The EEA Agreement creates a homogenous European Economic Area (EEA) based on common rules and equal conditions of competition. The EEA Agreement is dynamic, meaning it is continuously updated to incorporate EU legal acts that fall within the scope of the Agreement. This ensures common rules across the European Economic Area.

EU legal acts are incorporated into the EEA Agreement by Decisions of the EEA Joint Committee (JCDs) which place acts into one of the Annexes or Protocols to the Agreement.

The process of incorporation is described in depth in the EEA webtool. To verify if an EU is incorporated into the EEA Agreement, use EEA-Lex. On EEA-Lex you can also access information about the Joint Committee Decision which incorporated a given EU act, including whether it has entered into force, and into which Annex or Protocol to the EEA Agreement it was placed, if there are any EEA specific adaptations and verify whether any amendments to the act have been incorporated.

While the rules are common, provisions of legal acts that are made part of the EEA Agreement may need to be adjusted for the purpose of the EEA Agreement. This may be necessary because the scope and the institutional set-up of the EEA Agreement differ in certain respects from the EU, or because of the specific situation of an EFTA State. Such adjustments are referred to as adaptations. To read a legal act in the EEA context, it is necessary to find out what adaptations may apply.

An adaptation to an act provides that the act shall be read or understood in a specific way for the purposes of the EEA Agreement. Adaptations are most commonly used to make an act fit within the framework of the EEA Agreement. More information about adaptations.

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Adaptations in the EEA Agreement take one of three forms

It is useful to bear in mind that, although different in name, horizontal, sectoral and specific adaptations all produce the same legal effect in the sense that the act incorporated into the EEA Agreement has to be read in light of these adaptations.

Use the adaptation tool

In summary, to read EU legal acts incorporated into the EEA Agreement, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Is the EU act incorporated and in force in the EEA Agreement?
  2. Check the horizontal adaptations in Protocol 1.
  3. Are there sectoral adaptations of relevance in the Annex or Protocol where the act is incorporated?
  4. Are there specific adaptations to this act?


Asdis Olafsdottir

Secretary-General's Office
Head of Information and Communication
Image of Asdis Olafsdottir