
Digital Solutions

Complete suite of Digital Solutions to present fund information

Providing investors with the latest fund data in an engaging and interactive way is vital in today’s market. Our range of digital tools and solutions enable you to transform the way you present fund data and enhance the way you demonstrate the value of your investment solutions to clients.

Modern, interactive digital presentation of your fund data

Our digital tools and solutions can be quickly assembled to create; Fund Research Centres, Digital Factsheets, Performance Charting and Comparison tools and Portfolio X-Rays.

icon product feature
Themeable to Your Brand
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Fast to Deploy and Configure
icon product feature
Responsively Designed
icon product feature
Accessibility to AA Standard
icon product feature
Single Source of Fund Data
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Full Translation Service Available

Our Design Standards

Premium design standard

Premium design standard

Meets the highest required standards

Themeable standard


Reflect your brand look and feel

Themeable standard


Multi-language and multi-locale



Seamlessly embedded or hosted

Configurable logo


Tailored to your audience’s needs

SEO optimised logo

SEO optimised

Increased visibility of content

Widget based logo

Widget based

Customisable and flexible

Accessible logo


Universal access for all users

Analytics logo


Integrated to optimise site usage


Broadridge Fund Communication Solutions

Providing a global digital platform that supports data, documents and regulatory reporting needs.

Let’s talk about
what’s next for you

Our representatives and specialists are ready with the solutions you need to advance your business.