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For other uses, see Clemson Murn (disambiguation)

"This man, Leota... he's a murderer. But still, I know his thoughts... even he could've changed."
Ik Nobe Llok to Leota Adebayo[src]

Clemson Murn was a mercenary possessed by a butterfly named Ik Nobe Llok. The Butterfly impersonated the cynical, no-nonsense mercenary that Murn was and was appointed by Amanda Waller to lead the 11th Street Kids, the team tasked with taking down Project Butterfly. Eventually, Murn's body was permanently killed by Queen Eek Stack Ik Ik.


Mercenary life[]

Massacre in Nyasir[]

"Well, you've come a far way from the jungles of Nyasir."
"Yeah... and all the people you slaughtered there."
"Oh, please. Like you were some angel."
Caspar Locke and Ik Nobe Llok[src]

Clemson Murn was known by his compatriots as having come from a place called Nyasir, from a very young age, Murn trained to become a ruthless mercenary by learning assassination tactics.[1] As a murderer, Murn eventually committed many horrific acts, becoming known to various people including Christopher Smith.[2] At some point, Murn allied himself with Caspar Locke to carry out a great massacre in the jungles of Nyasir, killing multiple enemies. Because of his special abilities, Murn was eventually enlisted by Amanda Waller as an infiltrator in some missions.[1]

Killed by a butterfly[]

"Yeah, you kill someone, whoever Murn really was!"
"I needed to stop them! So I inhabited the worst person I could find."
Leota Adebayo and Ik Nobe Llok[src]

At some point, he was sought out and possessed by a Butterfly who needed a host and was looking for someone who would deserve possession and all of the drawbacks associated with the process. The Butterfly soon regretted the decision however, feeling guilty over killing Clemson and possessing his corpse, thus robbing him of his chance of atoning for his past actions.[3] Eventually, Ik Nobe Llok was shot by Queen Eek Stack Ik Ik, who was possessing Sophie Song's body, killing Murn permanently.[4]


"I know he's a mercenary. I know he kill a lot of people, and not always for the right side. I know I don't trust his ass."
Peacemaker to Leota Adebayo[src]

Murn was a born leader, with a strong, commanding prescence, and a tough, no-nonsense attitude. Like Amanda Waller, Murn didn't seem to mind the repercussions of committing evil deeds to accomplish a mission, being able to kill anyone if necessary. According to Peacemaker, Murn was a mercenary who killed a lot of people and he didn't do it for the best reasons, demonstrating his lack of empathy and human mercy when he allied himself with the mercenary Caspar Locke to carry out a ruthless massacre in Nyasir. Having been one of the most horrible people, Ik Nobe Llok made the decision to kill him in order to stop the butterflies, but eventually regretting it when left with Murn's traumas.


  • Master assassin: Murn was a world-class assassin with experience and had killed a multitude of people in Nyasir.[1]
  • Leadership: Murn's commanding presence and a tough, no-nonsense attitude have made him terrific in the field of leadership, his lack of mercy as leader would make Ik Nobe Llok take the decision to kill him.
  • Expert combatant: As an experient assassin, Murn was an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, Ik Nobe Llok would adopt these abilities after taking over Murn's body and use them throughout the mission to stop the butterflies.
  • Expert markman: By having skills in combat, Murn was also an expert markman being this ability used by Ik Nobe Llok by possessing his memories, demonstrating it by being able to gun down several butterflies possessing police officers.



  • Father




List of appearances
In chronological order:


  • Clemson Murn is an original character created for the Peacemaker TV series.

