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"He's not a werewolf, okay? He's a weasel! He's harmless... I mean, he's not harmless, he's killed twenty-seven children, but... y'know, we got him to... I think... he's agreed to do this."
Rick Flag to Blackguard[src]

Weasel is a weasel-like humanoid that killed twenty-seven children. He was incarcerated and became part of the first Task Force X strike team of the Corto Maltese mission. Upon reaching the island, Weasel drowned and the rest of the team believed that he died, but Weasel actually survived and stayed in Corto Maltese.


Early Life[]


It's unknown how exactly Weasel came to be, but he was accused of going around causing havoc, which supposedly included the deaths of twenty-seven children, until he was finally caught and detained in Belle Reve. Weasel was then forcibly drafted into Task Force X by Amanda Waller.[1]

Mission in Corto Maltese[]


"Oh my God! Is it a werewolf?"
"Yo, they sat me next to a WEREWOLF!?! Yo, lemme out!!! I do not fuck with werewolves!"
Harley Quinn and Blackguard[src]

In August 2020, Weasel was sent on a mission to Corto Maltese to destroy the prison and laboratory known as Jotunheim and wipe out all traces of the dangerous Project Starfish, despite him having no idea what was going on. Three days before embarking on his mission, Weasel observed Bloodsport being recruited, while he uncomfortably licked his cell.[1]

Weasel gives a yell as he gets out of a truck to address Corto Maltese

Weasel gives a yell as he gets out of a truck to address Corto Maltese.

Once the day of traveling to the mission arrived, a nano-bomb was placed on Weasel to prevent him from escaping, and Weasel was sent in a security van to the starting point being supervised by soldiers who controlled him when he got off, while he gave a weasel cry, scaring a soldier who aimed at him. Finally Weasel got out and went with the Task Force X to the helicopter from where they would take off to Corto Maltese.

The Suicide Squad Empire Exclusive 2

Weasel with the rest of the team on the Sheba.

Weasel went with his companions to the island of Corto Maltese being taken on the Sheba. On the trip, Blackguard wondered what species Weasel was, thinking that he was a dog, his companions then said that he looked like an Afghan hound. Harley Quinn proposed that he was a werewolf, scaring Blackguard who wanted to quickly get away from Weasel, Rick Flag then calmed them by saying that he was just a weasel.[1]

Battle on the Corto Maltese Beach[]

"The Weasel is dead. I repeat, the Weasel is dead."
Savant to Amanda Waller[src]
Weasel is saved by Savant while he was drowning

Weasel is saved by Savant while he was drowning.

As soon as the talk ended, Flag noticed the team that they had reached the coast. Upon being deployed on the beach of Corto Maltese, Colonel Rick Flag and the team realize that Weasel doesn’t know how to swim while he was drowning. Savant then tried to rescue him by searching for him underwater as he slowly sank, taking him to shore.

Savant notifies Amanda Waller of Weasel's death

Savant notifies Amanda Waller of Weasel's apparent death.

Upon arriving the coasts, Savant pronounces him dead by not feeling respiratory signs, to the dismay of Amanda Waller who got frustrated when seeing that a member had died without even landing. John Economos would have bet with his teammates that Weasel would survive, so he paid them. While Weasel was passed out on the ground, a battle would occur around him after Blackguard betrayed the team.[1]



Weasel wakes up after the battle.

Sometime after the end of the beach battle on the night of a full moon, Weasel woke up from the beach long after the skirmish, spitting up water. Confused and scared seeing himself only around him, Weasel decided to escape by running off into the nearby jungle of Corto Maltese.[1]


Weasel appears to have the instincts and displays the behavior of an actual weasel (licking a prison grate due to not knowing what it is or thinking it might be food, slowly slinking around with his back hunched as if walking on two legs is uncomfortable). If this is the case, Weasel has a very one-track mind, is easily agitated and startled, is scared by and doesn't want to do many things, and doesn't understand or care for social norms and how people see or think of him (this last point is confirmed by the aforementioned licking of the grate).

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Weasel Physiology: Weasel is an anthropomorphic weasel. He can move at great speeds, he is very flexible and has very fluid motions, and he can react quickly. Weasel also has heightened senses of smell and hearing, as well as sharp claws and teeth that can slice through human flesh or bite enemies to distract, injure, or kill them, respectively.
    • Superhuman Strength: Weasel is more strong than a normal human.[2]
    • Superhuman Speed: Weasel can move and run at superhuman speeds.[2]
    • Enhanced Senses: Weasel can smell and hear far more superior than normal human can do.
    • Weasel Lungs: Weasel has a different breathing system than a human since he can continue to breathe despite the fact that companions like Savant didn't feel his heartbeat. Similarly, Weasel was able to spend a prolonged time being passed out from swallowing water and continuing to breathe.
    • Razor-Sharp Claws: Weasel has claws superior to those of a human that allows him to cause heavy damage to his opponents and even kill them.[2]
    • Razor-Sharp Fangs: Weasel has fangs and teeth that allow him to bite his enemies and cause severe damage.


  • Intimidation: Weasel's appearance, fangs, and claws are partially shifting as seen with Blackguard reaction to being next to him, thinking that he was a werewolf.


  • Water: Weasel is unable to swim and can only stay on the water's surface (with considerable struggle) for about half a minute.





List of appearances
In chronological order:

Behind the Scenes[]

  • His portrayal in the movie is based on Bill the Cat from the comic strip Bloom County.[3]
  • James Gunn has stated that Weasel might actually not have committed the crimes he's accused of.[4]
  • According to James Gunn, Weasel's real name is unknown.[5]


External Links[]

The DC Extended Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Weasel.

Task Force X
Founder Amanda Waller
Members Peacemaker | Vigilante | Emilia Harcourt | Leota Adebayo
Supporting members Clemson Murn | John Economos | Flo Crawley | Briscoe | Fitzgibbon
Former members Enchantress | June Moone | Slipknot | El Diablo | Deadshot | Katana | Killer Croc | Rick Flag | Captain Boomerang | Polka-Dot Man | T.D.K. | Javelin | Blackguard | Mongal | Savant | Harley Quinn | Bloodsport | King Shark | Ratcatcher 2 | Weasel