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PDP – Registry Services Evaluation Process

Last Updated:


Late in 2003, the ICANN community and the Internet community at large expressed interest in the process for how changes in the operation of a TLD registry could be considered and effectuated. The opinions expressed at the time indicated that there should be a predictable process prior to implementation of such changes that allows for an assessment of the potential effect of any operational changes on Internet operations, with due consideration given to all relevant factors – including the legitimate interests of the TLD operator.

In recognition of the concerns expressed, the ICANN Board asked the Chair of the GNSO to initiate a Policy Development Process (PDP) designed to produce recommendations to the ICANN Board for "a timely, transparent and predictable process prior to significant actions by TLD registries that, because of their architecture or operation, could affect the operational stability, reliability, security or global interoperability of the DNS, that registry, or the Internet."

**Note: The status image below is for illustration purposes only. This particular effort followed an older PDP rather than what is currently outlined in the ICANN Bylaws.


Implementation Status

Web Presence:

Responsible Staff Member:

  • GNSO Policy Team

GNSO Council Resolution for Issue Report on a Predictable Procedure for Introduction of New Registry Services:

Adopted on: 16 October 2003

"The GNSO Council requests that the Staff Manager produce an Issues Report, consistent with Article 1: Mission and Core Values of ICANN's bylaws, on the need for a predictable procedure for the introduction of new Registry Services (as defined in the gtld registry agreements)"

Draft Issue Report:

Submitted on: 31 October 2003

Final Issue Report:

Submitted on: 19 November 2003

GNSO Council Discussion on the Initiation of the PDP:

Adopted on: 20 November 2003

Decision 5: "That Council accept the Staff Manager summarizing the report, and a teleconference be scheduled in 7 days to vote on the initiation of a policy development process."

GNSO Council Discussion on the Terms of Reference:

Adopted on: 02 December 2003

Item 3: Discussion of Terms of reference for developing a procedure for use by ICANN staff in managing contractual approvals or amendments to allow changes in the architecture or operation of a gTLD registry.

Decision 2: The vote will not be deferred for a period of 14 days for further refinement of the terms of reference.

GNSO Council Resolution on the Initiation of the PDP:

Adopted on: 02 December 2003

Decision 3: To initiate the policy development process on the issue of registry services based on the terms of reference as amended on the call.

Decision 4: Council undertakes the policy development process as a committee as a whole and follows the policy development process with the requirements of public notice in compliance with the ICANN bylaws and procedure when no task force is formed.

GNSO Council Discussion on the Input to the PDP:

Adopted on: 18 December 2003

Item 4: Preliminary views from constituencies on the Procedure for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture or operation of a gTLD registry- the intent of this discussion is to share any preliminary views from constituencies as they develop their constituency statements.

GNSO Council Discussion on the Input to the PDP:

Adopted on: 22 January 2004

Item 4: Discuss constituency statements on the Procedure for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture or operation of a gTLD registry – the intent of this discussion is to provide input to the Staff Manager to allow production of a Preliminary Report.

GNSO Council Discussion on the Input to the PDP:

Adopted on: 19 February 2004

Item 4: Discuss constituency statements on the Procedure for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture or operation of a gTLD registry.

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP – Rome Meeting:

Adopted on: 04 March 2004

GNSO Council committee on Approval Process for gTLD Service Changes policy development process

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 18 March 2004

GNSO Council committee on Approval Process for gTLD Service Changes policy development process

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 29 March 2004

GNSO Council committee on Approval Process for gTLD Service Changes policy development process

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 01 April 2004

Item 4: Update on PDP for approval process for gTLD registry changes Receive an update from the GNSO Committee chair (Bruce Tonkin)

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 06 May 2004

Item 3: Update on PDP for approval process for gTLD registry changes. Receive an update from the GNSO Committee chair (Bruce Tonkin)

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 17 May 2004

Item 3: Update on PDP for approval process for gTLD registry changes Receive an update from the GNSO Committee chair (Bruce Tonkin)

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 16 June 2004

Item 3: Update on PDP for approval process for gTLD registry changes Receive an update from the GNSO Committee chair (Bruce Tonkin)

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 12 July 2004

Item 5: Update on Policy Development Process (PDP) for approval process for gTLD registry changes – draft preliminary report – due 12 July 2004

Working Group Draft Initial Report:

Submitted on: 15 July 2004

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 12 July 2004

Item 4: Update on PDP for approval process for gTLD registry changes – draft report for comment

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 20 July 2004

Item 4: Update on PDP for approval process for gTLD registry changes – draft report for comment

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 09 September 2004

Decision 2: The ICANN staff will prepare a revised draft of the report that addresses the issues discussed during the teleconference on September 9, 2004 and the revised draft would be produced by the 24 September 2004. The revised draft will be posted for review by the Council members and if there are no substantial objections to that draft, the aim would be to publish the revised draft of the initial report on Monday, 4 October 2004.

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 21 October 2004

Item 3: Draft Initial Report on procedure for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture operation of a gTLD registry. Bruce Tonkin reported that the reviewed document would be available mid November as ICANN General Counsel and staff were incorporating GNSO Council proposals and undertaking a legal review to ensure its implementability.

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 18 November 2004

Item 4: Draft Initial Report on procedure for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture or operation of a gTLD registry.

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 03 December 2004

Item 2: Update on Draft Initial Report on procedure for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture and operation of a gTLD registry.

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 13 January 2005

Item 4: Draft Initial Report on procedure for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture or operation of a gTLD registry.

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 12 May 2005

Decision 2. If there were no substantial comments from the consultation process within the GNSO constituencies on the revised preliminary report on the Process for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture operation of a gTLD registry, within 14 days, it will be published for public comment, for a period of 20 days as specified in the policy development process.

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 02 June 2005

Item 6: Process for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture operation of a gTLD registry.

Working Group Final Report:

Submitted on: 10 July 2005

GNSO Council Discussion on the RSEP PDP:

Adopted on: 12 July 2005

Item 5: Consideration of Final Report on the process for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture operation of a gTLD registry.

GNSO Adoption of the Final Report:

Adopted on: 28 July 2005

Decision To approve the policy set out in the Final Report on process for use by ICANN in considering requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in the architecture operation of a gTLD registry as a consensus policy of the GNSO Council and forward the policy to the ICANN Board for their acceptance.

ICANN Board Resolution Text Approving the GNSO Recommendations:

Adopted on: 08 November 2005

Resolved (05.___), to adopt the proposed procedure as a consensus policy and to direct the President to assign staff for implementation of this consensus policy as appropriate and that the implementation in contractual terms shall be guided by the provisions in the .NET Registry Agreement, in particular concerning definitions of registry services covered and confidentiality clauses.

Implementation Details: