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Standing Committee on GNSO Improvements Implementation

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Welcome to the GNSO Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation (SCI). The SCI will be responsible for reviewing and assessing the effective functioning of recommendations provided by the Operational Steering Committee (OSC) and Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC) and approved by the GNSO Council.


  • Not applicable

Web Presence:

Responsible Staff Member:

  • Marika Konings

GNSO Council Resolution Text of GNSO Improvements:

Adopted on: 26 June 2008

  • Summary: The GNSO Council approves the Standing Committee to track and coordinate implementation of those OSC, PPSC and work team recommendations already approved by the Council and adopted, as recommended by the Communications and Coordination Work Team in its final report [see link for details]

Drafting Team Charter:

Adopted on: 7 April 2011

Under Review:

Implementation Details:

Additional Information: