The EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee is an advisory body that comprises members of the national parliaments of the EEA EFTA States and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). It is not directly involved in the EEA decision-making process, but through reports and resolutions it aims to monitor and scrutinise EEA-relevant EU policies and decisions adopted in the EEA Joint Committee.

Cooperation in the EEA

Members of the EEA JPC scrutinise all Community legislation applying to the EEA, and have the right to put oral and written questions to the representatives of the EEA Council and EEA Joint Committee. At each meeting, the EEA JPC has discussions with representatives of the EEA Council of Ministers, the EEA Joint Committee, and the EFTA Surveillance Authority. The EEA JPC expresses its views in the form of reports or resolutions. The Committee adopts resolutions on a wide variety of issues relevant to the EEA Agreement and the functioning of the Single Market.