundtrack) • Maleficent 3

Shows: House of Mouse • Once Upon a Time • Once Upon a Time in Wonderland • Sofia the First • Chibi Tiny Tales
Video Games: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep • Disney Infinity • Maleficent Free Fall • Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: My Side of the Story: Sleeping Beauty/Maleficent • The Curse of Maleficent: The Tale of a Sleeping Beauty • Once Upon a Dream: From Perrault's Sleeping Beauty to Disney's Maleficent • Mistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark Fairy • Disney Princess Beginnings • Prince of Thorns & Nightmares

Disney Parks
Castle of Magical Dreams • Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour • Club Villain • Disney Animation Building • King Arthur Carrousel • Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant • La Tanière du Dragon • Princess Pavilion • Sleeping Beauty Castle • Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom • Midship Detective Agency • Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough•Disney Heroes: Battle Mode

Entertainment: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney Songbook • Animagique • Cinderellabration: Lights of Romance • Disney's Believe • Fantasmic! • Feel the Magic • Mickey's Gift of Dreams • Mickey's Magical Celebration • Once Upon a Mouse • One Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On! • Soryo Kobu • The Golden Mickeys • The Starlit Princess Waltz • Villains Tonight!
Restaurants: King Stefan's Banquet Hall
Parades: Disney's Dreams On Parade: Moving On • Disney's Fantillusion • Disney's Party Express • Disney Carnivale Parade • Disney on Parade • Disney Stars on Parade • Dreaming Up! • Festival of Fantasy Parade • Flights of Fantasy Parade • Happiness is Here Parade • Jubilation! • Magic Happens • Main Street Electrical Parade • Mickey's Rainy Day Express • Mickey's Soundsational Parade • SpectroMagic • The Wonderful World of Disney Parade • Nightfall Glow • Minnie's Tiara of Dreams
Fireworks: Celebrate! Tokyo Disneyland • Disney Dreams! • Magic, Music and Mayhem • Magical: Disney's New Nighttime Spectacular of Magical Celebrations • Momentous • Wishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams • Wonderful World of Animation • Wondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Summer: Club Mouse Beat • Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Celebrate the Magic • Disney's Maleficious Halloween Party • Frightfully Fun Parade • Happy Hallowishes • Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular • Inferno Dance Party • It's Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains • Jack Skellington’s Villainous Gathering • Let's Get Wicked • Kooky Spooky Halloween Night • Re-Villains! Halloween Parade • The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime • The Villains Rockin’ Halloween • The Villains World • Villains Grove • Villains Mix and Mingle • Villains Night Out! • World of Color: Villainous!
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade • Royal Christmas Ball • Royal Christmas Wishes

Sleeping Beauty: Aurora • Prince Phillip • Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather • Maleficent • Diablo • King Stefan • Queen Leah • King Hubert • Forest Animals • Samson • Goons • Minstrel

Maleficent: Forest Army • King Henry • King Henry's Army • Fairies • Queen Ingrith • Conall • Borra • Gerda • Dark Fey • Lickspittle
See also: Vulture (deleted character) • The Duke

King Stefan's Castle • Forbidden Mountain • Aurora's Cottage • Forest • Moors • Ulstead • Cavernous Nest
Sleeping Beauty: Hail to the Princess Aurora • The Gifts of Beauty and Song • I Wonder • Once Upon a Dream • Skumps • Sleeping Beauty

Deleted Songs: Sing a Smiling Song • It Happens I Have a Picture • Riddle Diddle • Go to Sleep • Evil - Evil
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil: You Can't Stop The Girl

See also
1951 version • Spinning Wheel • Maleficent's Staff

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Beauty and the beast logo
Films: Beauty and the Beast (video/soundtrack/The Legacy Collection) • The Enchanted Christmas (video) • Belle's Magical World (video) • Beauty and the Beast (2017) (video/soundtrack)

Shows: Sing Me a Story with Belle • Belle's Tales of Friendship • House of Mouse • A Poem Is... • Beauty and the Beast: A 30th Celebration (soundtrack) • Chibi Tiny Tales
Books: The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's Prince • The New Adventures of Beauty and the Beast • Winter Wonderland • Tale as Old as Time: The Art and Making of Beauty and the Beast • Disney Princess Beginnings • As Old as Time (A Twisted Tale) • Royal Weddings
Marvel Comics: A Chance For Romance • Wardrobe's Big Surprise • The Wishful Walk • Almost Amour! • Lyrical Love Part 1 and 2 • Dove Tales Part 1 and 2
Video Games: Beauty and the Beast • Belle's Quest • Roar of the Beast • A Board Game Adventure • Disney Infinity • Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition • Kingdom Hearts • Kingdom Hearts II • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days • Kingdom Hearts χ • Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χ • Disney Enchanted Tales • Disney Emoji Blitz • Disney Crossy Road • Disney Magic Kingdoms • Beauty and the Beast: Perfect Match • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode • Disney Speedstorm
Stage: Musical (cast album)

Disney Parks
Animated Film: Beauty and the Beast Sing-Along • Castle of Magical Dreams • Disney Animation Building • Disney Friends of the Month • Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast • Fairy Tale Forest • Le Pays des Contes de Fées • Mickey's PhilharMagic • Princess Pavilion • Sorcerer's Workshop • Voyage to the Crystal Grotto

Live-Action Film: Disney Movie Magic • Disney Illuminations
Entertainment: A Table is Waiting • Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage • Cinderella's Surprise Celebration • Cinderellabration: Lights of Romance • Disney's Believe • Disney Dreams: An Enchanted Classic • Enchanted Tales with Belle • Fantasmic! • Feel the Magic • Mickey and the Magician • Mickey and the Wondrous Book • Mickey's Magical Celebration • Mickey's Magical Music World • Once Upon a Mouse • The Pavilion • Royal Princess Music Celebration • Royal Theatre • The Golden Mickeys • The Starlit Princess Waltz
Restaurants: Be Our Guest Restaurant • Gaston's Tavern • Red Rose Taverne • Maurice's Treats
Shops: Bonjour! Village Gifts
Parades: Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade • Disney's Dreams On Parade: Moving On • Disney's Fantillusion • Disney's Magical Moments Parade • Disney's Party Express • Disney Carnivale Parade • Disney Stars on Parade • Dreaming Up! • Festival of Fantasy Parade • Flights of Fantasy Parade • Happiness is Here Parade • Jubilation! • Mickey's Rainy Day Express • Move It! Shake It! MousekeDance It! Street Party • Mickey's Soundsational Parade • Paint the Night Parade • The Wonderful World of Disney Parade • Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights • Villains Cursed Caravan • Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams • Nightfall Glow
Fireworks: Celebrate! Tokyo Disneyland • Disney Dreams! • Disney Enchantment • Disney in the Stars • Harmonious • Illuminate! A Nighttime Celebration • Magic, Music and Mayhem • The Magic, the Memories and You • Magical: Disney's New Nighttime Spectacular of Magical Celebrations • Momentous • Once Upon a Time • Wishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams • Wonderful World of Animation • World of Color • Wondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party! • Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Summer: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Frightfully Fun Parade • It's Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains • Let's Get Wicked • Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues • The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade • Disney Christmas Stories • Disney Holidays in Hollywood • Disney Winter Magic Cavalcade • Royal Christmas Wishes

Original: Belle • Beast • Lumiere • Cogsworth • Mrs. Potts • The Potts Children (Chip Potts) • Chef Bouche • Villagers • Maurice • Philippe • Gaston • LeFou • Bimbettes • Sultan • Wardrobe • Fifi • Enchantress • Monsieur D'Arque • Wolves • Music Box • Coat Rack • Gaston's Buddies • The Bookseller • Palanquin

Enchanted Christmas: Angelique • Forte • Fife
Belle's Magical World: Webster • Crane • Le Plume • Witherspoon • Chandeleria • Tubaloo • Tres • Chaude
Deleted Characters: Clarice • Charley • Marguerite • Belle's Sisters • Belle's Suitors • Belle's Mother
Sing Me a Story with Belle: Harmony • Big Book • Lewis and Carol the Bookworms
Book Characters: Countess de la Perle • Thunder • Love • Death
Remake: Cadenza • Jean Potts • Monsieur Toilette • The King • The Queen

Original: Prologue • Belle • Gaston • Be Our Guest • Something There • Human Again • Beauty and the Beast • The Mob Song

Broadway: No Matter What • Me • Home • How Long Must This Go On? • If I Can't Love Her • Maison Des Lunes • A Change in Me • End Duet
Enchanted Christmas: Stories • As Long As There's Christmas • Don't Fall in Love • A Cut Above the Rest
Belle's Magical World: A Little Thought • Listen With Our Hearts
Remake: Aria • How Does a Moment Last Forever • Days in the Sun • Evermore

Beast's Castle (Library/Ballroom/The West Wing/Belle's Room) • Belle's Cottage • Village • The Black Forest • Tavern
The Enchanted Rose • Enchanted Mirror • Maurice's Machine
See Also
Beauty and the Beast Jr. • Disney Renaissance • Original Screenplay

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Tangled logo
Films: Tangled (video/soundtrack/score) • Tangled Ever After • Tangled: Before Ever After

Shows: A Poem Is... • Tangled: The Series (soundtrack one/two/three) • Chibi Tiny Tales
Video Games: Tangled (video game) • Disney Infinity series • Kingdom Hearts III • Disney Crossy Road • Disney Enchanted Tales • Disney Emoji Blitz • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
Books: The Art of Tangled • Comic Books • Rapunzel and the Lost Lagoon • Rapunzel and the Vanishing Village • Royal Weddings
Cancelled projects: Rapunzel Unbraided • Varian and the Seven Kingdoms

Disney Parks
Fantasy Springs • Disney Animation Building • Castle of Magical Dreams • Fairy Tale Forest • Garden of the Twelve Friends • It's a Small World • Princess Pavilion • Raiponce Tangled Spin • Rapunzel's Lantern Festival • Le Pays des Contes de Fées • Voyage to the Crystal Grotto

Entertainment: Believe! Sea of Dreams • Disney's Wishes • Disney Dreams: An Enchanted Classic • Fantasmic! • Fantasy Festival • Mickey's Magical Celebration • Mickey's Magical Music World • Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire • Mickey and the Magical Map • Mickey and the Wondrous Book • Royal Theatre • Tangled: The Musical • The Forest of Enchantment: A Disney Musical Adventure • The Golden Mickeys • The Starlit Princess Waltz • When You Wish
Restaurants: Tangled Tree Tavern
Parades: A Million Splashes of Colour • Disney Magic on Parade • Disney Stars on Parade • Dreaming Up! • Dreams.... And Shine Brighter! • Festival of Fantasy Parade • Mickey's Soundsational Parade • Mickey's Storybook Express • Mickey and Friends Celebration • Paint the Night Parade • Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Fireworks: Celebrate the Magic • Disney Dreams! • Disneyland Forever • Happily Ever After • Illuminate! A Nighttime Celebration • Momentous • Once Upon a Time • Wondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Summer: Adventure is Out There!
Halloween: Let's Get Wicked
Christmas: World of Color: Winter Dreams • Royal Christmas Wishes

Original: Rapunzel • Flynn Rider • Mother Gothel • Pascal • Maximus • Stabbington Brothers • Hook Hand • Big Nose • Vladimir • Attila • Ulf • Shorty • Pub Thugs • Captain of the Guards • King Frederic • Queen Arianna • Castle Guards

TV series: Cassandra • Fidella • Owl • Pete and Stan • Lady Caine • Pocket • Hook Foot • Varian • Ruddiger • Quirin • Old Lady Crowley • Monty • Dale • Wreck Marauder • Lance Strongbow • Friedborg • Nigel • King Trevor • Fernanda Pizazzo • Andrew • Separatists of Saporia • Xavier • Feldspar • Angry and Red • The Baron • Anthony the Weasel • Ruthless Ruth • Axel • Willow • Zhan Tiri • Lord Demanitus • Sugracha the Eternal • Uumlaut • King Edmund • Adira • Stalyan • Vex • Captain Quaid • Mother and Father • Vigor • Madame Canardist • Calliope • Lorbs • Seraphina • Hector • Tromus • Hamuel • Little Big Guy • Brock Thunderstrike
Deleted characters: Bastion • Claire and Vince • Beau

Shorts: "Checkmate" • "Prison Bake" • "Make Me Smile" • "Hare Peace" • "Night Bite" • "Hiccup Fever" • "Snowball" • "Hairdon't" • "Unicorny"

Season One: "What the Hair?!" • "Rapunzel's Enemy" • "Fitzherbert P.I." • "Challenge of the Brave" • "Cassandra v. Eugene" • "The Return of Strongbow" • "In Like Flynn" • "Great Expotations" • "Under Raps" • "One Angry Princess" • "Pascal's Story" • "Big Brothers of Corona" • "The Wrath of Ruthless Ruth" • "Max's Enemy" • "The Way of the Willow" • "Queen for a Day" • "Painter's Block" • "Not in the Mood" • "The Quest for Varian" • "The Alchemist Returns" • "Secret of the Sun Drop"
Season Two: "Beyond the Corona Walls" • "The Return of Quaid" • "Goodbye and Goodwill" • "Forest of No Return" • "Freebird" • "Vigor the Visionary" • "Keeper of the Spire" • "King Pascal" • "There's Something About Hook Foot" • "Happiness Is..." • "Max and Eugene in Peril on the High Seas" • "Curses!" • "The Eye of Pincosta" • "Rapunzel and the Great Tree" • "The Brothers Hook" • "Rapunzel: Day One" • "Mirror, Mirror" • "You're Kidding Me!" • "Rapunzeltopia" • "Lost and Found" • "Destinies Collide"
Season Three: "Rapunzel's Return" • "Return of the King" • "Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?" • "The Lost Treasure of Herz Der Sonne" • "No Time Like the Past" • "Beginnings" • "The King and Queen of Hearts" • "Day of the Animals" • "Be Very Afraid" • "Pascal's Dragon" • "Islands Apart" • "Cassandra's Revenge" • "Race to the Spire" • "A Tale of Two Sisters" • "Flynnpostor" • "Once a Handmaiden..." • "Plus Est En Vous"

Rapunzel's Tower • The Snuggly Duckling • Corona • Corona Castle • Old Corona • The Dark Kingdom • Vardaros • The Spire • Terapi Island • The Great Tree • The House of Yesterday's Tomorrow • Cassandra's Stronghold • Gothel's Cottage
Film: When Will My Life Begin • Mother Knows Best • I've Got a Dream • I See the Light • Healing Incantation • Something That I Want

Musical: Flower of Gold • Wanted Man • When She Returns
TV Series: Life After Happily Ever After • Wind in My Hair • More of Me • Friendship Song • Listen Up • I've Got This • Let Me Make You Proud • Set Yourself Free • Ready As I'll Ever Be • Next Stop, Anywhere • If I Could Take That Moment Back • View From Up Here • Hook Foot's Ballad • Buddy • Waiting in the Wings • Livin' the Dream • With You by My Side • Everything I Ever Thought I Knew • Crossing the Line • Stronger Than Ever Before • Bigger Than That • The Girl Who Has Everything • Nothing Left to Lose • Through It All • I'd Give Anything
Deleted: What More Could I Ever Need

Rapunzel's Frying Pan • Sundrop Flower • Rapunzel's Magic Hair • Rapunzel's Crown • Lanterns • Rapunzel's Journal • Black Rocks • Demanitus Device • Attitude-Reversing Potion • Automaton • Rapunzel's Caravan • Idol of Vershaftsbezeigungengien • The Graphtic Scroll • Moonstone Opal
See Also
As Told by Emoji • Lorbs

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Aladdin Logo
Films: Aladdin (video/soundtrack) • The Return of Jafar (video) • Aladdin and the King of Thieves (video/soundtrack) • Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams • Aladdin (2019) (video/soundtrack) • Aladdin 2

Shows: Aladdin: The Series • "Hercules and the Arabian Night" • Great Minds Think 4 Themselves • A Poem Is...
Books: Comic book • Aladdin's Quest • A-Mazing Aladdin • Jasmine's Magic Charm • Royal Weddings • Jasmine: The Missing Coin • Jasmine the Matchmaker • Disney Princess Beginnings • The Art and Making of Aladdin • Aladdin: Far From Agrabah• The Magic Carpet's Secret
Video Games: Video game • Nasira's Revenge • Activity Center • Disney's MathQuest With Aladdin • Aladdin Pinball • Disney Infinity • Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition • Kingdom Hearts • Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories • Kingdom Hearts II • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days • Kingdom Hearts coded • Kingdom Hearts χ • Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χ • Disney Enchanted Tales • Disney Emoji Blitz • Disney Magic Kingdoms • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode • Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King • Disney POP TOWN • Disney Classic Games Collection • Disney Speedstorm

Disney Parks
Arabian Coast • Caravan Carousel • Castle of Magical Dreams • Country Bear Musical Jamboree • Disney Animation Building • Garden of the Twelve Friends • It's a Small World • Karibuni Marketplace • Le Passage Enchanté d'Aladdin • Mickey's PhilharMagic • PLAY! • Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom • Storybook Land Canal Boats • The Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management) • The Magic Carpets of Aladdin • Voyage to the Crystal Grotto

Entertainment: Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular • Believe! Sea of Dreams • Cinderella's Surprise Celebration • Cinderellabration: Lights of Romance • Disney's Believe • Disney Dreams: An Enchanted Classic • Feel the Magic • Golden Fairytale Fanfare • Mickey's Magical Celebration • Mickey's Magical Music World • Mickey and the Magician • Mickey and the Wondrous Book • Once Upon a Mouse • Royal Princess Music Celebration • The Adventure of Rhythm • The Magic Lamp Theater • The Starlit Princess Waltz • Villains Tonight!
Restaurants: Aladdin's Oasis
Shops: Adventureland Bazaar
Parades: A Million Splashes of Colour • Aladdin's Royal Caravan • Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade • Disney's Fantillusion • Disney's Magical Moments Parade • Disney Adventure Friends Cavalcade • Disney Carnivale Parade • Disney Stars on Parade • Dreaming Up! • Dreams.... And Shine Brighter! • Happiness is Here Parade • Magic Happens • Move It! Shake It! Dance and Play It! Street Party • Mickey's New Year's Eve Parade • Mickey's Soundsational Parade • Mickey's Storybook Express • Mickey and Friends Celebration • The Wonderful World of Disney Parade • Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights • Nightfall Glow • Disney Harmony in Color! Parade
Fireworks: Believe... There's Magic in the Stars • Disney Dreams! • Disney Enchantment • Disney in the Stars • Fantasy in the Sky • Happily Ever After • Harmonious • Ignite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light • Illuminate! A Nighttime Celebration • Mickey's Mix Magic • Momentous • Once Upon a Time • Remember... Dreams Come True • Wishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams • Wonderful World of Animation • World of Color • Wondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party! • Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Summer: Disney's Summer Oasis Splash • Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise • Stitch's Summer Dance Bash
Halloween: Disney's Maleficious Halloween Party • Disney Villains Wicked Gathering • Frightfully Fun Parade • Happy Hallowishes • Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular • It's Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains • Jack Skellington’s Villainous Gathering • Kooky Spooky Halloween Night • Re-Villains! Halloween Parade • The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime • The Villains World • Villains Mix and Mingle • Villains Night Out!
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade • Royal Christmas Wishes

Original: Aladdin • Genie • Jasmine • Abu • Magic Carpet • The Sultan • Rajah • Jafar • Iago • The Peddler • Razoul • The Royal Guards • Gazeem • Prince Achmed • Harem Girls • Farouk

Sequels: Abis Mal • Abis Mal's Thugs • Cassim • Sa'Luk • Forty Thieves • The Oracle
TV Series: Sadira • Merc • Queen Hippsodeth • Scara • King Pector • The Mukhtar • King Mamood • Eden • Sultan Pasta Al-Dente • Dhandi • Hamed • Pharabu • Prince Uncouthma • General Gouda • Brawnhilda • Bud • Runta • Thundra • Queen Kimbla • Sydney • Brisbane • Koala Kid • Machana • Fasir • Riders of Ramond • Samir the "Destroyer" • Squirt • Captain Al Bahtross • Prince Wazoo • Ajed Al-Gebraic • Amal • Abnor Mal • Mechanicles • Scooter • Marauders • Zorasto • Mozenrath • Xerxes • Khartoum • Sirocco • Shaman • Mirage • Haroud Hazi Bin • Fashoom • Saleen • Armand • Ayam Aghoul • Evil Aladdin • Caliph Kapok • Sootinai • Daru Tavelevil • Malcho • Dominus Tusk • Al Muddy Sultan • Al Muddy • Aziz • Minos and Fatima • Nefir Hasenuf • Nefir's Imps • Arbutus • Magma • Amuk Moonrah • Chaos • Evil Genie • Scourge of the Desert • Amin Damoola • Frigeed • Anubis • Sahkata, Razili, and Farida • Sand Monster • Sand Shark • Mothias • Ding and Oopo • Queen Deluca • King Zahbar • Queen Deluca's Brothers • The Great Rift • Mamluks • Kileem • The Ethereal • Zin and Zang • Kutato • Unkbuut • Destane
Enchanted Tales: Aneesa • Hakeem • Sahara • Sharma
Video game characters: Nasira • Bizarrah • Very Ankh-Amman
Deleted Characters: Zena • Genie of the Ring • Jasmine's Mother • Babkak, Omar, and Kassim
Remake: Dalia

Season One: Getting the Bugs Out • Mudder's Day • Fowl Weather • The Prophet Motive • Much Abu About Something • My Fair Aladdin • To Cure a Thief • Never Say Nefir • Raiders of the Lost Shark

Season Two: "Air Feather Friends" • "Bad Mood Rising" • "Do the Rat Thing" • "The Vapor Chase" • "Garden of Evil" • "Some Enchanted Genie" • "Web of Fear" • "Plunder the Sea" • "Strike Up the Sand" • "Sneeze the Day" • "I Never Mechanism I Didn't Like" • "Forget Me Lots" • "Scare Necessities" • "SandSwitch" • "Lost and Founded" • "Moonlight Madness" • "The Flawed Couple" • "Rain of Terror" • "Dune Quixote" • "That Stinking Feeling" • "The Day the Bird Stood Still" • "Of Ice and Men" • "Opposites Detract" • "Caught by the Tale" • "Elemental, My Dear Jasmine" • "Beast or Famine" • "Smolder and Wiser" • "The Game" • "Poor Iago" • "The Spice is Right" • "The Animal Kingdom" • "Power to the Parrot" • "The Sands of Fate" • "Hero with a Thousand Feathers" • "The Citadel" • "Snowman is an Island" • "The Secret of Dagger Rock" • "In the Heat of the Fright" • "Witch Way Did She Go?" • "The Seven Faces of Genie" • "The Wind Jackals of Mozenrath" • "A Clockwork Hero" • "Mission: Imp Possible" • "Stinker Belle" • "Sea No Evil" • "Shadow of a Doubt" • "Smells Like Trouble" • "The Way We War" • "Night of the Living Mud" • "Egg-stra Protection" • "A Sultan Worth His Salt" • "Heads, You Lose" • "The Love Bug" • "When Chaos Comes Calling" • "Genie Hunt" • "Armored and Dangerous" • "The Lost Ones" • "Eye of the Beholder" • "Shark Treatment" • "Black Sand" • "Love at First Sprite" • "Vocal Hero" • "The Lost City of the Sun" • "As the Netherworld Turns" • "Seems Like Old Crimes" • "From Hippsodeth, with Love" • "Destiny on Fire" • "The Return of Malcho"
Season Three: "The Hunted" • "Riders Redux" • "The Book of Khartoum" • "While the City Snoozes" • "Two to Tangle" • "The Ethereal" • "The Shadow Knows" • "The Great Rift"

Agrabah • Cave of Wonders • The Sultan's Palace • The Vanishing Isle • Odiferous • The Isle of Galifem • Morbia • Old Wizard's Lab
Golden Scarab Beetle • Jafar's Snake Staff • Genie's Lamp • Jafar's Lamp • Eden's Bottle • Mozenrath's Gauntlet • Crystal of Ix • Blue Rose of Forgetfulness • Tree of Renewal • Emerald of Khufu • Cassim's Dagger • The Oracle's Scythe • Hand of Midas
Original: Arabian Nights • One Jump Ahead • Friend Like Me • Prince Ali • A Whole New World

The Return of Jafar: I'm Looking Out for Me • Nothing in the World (Quite Like a Friend) • Forget About Love • You're Only Second Rate
King of Thieves: Party in Agrabah • Out of Thin Air • Welcome to the Forty Thieves • Father and Son • Are You In or Out?
Enchanted Tales: More Than a Peacock Princess • I've Got My Eyes on You
Deleted: Humiliate the Boy • Proud of Your Boy • Why Me? • You Count on Me • Call Me a Princess • Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim • High Adventure • My Finest Hour • To Be Free • Desert Moon
Broadway: A Million Miles Away • These Palace Walls • Somebody's Got Your Back • Diamond in the Rough
Remake: Speechless

See also
Musical • Friend Like Iago • The Disney Afternoon • Disney Renaissance • As Told by Emoji

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs logo
Film: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (soundtrack/video) • Snow White

Television: A Poem Is...
Video games: Game Boy Color game • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep • Kingdom Hearts χ • Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χ • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode • Dopey's Wild Mine Ride
Books: Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen • Royal Weddings • Disney Princess Beginnings
Cancelled projects: Snow White Returns • Atari 2600 video game • The Seven Dwarfs • Rose Red

Disney Parks
Castle of Magical Dreams • Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour • Club Villain • Disney Animation Building • Fairy Tale Forest • Mickey Mouse Revue • Once Upon a Time Adventure • Princess Pavilion • Seven Dwarfs Mine Train • Snow White's Adventures • Snow White's Scary Adventures • Snow White Grotto • Storybook Land Canal Boats • Snow White's Enchanted Wish • Sorcerer's Workshop

Entertainment: Cinderella's Surprise Celebration • Cinderellabration: Lights of Romance • Disney Dreams: An Enchanted Classic • Dream Along with Mickey • Fantasmic! • Golden Fairytale Fanfare • Mickey and the Wondrous Book • Mickey's Magical Music World • Mickey's Gift of Dreams • Mickey's Magical Celebration • Once Upon a Mouse • One Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On! • Royal Princess Music Celebration • Singin', Dancin', Heigh Ho! • Snow White: An Enchanting Musical • The Golden Mickeys • The Starlit Princess Waltz • Villains Tonight! • Club Mouse Beat
Parades: A Million Splashes of Colour • Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade • Disney's Dreams On Parade: Moving On • Disney's Fantillusion • Disney's Magical Moments Parade • Disney's Party Express • Disney Carnivale Parade • Disney on Parade • Disney Stars on Parade • Disney Stars 'n' Cars • Dreaming Up! • Festival of Fantasy Parade • Flights of Fantasy Parade • Happiness is Here Parade • Main Street Electrical Parade • Mickey's Rainy Day Express • Mickey's Soundsational Parade • Mickey's Storybook Express • SpectroMagic • Snow White's Golden Anniversary Celebration • The Wonderful World of Disney Parade • Minnie's Tiara of Dreams • Disney Harmony in Color! Parade
Fireworks: Disney Enchantment • Fantasy in the Sky • Illuminate! A Nighttime Celebration • Momentous • Once Upon a Time • Remember... Dreams Come True • Wishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams • Wonderful World of Animation • World of Color: Celebrate! • Wondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney Friends Springtime Processional • Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Summer: Club Mouse Beat • Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Disney's Maleficious Halloween Party • Disney Villains Wicked Gathering • Frightfully Fun Parade • Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular • House of De Vil-lains • Inferno Dance Party • It's Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains • Jack Skellington’s Villainous Gathering • Kooky Spooky Halloween Night • Mickey's Boo-to-You Halloween Parade • Re-Villains! Halloween Parade • The Villains Rockin’ Halloween • The Villains World • Villains Grove • Villains Mix and Mingle • Villains Night Out!
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade • Disney Christmas Stories • Disney Winter Magic Cavalcade • Mickey's Most Merriest Celebration • Royal Christmas Wishes

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Snow White • The Evil Queen • The Prince • The Huntsman • Doc • Grumpy • Happy • Bashful • Sleepy • Sneezy • Dopey • Forest Animals • Raven • Vultures

Deleted: The First King • The First Queen

Magic Mirror • Poisoned Apple • Heart Box
The Queen's Castle • Cottage of the Seven Dwarfs • Dwarfs' Mine • The Forest • The Prince's Castle
Original: I'm Wishing • One Song • With a Smile and a Song • Whistle While You Work • Heigh Ho • Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dum • The Silly Song • Someday My Prince Will Come

Deleted: Music in Your Soup • You're Never Too Old
Remake: Waiting on a Wish • All is Fair
Other Songs: Welcome to the Kingdom • Will I Ever See Her Again?

See Also
Unused Dwarfs • Legacy • Musical (Soundtrack) • Disney Sing Along Songs: Heigh-Ho • Snow White Returns • One Hour in Wonderland • The Walt Disney Christmas Show • The 7D • Still the Fairest of Them All: The Making of Snow White