Titans Wiki

Below is a list of superpowers displayed by characters in Titans.

Known powers[]

Image Power Definition User(s)
Rachel heals Kory Accelerated healing factor The power to heal much faster than normal humans. Even, at some points, they can regenerate complex body parts normal humans can't, like limbs and organs. Koriand'r
Rachel Roth
Rose Wilson
Gar Logan
Animal Summoning Animal Summoning The ability to summon and command animals. Gar Logan
Dominic Mndawe
Rachel project their soul to Hank Astral projection The power to project their soul to other people. Rachel Roth
Gar becomes a meta-human Dermo-chromatic shifting The power to change the color of ones skin. Gar Logan
Disintegration The power to pull matter apart. Rachel Roth
Divination The power to perceive and interpret information of the past, present or future through use of occult or mystical means. Rachel Roth
Effigy animation Effigy animation The power to bring inanimate objects to life. Rachel Roth
Rita using her elasticity Elasticity The power to become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, deform, expand, and contract their whole body. Rita Farr
20190503 190244 Energy absorption The ability to absorb energy into ones body for a variety of purposes. In many cases, this energy can be expelled into blasts. Koriand'r
Sebastian Sanger
Kory fires solar energy Energy projection The ability to generate and project varying waves of energy, typically as a concussive blast. Koriand'r
Conner Kent
Sebastian Sanger
Enhanced senses The ability see, smell, hear, taste and/or feel more acutely than a normal human. Gar Logan
Conner Kent
Rachel touches Dawn's hand and has visions of her past Empathy The power to read a person's emotions. Rachel Roth
Umbrakinesis Erebogenesis/Erebokinesis The power to create and manipulate darkness or shadows. Rachel Roth
Krypto flies with Eve Watson out of the Cadmus window Flight/Levitation The ability to move and stay in the air, could achieve through propelling through the use superpowers. Krypto
Rachel Roth
Gar Logan
Koriand'rConner Kent
Conner using his heat vision Heat vision The ability to emit energy beams from their eyes. Conner Kent
Garth using his powers Hydrogenesis/Hydrokinesis The power to generate or manipulate water. Garth
Rachel helps Trigon get to Earth Interdimensional travel The power to transport oneself or others attached to the user, from one place to another. Rachel Roth
Gar Logan
Illusions The power to change one's appearance or voice using magic. Jinx
Mother Mayhem
Doom Patrol promotional still 4 Longevity The power to physically age much slower than normal humans. Trigon
Rita Farr
Niles Caulder
Donna Troy
Conner Kent
Gar Logan
Magic Magic The power to utilize the supernatural force of magic. Jinx
Mother Mayhem
Arthur HolmwoodRachel Roth
Angela Azarath (likely)
Matter transmutation The power transmute matter into different forms. Trigon
Selinda Flinders
Mégethoskinesis The power to alter the size manipulating the space between their atomic bonds. Trigon
Mind control The power to control the minds of others, making them act on your behalf. Trigon
Sebastian Sanger
Opti-chromatic Shifting Opti-chromatic Shifting The ability to make ones eyes glow, usually as a result of using other abilities. Koriand'r
Gar Logan
Rachel Roth
Conner Kent
Aqualad blocks Dr. Light's attack Photogenesis/Photokinesis The power to generate or manipulate light. Arthur Light
Elko Diner Pocket dimension The power to create an independent section of time and space or reality for oneself or others. Koriand'r
Possession Possession The ability to project their conscience into someone else’s body. Jericho
May Bennett
Precognition The power to see or be aware of events in the future through psychic means. Koriand'r
Gar Logan
Kory using her powers Pyrogenesis/Pyrokinesis The power to generate or manipulate fire. Komand'r
Koriand'r (formerly)
Reality manipulation The power to manipulate reality in a variety of ways. Trigon
Resurrection The power to bring oneself, someone else or something back to life. Rachel Roth
Gar Logan
Sonic scream The power to project ones voice (or bark) at a super sonic level, enough to harm others and force them back. Conner Kent
Komand'r (temporarily)
Sebastian Sanger
Gar in the form of a tiger Shapeshifting The power to become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, deform, expand, and contract their whole body. Gar Logan
Superhuman breath The ability to inhale and exhale significant amounts of gases in strong bursts. Conner Kent
Superhuman durability The ability to withstand vast amounts of harm with little to no physical damage. Koriand'r
Rita Farr
Rose Wilson
Conner Kent
Donna Troy
Gar Logan
Superhuman speed Superhuman speed The ability to move at great speeds. Donna Troy
Conner Kent
Conner strangles Kory and Hank Superhuman strength The ability to exert force and lift weights beyond what is physically possible for a human. Komand'r
Gar Logan
Rachel Roth
Rita Farr
Donna Troy
Conner Kent
Victor Stone
Telekinesis The power to manipulate the movement of an object by using only the mind. Rachel Roth
Sebastian Sanger
Telepathy The power to read or communicate with the minds of others. Trigon
Rachel Roth
Telescopic vision The power to magnify ones vision to see objects closer up in greater detail or at further distances. Conner Kent
X-Ray Vision The power to see using electromagnetic waves, enabling user to see through objects opaque to light. Conner Kent