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"Metropolis. A city reborn, rebuilt and stronger than ever. Proud of its heritage and its heroes. Come visit the city of tomorrow."
Turkish Airlines

Metropolis is a large city located in the eastern United States and is part of the District of Metropolis in Delaware. The city is famous for its forward-looking, optimistic spirit, captured in its nickname "City of Tomorrow". It is home to the headquarters of both the Daily Planet newspaper and global corporation LexCorp Industries. It is also home to the Kryptonian superhero known as Superman.

Situated on the coast of Delaware, Metropolis is just across the bay from Gotham City, New Jersey; its sister city. Metropolis is often synonymous with the central island of New Troy, but the entire city also encompasses the boroughs of Queensland Park, Park Ridge, and Bakerline.



Initially growing from the colonial outpost of Fort Hob, Metropolis was founded in 1661 by European settlers during the colonization of North America. It grew steadily to become one of the largest cities in the world, a famous tech hub and media centre.[1]

21st Century[]

Black Zero Event[]

Black Zero over Metropolis

The Black Zero causing destruction in Metropolis.

In 2013, much of Metropolis' central business district was destroyed by General Dru-Zod and the Sword of Rao in their attempt to convert Earth's atmosphere to that of Krypton's. Whole buildings were obliterated and rubble covered the area, where it was sucked up when the ship spaghettified into its black hole. However, Zod and his followers were defeated, albeit with multiple civilian and military casualties. After the crisis ended, Metropolis recovered in time and was safeguarded by their new local savior, Superman,[2] with a large statue of Superman built in the city center in a new purpose built venue called Heroes Park.[3]

Since the Black Zero Event, the city was protected by Superman along with the rest of the world until his tragic death in 2015, when sacrificing himself to stop a mighty monster known as Doomsday.[4]

Resurrection of Superman[]

In 2017, when Superman was resurrected, thanks to the help of Flash, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Batman, he resumed his role as local superhero of Metropolis.[5]


Some years later, an earthquake devastated the city. As a result, Superman intervened to help save the city's residents. The earthquake's aftereffects reminded him of what had happened during the Black Zero Event.[6]

Alternate Timeline[]

Flashpoint Timeline[]

21st Century[]
Black Zero Event[]
Flashpoint Black Zero Event

The Black Zero lifts cars and civilians.

In 2013, like in the original timeline, when Dru-Zod and the Sword of Rao set out to terraform Earth into a new Krypton, they unleashed the Black Zero on Metropolis, which began to send gravity pulses through Earth, destroying buildings, cars, and killing civilians. However, the terraformation could not be stopped unlike in the original timeline, but was also unsuccessful as the Flash erased the timeline.[7]


Metropolis map

Map of downtown New Troy, Metropolis.

New Troy[]

New Troy is the central island of Metropolis and its largest borough. It is bordered on one side by the West River and on the other side by Hob's River.



Queensland Park[]

Queensland Park lies along the West River.[8]



Park Ridge[]

Park Ridge is one of the wealthiest and most historic parts of Metropolis.[8]




Bakerline was historically home to Metropolis' white-collar middle-class, but has since brought in a young techie crowd employed by LexCorp and smaller competitors in the tech industry.[8]



Other Locales[]




Known Residents[]


District of Metropolis

District of Metropolis seal.




Behind the Scenes[]

"It's a very business-oriented city. Expanding, new, everything is modern. There's not too much of that grunge that you would find in every city."
―Production designer Patrick Tatopoulos on Metropolis.[src]
  • According to Zack Snyder, he had initially wanted to keep Metropolis' general location and place in the United States more vague. Warner Brothers' legal team however pressed him on the issue, pointing out the necessity of delineating the location from the real-world Metropolis, Illinois. Thus, Metropolis became envisioned as being set as an East Coast City somewhere within one of the islands in Chesapeake Bay.[11]


External Links[]
