
Solvency II Reporting

Comprehensive solution for Solvency II reporting

The Solvency II Directive presents significant reporting challenges for asset managers. Simplify the reporting process from data management to composition and distribution with ease, efficiency and reliability. Trust our expertise to enable you to stay ahead of ever-changing global regulations.

A comprehensive and flexible solution for Solvency II reporting

Gain complete control of your data with an intuitive online platform. Deliver robust Solvency II reporting enriched with market data.

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Secure Online Portal
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Production of Latest Templates
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Extensive Data Enrichment
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Intuitive Interface
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Multi-Layered Look-Through Functionality
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SCR Calculation Engine

Data aggregation and governance

  • Our secure online portal enables complete control of who views your data.
  • With our solution, you can be confident that you will always be utilising the latest templates, currently Tripartite (TPT) v5.
  • Full visibility of extensive data enrichment.
  • Color-coded intuitive interface prompts notification of any missing values.

Robust reporting capabilities

  • Multi-layered Look-Through functionality at both fund and share-class level.
  • SCR calculation engine for population of TPT fields 97 – 105b.
  • VAG and GroMiKV to support the sale of funds to the German market.
  • Inclusion of EIOPA PFE.06.02.30 for European pension fund clients.

Comprehensive support

  • Future-proof your Solvency II reporting with the outsourced solution from Broadridge.
  • Seamless integration, with no development resource required from you.
  • Day-to-day support from our expert Regulatory Services team.
  • Regular client user group program to promote cross-industry dialogue.

Broadridge Fund Communication Solutions

Providing a global digital platform that supports data, documents and regulatory reporting needs.

Let’s talk about
what’s next for you

Our representatives and specialists are ready with the solutions you need to advance your business.