The EFTA Council is the highest governing body of EFTA. It usually meets eight times a year at ambassadorial level (heads of permanent delegations to EFTA) and once a year at ministerial level.

In Council meetings, the delegations consult with one another and negotiate and decide on policy issues regarding EFTA.  Each Member State is represented, and decisions are taken by consensus. The Member States take turns to chair the Council, rotating yearly.

The Council discusses substantive, governance and organisational matters, especially relating to EFTA’s relations with third countries and the management of free trade agreements. It also keeps relations with the EU, third-country policy and administration under general review. It has a broad mandate to consider possible policies to promote the overall objectives of the Association and to facilitate the development of links with other states, unions of states or international organisations.  

The Council also manages relations between the EFTA States themselves under the EFTA Convention. Here you can find a list of  Council Decisions amending the EFTA Convention  since 2001. 

Several committees report to the Council, and the Council is often called to formalise decisions and recommendations made by those committees.

Committee structure under the EFTA Council 

A substructure of committees has evolved under the Council to deal with specific issues.

EFTA Board of Auditors  

The EFTA Board of Auditors acts as the supreme auditing authority for the EFTA Secretariat, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA Court. It also functions as a contact point for the European Court of Auditors regarding the control and auditing of EEA EFTA contributions to the EU budget.