DC Extended Universe Wiki

We've split

By community choice, all content related to the DCU has been split to its own wiki.

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DC Extended Universe Wiki
DC Extended Universe Wiki
The original version of this article, or part of it, was copied or inspired from Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki (see authors)

The Wiki Staff Policy defines the roles, duties and promotion process for the different roles in the mainspace of the DC Extended Universe Wiki.

Staff Positions[]

Members of the Wiki Staff are basically a small set of editors the wiki considers to be highly experienced, trustworthy, knowledgeable and responsible, able to lead by example and correctly handle most situations that may arise in order to help the community to reach the site's goals.

  • Content Moderators: Content Moderators are editors who have been entrusted with access to restricted technical features ("tools") which help with maintenance of the articles, files and general body of the site ("content").
  • Thread Moderators: Thread Moderators are users who have additional tools available to manage conversations in various features across the community, mainly for discussions section.
  • Administrators: Administrators are editors who have been entrusted with access to the tools entitled to Content Moderators and, additionally, a set of tools dedicated to handle other editors' accounts, mostly the ability to block accounts from editing the site.

Staff Functions[]

  • Delete pages, page histories, files etc.
  • Rename pages and files.
  • Lock (protect) a page so it cannot be edited by users without staff rights.
  • Revert bad edits more easily using a "rollback" link.
  • Block a user name from editing. (Administrators only)
  • Edit the wiki interface. (Administrators only)

Code of Conduct[]

Staff members are reliable contributors who have been entrusted with the means to maintain the overall quality of the site. With this in mind:

  • Staff members have no right to ignore or infringe the policies of the wiki. Moderators and administrators are expected to follow the same rules as any other editors.
  • Staff members's opinions regarding the subjects covered in the wiki have the exact same value as any other editor's opinion.
  • Staff members are expected to behave in a mature way regarding problems and disputes that may arise with or between other editors.
  • Staff members should stay active to be able to assist the wiki.
  • If the staff member does not edit for a year without explanation, it will be assumed that they have left the wiki and they will be demoted.

Staff Promotion[]

In order to get promoted to a staff position, editors must fulfill a series of prerequisites of eligibility.

Content Moderator[]

  • The editor has edited and contributed for at least two months to the wiki.
  • The editor has had some form of major wiki contribution, in both quality and quantity, across the site.
  • The editor has demonstrated an understanding, respect and willingness to uphold the wiki's guidelines, rules and policies.
  • The editor is responsive on a regular basis, treating users with fairness.
  • The editor is willing to take on the additional responsibilities that the moderation and administrative tools entail.

If you meet these requirements, you can contact an administrator to request the promotion, or otherwise, an administrator will propose the promotion to you.

Thread Moderator[]

  • The user has actively participated in community discussions for at least three months.
  • The user has demonstrated an understanding, respect and willingness to uphold the community guidelines in discussions.
  • The user has a good track record, promoting compliance with the guidelines.
  • The editor is responsive on a regular basis, treating users with fairness.

If you meet these requirements, you can contact an administrator to request the promotion, or otherwise, an administrator will propose the promotion to you.


  • The editor is a content moderator.
  • The editor has edited and contributed for at least six months to the wiki.
  • The editor has had some form of major wiki contribution during their Content Moderator status, in both quality and quantity, across the site.
  • The editor has demonstrated an understanding, respect and willingness to the Code of Conduct during their Content Moderator status.

If you meet these requirements, you can contact a bureaucrat to request the promotion, or otherwise, a bureaucrat will propose the promotion to you.
