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Non-PDP - Recommendation 6 Working Group

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The Rec6 CWG arose out of cross-community discussions stemming from the ICANN Brussels meeting. At Brussels, the Government Advisory Committee suggested that a cross-community effort be commenced to identify improvements to the implementation of the GNSO New GTLD Recommendation # 6. The Rec6 CWG conducted its review and analysis of Rec6 on an expedited basis in order to produce recommendations in time for the ICANN Board's retreat scheduled for 24-25 September 2010. Since the Board retreat goal is to attempt to resolve any outstanding issues related to the New gTLD Program, the CWG endeavored to conclude its work on an expedited basis in order to provide timely guidance to the ICANN board.

Rec6 states that, "Strings must not be contrary to generally accepted legal norms relating to morality and public order that are recognized under international principles of law."


Implementation Status

Web Presence:

Responsible Staff Member:

  • Liz Gasster

Issue Report:

  • Report: Did not occur, this effort arose from implementation of the New gTLD Program

GNSO Resolution on the Initiation of the WG:

Adopted on: 08 September 2010

Summary: RESOLVED, that the GNSO Council supports the formation of a cross-community working group to provide guidance to the ICANN new gTLD Implementation Team and the ICANN Board with regard to the implementation of recommendation 6;…[See link for details]

Working Group Charter:

Submitted on: 25 August 2010

Working Group Final Report:

Submitted on: 21 September 2010

GNSO Resolution on Implementation of Rec 6:

Adopted on: 08 September 2010

Summary: RESOLVED, the Council thanks the CWG and its participants, from the GNSO and other SOs and the ACs, for their hard work; and acknowledges that the CWG recommendations do not constitute Consensus Policy or GNSO policy development otherwise within the purview of the GNSO;…[See link for details]

Implementation Details:

  • ICANN Staff incorporated the recommendations of this report into the Final Applicant Guidebook

Additional Information: