
Distributed Marketing Solution

Centralize and automate marketing campaigns

Control your brand and ensure compliance with a Distributed Marketing Solution for centralized home office marketing departments. Establish parameters for field-driven sales teams to customize marketing programs.

Increase efficiencies and enhance compliance and brand controls

Centralize sales and marketing communications in a single platform that can be customized by local agents with parameters and brand controls set by the home office.

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Download and Ad Builder Tools
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Collateral and Fulfillment Programs
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Email and
Direct Mail Communications
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Digital Programs
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Automation Modules
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Data Source Integrations

Learn More About Our Distributed Marketing Solution

A Comprehensive, Integrated Platform

  • Configurable core technology – less custom development
  • Robust roles and permissions align each user to only the programs, content, messages and more, specific to their job function

  • Intuitive tagging language
  • Extensive administrative tools
  • Integrated analytics on audience demographics, engagement, behavior flow, page performance and real-time user statistics
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