
Pass-Through Voting Insights

Differentiate your firm and empower your investors by democratizing proxy voting.

Expand Voting Choice

Give Each Owner the Ability to Influence the Vote

Pass Through Voting Insights provide an opportunity for all shareholders to have a voice on the topics that are important to them and have a say in how their holdings are voted.

Give Each Owner the Ability to Influence the Vote

Pass Through Voting Insights provide an opportunity for all shareholders to have a voice on the topics that are important to them and have a say in how their holdings are voted.

Increase Transparency

Base Voting Policies on Client Feedback

With an accurate view of shareholder sentiment, you can demonstrate that your voting policies take investor preferences into consideration.

Base Voting Policies on Client Feedback

With an accurate view of shareholder sentiment, you can demonstrate that your voting policies take investor preferences into consideration.

Retain Operational Control

Choose the Model That Best Meets Your Needs

You decide who to offer pass-through voting to, and how it will work.
Current options include:

  • Direct, meeting-specific voting
  • Insight into aggregated investor preferences to inform your voting policies

Choose the Model That Best Meets Your Needs

You decide who to offer pass-through voting to, and how it will work.
Current options include:

  • Direct, meeting-specific voting
  • Insight into aggregated investor preferences to inform your voting policies
Reduce Complexity

Broadridge Makes It Easy for You

Leverage the Broadridge network to reach your shareholders and industry-leading technology to aggregate and analyze investor data, handle logistics and either provide insights or capture votes and deliver results to your tabulator.

Broadridge Makes It Easy for You

Leverage the Broadridge network to reach your shareholders and industry-leading technology to aggregate and analyze investor data, handle logistics and either provide insights or capture votes and deliver results to your tabulator.

With Pass-through Voting Insights, asset and wealth managers have an efficient mechanism to understand how their underlying investors would vote with a seamless investor experience.
With Pass-through Voting Insights, asset and wealth managers have an efficient mechanism to understand how their underlying investors would vote with a seamless investor experience.
Discover a way to give your investors a voice in how you vote their holdings.

Discover a way to give your investors a voice in how you vote their holdings.

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