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Non-PDP Fake Renewal Notices Drafting Team

Last Updated:


This Drafting Team was formed by the GNSO Council to prepare a request for information on fake renewal notices from the Registrar Stakeholder Group, work with the Registrar Stakeholder Group to obtain the information requested and report back to the GNSO Council accordingly. This information and data on the nature and scope of the issue of fake renewal notices is intended to help inform the GNSO Council's deliberations on whether an Issue Report should be requested as recommended by the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group.


Diliberations Status

Web Presence:

Responsible Staff Member:

  • Marika Konings

Issue Report:

Submitted on: Not applicable

  • Not applicable

GNSO Resolution to Resolve Remaining RAP Recommendations:

Adopted on: 26 October 2011

RESOLVED, the GNSO Council determines that additional information is needed from the Registrar Stakeholder Group with regard to the conditional Fake Renewal Notices recommendation #2 before an Issue Report should be requested of Staff. The GNSO Council hereby requests that the Registrar Stakeholder Group provide further information and data on the nature and scope of the issue of Fake Renewal Notices to help inform the GNSO Council's and its RAP WG deliberations on whether an Issue Report should be requested. A small group of volunteers consisting of registrar representatives and others interested (including former RAP WG members) should be formed to prepare such a request, work with the Registrar Stakeholder Group to obtain the information requested and report back to the GNSO Council accordingly.

Drafting Team Charter:

Adopted on: 26 October 2011

  • Not applicable, refer to motion

Drafting Team Final Report to GNSO Council:

Submitted on: 6 March 2012

Additional Information:

The GNSO Council formally closed this project and removed it from the Project List on 10 October 2013, noting that work is being undertaken on the subject outside of the GNSO and no further GNSO activity is foreseen in the near future.