One of the ways in which the EEA EFTA States participate in shaping EU policies, programmes and legislation is by agreeing on common position papers, called EEA EFTA Comments, to be shared with the EU.

EEA EFTA Comments are prepared by the relevant EFTA working groups (see policy areas), assisted by the EFTA Secretariat.

They may be issued as input to a public consultation organised by the Commission when preparing a legislative proposal, policy or strategy, or after their adoption by the Commission during the co-decision procedure on the EU side.

EEA EFTA Comments are approved by the Standing Committee of the EFTA States before they are submitted to the Commission Secretariat-General, the relevant Commission directorates and the European Parliament, as well as the Presidency of the European Council.

EEA EFTA Comments are often followed up with discussions between representatives of the EU institutions and EEA EFTA States in the EFTA working groups, and/or in bilateral meetings. The Comments are published on the EFTA website.


Asdis Olafsdottir

Secretary-General's Office
Head of Information and Communication
Image of Asdis Olafsdottir