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GNSO Review 2008-2012

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To visitors of this archived project:

The GNSO Improvements Implementation Program had its origins in a February 2008 Board Governance Committee (BGC) Report on GNSO Improvements [PDF, 193 KB], which outlined five target areas as shown in the graphic [PNG, 45 KB]. Community preparation and planning activities began in May 2008 and the program moved substantially forward at the Mexico City ICANN meeting (March 2009) at which time five Work Teams under the auspices of two Steering Committees were officially inaugurated. More than 100 community volunteers and Staff members were actively involved in pursuit of the program's goals since its inception.

After completing its fourth year of implementation, the program substantially developed the structures, policies, procedures, and disciplines designed to achieve long-term improvement in all five target areas. The ICANN Board formally acknowledged the accomplishments of the Program and thanked the community for its work efforts in its 23 June 2012 resolution.

All relevant material pertaining to the GNSO Improvements effort has been retained for historical and research purposes. The program's major accomplishments are documented under the Dashboard menu:

  • Accomplishments contains a detailed description of achievements with document links.
  • Status summarizes the key accomplishments (suitable for presentation).
  • Timeline highlights the major milestones graphically from 2008 - 2012.

For questions about the program or any of the content preserved in these pages, please contact:

Organization of this page hierarchy:

Welcome to the GNSO Improvements Information Home Page. This page contains all of the basic information you need to learn about our ongoing initiative to improve and restructure the GNSO. The above drop-down menu structure is organized into five major sections which include:

  • About: the Background of GNSO Improvements including an Overview of major recommendations as well as summaries of the various Reviews that have been conducted concerning the GNSO.
  • GNSO Restructure: information about Council restructuring as well as Constituency and Stakeholder Group processes, forms/templates, charter activities, and related references/guidelines.
  • Committees & Teams: approved documents and links associated with the GNSO Council Implementation Planning Team (IPT), Steering Committees, and Work Teams charged with GNSO implementation projects/tasks.
  • Dashboard: Board actions, status reports, summaries, results, and accomplishments.

Note: each link in the drop-down menus represents an individual page where additional content can be found.

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