Titans Wiki
For the episode of the same name, see Dick Grayson (episode).
For others who have used the alias Robin, see Robin.

"After I left, when I moved to Detroit, part of me was still back here... still trying to make sense about what happened to me, as a kid. I struggled. There was this darkness inside of me, and I didn't know what to do with it. It hurt me. And I hurt others. The whole time, I thought it was because of the way you raised me, the way you weaponized my childhood."
—Dick Grayson to Bruce Wayne[src]

Richard "Dick" John Grayson (1990-2021; resurrected 2021)[1] is the son of the late Mary and the late John Grayson and the adopted son of billionaire Bruce Wayne, as well as the first vigilante known as Robin, the first crime-fighting partner of Batman, and the founder and co-leader of the Titans. In an attempt to distance himself from the hero game, Dick became a police officer, however soon became caught up in a plot to use a teenage girl, Rachel Roth, in order to bring about the apocalypse. Choosing to protect and mentor her, Dick re-established the Titans with the goal of destroying the Organization and preventing an apocalypse; all while trying to overcome his ultra-violent tendencies and reclaim his self control. He met and became lovers with Princess Koriand'r at this time, and later reformed the Titans with Rachel, Jason Todd (his successor as Robin) and Gar Logan.

Following the demise of Trigon, Dick continued to lead the Titans alongside its senior members and new teammates. The team quickly had to face the vengeance of an old enemy, Deathstroke, who still blamed Dick and the team for the death of his son, Jericho. The team were eventually defeated by the mercenary, which led Dick to incarcerate himself in an attempt to protect his friends from Deathstroke. However, he was inspired by his cellmate's belief in Alazul to keep helping people, and upon learning the truth of Jericho's fate (with him being trapped in Deathstroke's mind), Dick escaped from the prison. He then went on to gain a new suit, and with the help of the Titans and Rose, Deathstroke's daughter, he was able to free Jericho and defeat Deathstroke, becoming the vigilante known as Nightwing.

After the death of Jason Todd, Dick returned to Gotham City with the Titans to protect the city while dealing with the arrival of a vengeful Red Hood. He was later killed by a group of Gotham citizens, but was soon resurrected with the help of Gar and Rachel. After arriving in Metropolis, Dick has worked hard to support his team even teaming up with an old enemy and in spite of his own skepticism of prophecies. After fighting destiny and the Church of Blood, Dick began a relationship with Koriand'r and they planned a future together as the rest of the Titans disbanded.


Early life[]

Death of his parents[]

"I have to be the one who finds them."
"So I can kill them.
—Dick Grayson and Social Worker[src]

Dick Grayson was born in 1990 to John and Mary Grayson; a pair of trapeze artists in Haly's Circus, known by their stage name The Flying Graysons. Dick grew up in Haly's Circus surrounded by performers, such as Clayton Williams, a strongman.[2]

In 2002, during a trapeze act, John and Mary fell to their deaths after Tony Zucco burned their trapeze ropes with hydrofluoric acid, while a twelve year old Dick watched in horror as his parents bodies plummeted to the ground. As Dick cried in horror, he was approached by Bruce Wayne who put his hand on Dick's shoulder and told him that we wanted to help Dick.[3] A few weeks later, a funeral was held for Dick's parents, with Dick and all of Haly's Circus crew in attendance. Afterwords, Dick talked with Clayton and pleaded with the man to adopt him. However, Clayton refused and ensured Dick that living with Bruce Wayne would change his life for the better.[2]

Uponing moving in to Wayne Manor, Dick, boiling with grief and resentment, made several attempts to run away, stealing Bruce's car to search for clues about his parents' deaths. After being caught several times, Bruce realized that Dick's anger wouldn't go away and that Dick needed and outlet for his anger.

Bruce decided to reveal his identity as Batman, Gotham's vigilante, to Dick and began training him to be his sidekick.[4][5] Bruce trained Dick extensively in combat and detective skills.[3] In one of these instances, Bruce took Dick out to a cabin in the woods on the outskirts of Gotham to teach him survival skills. Dick's test was to survive a night in the woods alone, which ultimately ended with Dick cutting the head off a wolf to survive.[6]

The Dynamic Duo[]

Robin (Dick Grayson)

Dick as Robin

During his time as Robin, Dick befriended two other bird-themed vigilantes; Hawk and Dove. Bruce found their methods crude, but Dick forged a strong friendship with them both, reveling in every opportunity to use excessive force. He even pursued a romantic relationship with Dove, one that ended in resentment and jealousy.[5]

Another of Dick's superhero friends was Donna Troy, aka. Wonder Woman's protégée Wonder Girl. They bonded over playing second-fiddle to two of the Justice League's hardest hitters, and she inspired him to be a better detective, a better fighter.[7]

Romance with Barbara Gordon[]

At some point, Dick became romantically involved with fellow vigilante Barbara Gordon, although their relationship ended under unknown circumstances. Together, they defeated Lady Vic and her hencham. After Dick left Gotham, she was shot by the Joker. This cost her one of her legs, requiring her to use a wheelchair, effectively ending her career as a vigilante.

Meeting Jinx[]

At some point, Dick worked alongside the thief and sorcerer Jinx, during which time they were lovers. She was eventually imprisoned at Bludhaven state prison with the help of Constantine.[8]

Forming the Titans[]

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The first team.

At some point, Dick joined the Titans, a group formed by four superheroes, Dawn Granger, Wonder Girl, Hawk and himself. The team would be based out of Titans Tower in San Francisco, California.[9]

Four months after Aqualad joined the Titans, They would encounter Dr. Light.[10] The Titans were successful in apprehending Light, and he was sent to San Quentin State Prison.[11]

After Light was sent to prison, the Titans would suffer a major loss; Aqualad would be killed by the mercenary known as Deathstroke.[10] Deathstroke proved to be a formidable enemy for the Titans that they disbanded and shuttered Titans Tower.[11]

Death of Tony Zucco and leaving Gotham[]

Robin watches Tony Zucco die

Dick watches Tony Zucco die

In 2016, Dick discovered that Tony Zucco was his parents' killer. Robin had him arrested, but Zucco was promptly released on account of providing the police valuable intelligence about the Maroni crime family. Furious, Dick ambushed Zucco's convoy and beat him mercilessly. They were interrupted by armed Maronis who fatally shot Zucco while Dick watched.[12]

Dick came to be disillusioned with Batman and left for Detroit in 2017. He felt that Bruce's methods were too vengeful, and feared that he would become corrupted by violence. He became a detective in the Detroit Police Department to keep criminals within arms' reach.

During Titans[]

Meeting Rachel[]

Dick Grayson questions Rachel Roth

Dick meeting Rachel Roth

Dick first encountered Rachel when she was brought into the DPD interrogation room for questioning regarding her mother's murder. Distressed, Rachel told Dick that she'd seen him in a vision as "the boy from the circus". Confused and concerned, he later found her being stuffed unconscious into a police car. Dick gave chase, and tracked her to a room in an abandoned hotel, tied to a chair, with her captor dead in a pool of blood.[4]

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Dick bringing Rachel to Dawn

After briefly stopping for some coffee near Middleburg Heights, Ohio, Rachel and Dick had a conversation regarding what had happened, but Rachel had no idea how she'd killed the man. Sensing Rachel's distress consoled Raven. They drove until nightfall, stopping for the night at Interstate 80 Motel. Dick headed out for some pizza, returning home to find Rachel in shock, consoling her. The following day they headed to Dawn Granger and Hank Hall's place in Washington, D.C., where Dick explained the situation to Dawn. They were interrupted by Hank, who was angry to see Dick. That night, Dick talked with Rachel, who questioned him as to why he'd hurt Dawn, as she could empathetically sense it, but Dick refused to answer properly. He then called Alfred Pennyworth, hoping to get some money transferred to pay Dawn and Hank to look after Rachel. The following morning, he went to the federal reserve to pick it up.

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Dick fighting off a thug

When Dawn and Rachel arrived back from a day out, Dick talked to Dawn about the idea, but she didn't like it. Hank suddenly arrived home and saw Dawn holding Dick's arm, causing the two men to get into a physical altercation, only to be stopped by a sonic scream from Rachel. Dick and Rachel talked again that night, Rachel urging him to help Dawn out on her vigilante excursion that night. Dick eventually came round, saving Hawk and Dove from a large group of armed thugs.

Hank, Dawn, Dick and Rachel are confronted by the Nuclear family

Dick meeting the Nuclear Family

They headed back to the apartment, finding Rachel on the rooftop. Dick attempted to explain himself, but Rachel could sense Dick still lying. They were suddenly interrupted by a family, who proceeded to instigate a fight. This ultimately led to Dick and Dawn flying off the building. While Dick was able to grab onto the ledge, Dawn was unsuccessful, much to the horror of Dick.[13]

Mentor of a team[]

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Dick speaking with Rachel

Visiting Dawn in hospital, Dick promised Hank to find the people responsible for her injuries. Dick received a call from a police officer, informing him of Rachel's whereabouts, while also informing him of Detective Rohrbach's death. Stopping at a crime scene that Rachel had been at, he gathered evidence and followed a number plate of the car driven by Rachel's savior, Kory Anders. Dick finally caught up with them at Scooters Roller Skating Rink. After Rachel had a demonic freakout, they headed to Saint Paul's Convent, where Rachel chose to stay for some time.

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Dick examining Kory's evidence

While inside, Kory stole Dick's car. He found her in a storage facility, noticing all of her evidence regarding Rachel. They suddenly felt an earthquake, seeing smoke coming from the direction of the convent, as well as seeing copious ravens flying overhead.[5]

The two of them headed back to the orphanage, where they found half of it having been blown up, along with the head nun injured. She explained that Rachel had escaped, despite them trying their best to keep her safe. They instead headed to the Covington Police Department, Dick showing his badge and a photo of Rachel. The attending officer told him of a man has come in describing a girl of her description, giving Dick the man's name and address. Dick and Kory headed there, but when he refused to talk to another cop, Dick entered the man's home and beat him up, before realizing they were being watched by his young son. The man gave Kory the only possible location of Rachel he could think of, the Caulder house on Danny Street. The two-headed there, running into three of its occupants. However, Dick heard screaming, running to find Rachel engulfed in darkness. He definitively promised to never leave her again, before they embraced. Shortly following, the group left, joined by Gar Logan.[14]

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Robin arrives to help his team

Trading Dick's Porsche in for a minivan, they made their way to Do-Si-Do Motel, where they hoped to lay low. Deciding they needed to know how to work best with each other, they found a warehouse and demonstrated their abilities to one another. However, Dick refused to show them anything. That night, Kory and Dick admired as Gar and Rachel bonded. After, when they'd all returned to their rooms, Dick helped Rachel to take down a mirror, scared of her demonic reflection. Shortly following, Dick took a shower, and after he got out, was interrupted by Kory, who'd brought some tequila. Determined to get him to open up, Kory came on to Dick and the two had sex.

Titans 1x05 The Team

Robin with his new team

However, he remained guarded despite this. Right after Kory left, Dick was attacked by "Nuclear Mom" and "Nuclear Stepdad". He fought them off, but "Nuclear Stepdad" ran at Dick, sending him flying through the window and on to a car below, momentarily knocking Dick out. When Dick came to, he opened his case to put on his Robin suit, helping to overpower the Nuclear family. They tied them up and attempted to get information out of them, but to no avail. Dick went outside and found their car, using their cell phone to locate Dr. Adamson in Chicago, Illinois. Dick traveled there, hoping to get answers as to why he was targeting Rachel, but they were promptly ambushed by a group of soldiers trying to kill them. However, they were quickly rescued by Jason Todd.[15]

Giving up Robin's mantle[]

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Dick finds Clayton

The two of them took Adamson's unconscious body to a safehouse. On the way there, Jason told Dick all about how he'd become Robin, also making him aware of the trackers that both of them had in their arms, unbeknownst to Dick. When they arrived at the safehouse, Dick removed his tracker, simultaneously talking to Kory and telling them to join him at the safe house. Before he could leave, Jason told Dick why he was truly there, and how someone had been hunting down his former circus friends, using hydrofluoric acid. He used a computer to find the whereabouts of the one remaining circus performer, Clayton Williams, leaving his friends behind while Jason joined him. They traveled to Corvo in Milwaukee, Jason unable to enter due to his age. Dick approached Clayton, surprising him, causing Clay to squeeze him tightly. The two talked and Dick explained his visit before he noticed Jason entering a fight, having made his way into the speakeasy. Breaking it up, there was an explosion from outside.

Dick stops Jason from hurting the cops

Dick scolding Jason for using brutal tactics

In the meanwhile, Dick received a call from Nick Zucco, revealing his identity and revealing that he'd since taken Clay. Dick put on his Robin suit and headed to a warehouse, finding a strung up Clayton. Before Nick could do any real harm, Jason attacked him from behind, Dick then knocking him out. As this happened, the police entered the scene. Jason brutally beat them down, stopped only by Dick, who scolded him for his intense violence. Returning Clayton to his home, he helped clean up his acid wound.[12]

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Dick realizes he is wrong for blaming Bruce

After Adamson told Rachel about her birth mother being alive and held in an asylum, Rachel left to find her alongside Gar causing Dick and Kory to follow them. After reaching the asylum, they were captured and Dick was mentally tortured by showing him his dark past. He had a realization that he had blamed Bruce and Zucco for making him a violent and ruthless person when in reality it was he responsible for it.

Dick burns the Robin suit

Dick burns the Robin suit

Dick was soon rescued by Rachel, Gar and Rachel's mother; before they escaped, they also freed Kory and Dick took out an entire horde of guards. Kory blew up the asylum, while Dick burned his Robin suit, giving up the mantle for good.[16]

Self search and the truth about Kory[]

After the traumatic experience at the asylum, Dick spent another night with Kory and noted that she was mumbling in her sleep. Questioned if there was anything revealed about her, he told otherwise. Kory realized that Dick had his belongings packed and he confirmed her suspicions that he would be leaving due to something personal placing her in charge to look after the rest of the group while taking a train to Angela's home in Ohio.

The following day Rachel, initially angry and sulky by Dick's departure, just a few seconds before he goes decided to drop the façades and give him one last hug, thanking him for all he had done for her.

Later, he visited Donna and announce to her that he quit being Robin. Seeing that he sought advice and a place to stay, she gladly lent a helping hand. To help clear his mind, she brought him to an exhibition featuring her photographs. However, after Donna received a text message regarding personal matters and told Dick she had to take care of something before leaving him alone at the exhibition. While concluding a meet-up with a strange group of men led by a poacher named Graham Norris, Dick appeared and attacked them. Following the assault, she faked photographs to avoid any suspicion being involved.

Back at her own home, she spoke to Dick on his internal issues and hoped to give him some insight on who he truly is. While looking through his phone she found an image of a transcript found in Kory Anders storage unit, written in a peculiar text. Upon Dick's request, she attempted to translate it. The following day, while on the road, Donna finally got somewhere with translating the text and revealed that Kory was sent on a mission to kill "The Raven".[7]

Dick and Donna reached Angela's home just in time, and Donna stopped Kory from further harming anyone knocking her out. Kory eventually regained consciousness but drove off in a frenzy. Before Dick and Donna were prompted to follow, Donna threw a tracker onto her truck so the two were eventually led to an old warehouse where Kory claimed her memories were leading her. Once they got inside, a large spacecraft revealed itself to be Kory's ship. Both Dick and Donna were informed that Kory is from another planet and that her mission is to kill an interdimensional being named Trigon: A demon capable of destroying her world and many others. Reading an old manuscript that explained the prophecy, Donna concluded that Rachel's mother, Angela, might be involved in Trigon's plan. On their way back to the house, as Dick realized that was Angela's plan all along, Donna flipped through the book and discovered that there is only one way to defeat Trigon—through Rachel. Suddenly, all of the power went out, including that of the vehicle. They all proceeded on foot and found Angela's house invisibly cloaked in a sparkling dome. Dick is the only one of the group who easily managed to run through the field.[17]

Stopping Trigon[]

Under Trigon's control, Dick was made to chase after an escaping Rachel and Gar, falsely promising them that everything would be fine. Eventually making their way back to the living room, Gar and Rachel were surrounded by Dick and the rest of the now-possessed Titans. They began beating up Gar, and after Rachel begged Dick to make it stop, he picked Gar up and threw him across the room, dealing the final blow. Watching as Trigon regained his true form and headed outside to begin his work, Dick's mindscape was entered by Rachel, who attempted to make Dick see reason. When he tried to hold Rachel in a chokehold, Rachel took them back to his parents' trapeze act, where she'd first seen him. She made her way across the trapeze, risking death in real life, saved at the last minute by Dick, who snapped out of Trigon's control. Hugging Rachel, he allowed her to go and face her father, watching on as Trigon was disintegrated. Following the ordeal, Dick took Rachel, Gar and Jason with him to parts unknown. They made a stop off at Bruce Wayne's, where the two men spoke. Dick admitted his faults to Bruce, having unfairly blamed a lot on him, and began to make amends. He also asked use of the old Titans base in San Francisco, which Bruce allowed on the provision that he take Jason there too. The four of them headed off, arriving and making themselves acquainted with the building.[9]

Reforming the Titans[]

Living in Titans Tower for the next three months, the newly-formed team began training, with Dick instructing them to practice combat using a blindfold. When Jason became annoyed when Gar properly hit him, Dick stressed the importance of the exercise. He talked to Jason one on one, asking that he set an example for the other two, as they would follow his lead. That night, the team converged on the living room as helicopters flew past the tower. They turned on the news, seeing news of a girl fleeing from police. Impressed with her skills, Dick went to retrieve her, bringing her unconsciously back to recuperate, also changing her bandage on her wounded eye. While the girl came to, Dick received a call from Hank, having been attacked by their old adversary Dr. Light, suggesting he and Dawn join them in San Francisco. Meanwhile, the girl attempted to escape from Titans Tower, but was met by the rest of the team. Dick talked to her and recommended she stay to unlock her full potential, but she refused. Contemplatively deciding what the best course of action was, Dick was joined by the computers by Rachel, who believed the girl joining them was the best option, especially for Dick. Wishing for another opinion, Dick called Bruce, who relayed how difficult it had been taking in Dick, but altogether rewarding. The following morning, Dick took the girl for coffee, before driving around the city to ensure they weren't being followed, allowing her to go on her way. Before she left, Dick made her take a phone to call him when she decided she needed to. Offering her name, Rose, the girl went to leave. However, the two noticed a surge of light in the back seat, Dick realizing it to be a bomb from Dr. Light. They jumped out of the car and took cover, watching the vehicle explode.[18]

They returned back to Titans Tower, where Dick was informed that Rose's father was Slade Wilson. Gar elaborated on some of the information he'd found, but Dick shut the computer off and offered to take it from there. They were suddenly interrupted by Hank, Dawn and Donna, who'd arrived downstairs. Allowing them access up, they discussed their plans to take down Dr. Light. Before they could head to their rooms, he informed them of their guest, Rose, and how she was Slade's daughter, albeit on the run from him. They all grew annoyed at him harboring a probable enemy, but he asked them to focus on Dr. Light, with him dealing with Rose. He headed in to talk to Rose, asking why she'd kept her father a secret, before giving her an eye patch to wear. Deciding to work on finding Dr. Light, Dick pulled Gar out of training to help, having him monitor the city's power grids. Later that night, Dick approached Donna in the kitchen, who chastised him for re-starting the Titans after what had previously occurred. She expressed her fears that Slade would get the best of him, admitting they'd all made mistakes, not just him. With Gar finding a potential location for Dr. Light, the city suddenly went dark, the Tower staying alight with backup power. The original Titans headed to a stadium, where they surrounded Dr. Light. He shot beams of light energy, before fleeing out of the stadium. He made it some way out, but was caught up to by Donna. She managed to pin him down, but before Dick could take him out, they were interrupted by a bus of civilians, allowing Light time to escape. When they returned to Titans Tower, Hank angrily attacked Dick for letting Dr. Light go, but Dawn managed to talk him down. Jason intervened, pointing out how they could have used his help. Getting cocky and rude, Dick roughly knocked him to the ground. Realizing his mistake, he tried to help Jason up, but he brushed him off and stormed out of the room. Dick went to train to release some frustration, when he was joined by Rose. She wished for him to teach her some offensive moves, but he only preached defense, demonstrating it in a fight. Dick went to talk to Hank, who admitted he knew Dick had done the right thing, apologizing for his prior demeanor.[11]

Becoming Nightwing[]

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Dick finally dons the Nightwing suit during his final confrontation with Deathstroke and Cadmus.[19]

Jason's death and return to Gotham[]

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Grayson and the Titans defeat Gizmo

Grayson led the Titans to fight and defeat Gizmo and a group of criminals, who planned to steal pieces of technology.< Dick later gets a call that Jason is dead he later visits Barbara and they talk about Jason He goes to see Bruce in the Batcave cleaning Jason's bloody Robin Suit. He asks Bruce when Is the funeral and Bruce says that it already happened Bruce says that there's nothing they can say that will bring Jason back. later he Barbara Bruce and Dick talk about Jason and how he was funny Bruce mentions Gordon Being killed about Mr.Freeze and that it required sacrifice Barbara blamed Bruce for Dragging Dick And Jason into his insanity She says that Bruce weponised his grief with his parents Dick and that Jason was a kid who was angry lost and alone and convinced him if he was invincible he if put on a mask. She also said that she chose to go out there as Batgirl and that joker shot her and that she's crazy as the Joker later dick goes into Jason's room and finds a tag with the letter B and finds a paper with it saying 301 Harris Place B he investigates the place and interrogates a man saying who are you the man said that he sells drugs here and dick snapped his arm he took the drug that Jason was manufacturing and analyses it in the Batcomputer he sees a file with a liked password he opens the file and sees the file with files with potential recruits that Bruce is looking for Dick says to Bruce that you want to train them into a weapon or get them killed liked Jason did. dick told Bruce that Jason was manufacturing with a drug and Bruce didn't know And dick said that Bruce didn't care Bruce says that does dick want him to be Robin again and dick says no because it ruined his life he says that Bruce and Joker are poisoning the city together and he tells Bruce to stop being Batman. Later dick hears a noise and wakes up seeing Bruce holding a crowbar and Bruce says to dick he killed the Joker and That he's done with all of it he says to protect the city. Later dick sees Barbara and Barbara tells him that Bruce took of in mid air last night at 11:20 and he changed ifr in mid air Barbara says that that trying to reel you back home with be a better me son. And that he's not serious he beings the titans to Gotham and Later he interrogates a woman who was wearing a Red Hood earlier she later gets killed by an unknown man. he goes to Arkham Asylum to talk to Johnathan Crane (Scarecrow) crane asks for weed to make a cigarette he asks for help to stop the man who is doing the killings and he tells him to check the servailiance feed for the man. later Hank Hall (Hawk) unacquainted. later the titans try to stop a robbery and were tricked by people who thought they were the parents of the children but the parents were in the other van. But the criminals blow up the bank and make of with 25 Million dollars and drove off with 2 police men in a car and Barbara is angry with dick that he didn't stop them and doesn't trust him anymore. he and Hank talk about the guy who is behind this is going down later dick notices about the chess piece with the name Hobbs Gambit and says that there's a warehouse called Hobbs Powder group the Titans go to stops the criminals and runs into Red Hood and says what took you so long Dick says it was a team Red Hood says they were expendable like the titans he says that Gotham is his now. Red Hood says that he'll show Mercy Red Hood caught dick's escrima stick he and Dick fight Dick overpowered Red Hood and Knocked a piece of Red Hood's mask off and Sees Jason face Jason says Bruce always him he was better with the toys Dick is shocked that Jason is alive Jason says he has a new name now Red Hood Dick runs toward Jason but Jason pulls out his gun and shoots dick but Jason disappears.

later Tonight Dick digs up Jason's Grave and notices what Jason's body is gone he tells the Titans that Jason is alive they wonder is Ra's al Ghul resurrected Jason but Ra's is in Kadim. Hank wants to take down Jason but then Jason calls Hank acting scared and tells him to go to Gotham City Gym Jason dressed up as Red Hood and jumps from the ceiling and knocks out Hank he puts a detonator in Hanks Chest. Later Dick gets a call from Jason saying that he wants 50 million gold bars Dick says that he would wire the detonator and Jason says that your way never works. later Dick finds the man who resurrected Jason he follows Dawn Granger (Dove) he throws a shuriken at Dawn and says "Don't" He asks Jason what did you do he notices the gun is the detonator and says this is what Jason wants Dick says that if she pulls the trigger shell never come back. She pulls the trigger and Connor finishes making the diactivator and runs to stop the explosion but dawn pulls the trigger but Connor doesn't make it in time. Dick says goodbye to dawn as she goes to Paris he goes to kidnap Crane because Jason Works For Scarecrow as his Right Hand man he takes crane as prisoner Jason notices Crane and dick driving off so he follows him. dick ignores Crane because of what he did in the past. Crane tries to escape but is caught in a net Crane mentions Hank and Dick says to crane made Jason a monster he knows that It was a phony the hit on Arkham he knows that red hood is his prostege and he knows that dick and crane are in the cabin in the Woods. Crane asks how Dick Became a monster as Robin he said that Bruce said to him fear reveals your weakness Bruce made Dick go into the Forest for the first time he was chased by a wolf and Dick brought the Head of the Wolf into the cabin and puts the knife on the table along with the wolf. Later Jason arrives pointing his rifle at crane thinking it was Dick Grayson Dick steps on a branch and Jason hears it the two fight and Dick knocks Jason on his feet Jason says classic moves you even fighting like Bats Dick knocks a Gun out of Jason's hand. Dick Says that he told crane everything and that it ends here Jason blames dick for what happened to Jason in his past even though he made his own choices Jason then throws a flashbang and shoots it at dick's and temporary blinds his eyesight Jason then points a gun at dicks head and says not for long the two notice a helicopter with a GCPD officer pointing a rifle at them Barbara then tells the man to shoot at red hood the man misses and dick gets shot intended he goes to check if crane is still there but notices that he's gone missing with Jason. Later in the Batcave Kori Anders is patching up Dick's bullet wound and Kori was angry at dick for going out alone and getting shot wasn't okay Gar then tells dick that Hank blew up, Dawn left them forever and Jason Going Rouge and that The Titans is dying Dick goes to look for Jason he goes to investigate on a person who's been killing he goes to talk to Barbara about her staying out of it he and Connor go to a place on 47th and find a man in a van with a detonator in his chest.
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Arrival in Metropolis[]

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Trigon's false reality[]

In a reality created by Trigon, Dick is married to Dawn and has a son, Johnny Grayson with her. Dawn is pregnant with their second child and they are decorating the nursery when Jason arrives at the house. Jason, confined to a wheelchair, informs Dick that Bruce has maimed the Joker for what he did to Jason.

While visiting the Joker, Dick encounters Bruce disguised as Batman, who then kills the Joker. Kory Anders, who in this reality is a detective for the GCPD, reports that Batman has caused carnage at Arkham Asylum and needs to be stopped. The GCPD plan a raid on Wayne Manor after Batman's secret identity is discovered to be that of Bruce Wayne, and during the raid Kory is killed by Bruce using the Cold Gun. When Dick discovers her dead body in the carnage left of the police raid in the Batcave, he fights and eventually kills Bruce.[20]


"You're on your own. No one can help you. Not really. I was just like you once. I thought if I leaned on someone, if I trusted them, all the pain would go away. I was wrong. And anyone that tells you any differently is lying. The loss is here for good now. There's no getting over it. But you can control it. You can channel it. No one else can do that for you. Just you."
—Dick Grayson to Rachel Roth[src]

As a result of having witnessed the brutal murder of his family as a child and his subsequent upbringing by Bruce Wayne, Dick has developed a profoundly thick skin topped by a near-impenetrable suit of emotional armor to keep himself protected from the world at large, dour, stoic, humorless, introverted and deadpan, Dick typically forgoes most human contact and keeps his feelings to himself. He does not get along very well with people, many of whom perceive him as rude, stubborn, anti-social, prickly and disrespectful. However he does have a soft spot for children, especially runaways as he identifies with them, and with a select few people who have proven themselves trustworthy, such as his late partner Amy Rohrbach.[4] He has no relationships beyond his former circus friends or a few others like Donna Troy,[7] and has thus far exhibited no interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with anyone. Due to his circus upbringing, Dick places great value on family, believing it to be central to his world.

Dick has a very clear sense of justice befitting a vigilante as well as a strong moral compass; that good people must be protected and criminals must be punished.[4]

However, Dick's outer persona hides a far darker side, a side which almost always comes out when he becomes Robin, when this happens, all of Dick's repressed rage, hatred, anger, and pain is released at once and he becomes completely devoid of restraint or morality when engaging criminals or villains, inflicting pain and injuries on them so monstrously horrific that most who cross his path run from him automatically. This side of Dick is not, however, evil, merely merciless and absolute for he does not harm innocents regardless of the situation and works daily to deny it for it is the side of him that Batman cultivated and encouraged most.

After Rachel helped him let go of his inner darkness, Dick became more light-hearted, reconciled with his former mentor Bruce Wayne and reform the Titans team with his new friends and Jason Todd.

Although he left behind his dark side, Dick's scars and guilt from his past still haunt him. In an attempt to protect the new Titans he even covered up what happened years before and kept it as a secret to keep them safe. However, right after the threat of Deathstroke came back he decided to tell the truth. After the team got disbanded again, Dick began to punish himself and fix the mistakes he made in the past, he made a truce with Deathstroke and got himself imprisoned after attacking security officers. His guilt is so great that he even has bouts of hallucinations from time to time.

Most of his friends have pointed that Dick has a tendency to carry all the responsibility by himself. As if it were his own cross.

Dick seems to have overcome the scars of his past as he let Tim Drake become the next robin even though at the start he went against Bruce Wayne not to do it as he thought that it will traumatize the next victim of Bruce's consolidation. At the end he really thinks that Drake is really suited to be the next Robin as he was willing and passed the criteria for it.

Dick is also highly skeptical of the concept of fate and destiny, despite encountering it multiple times working to save Rachel from Trigon and having witnessed hints of his own fate while in the Lazarus Pit, to the point of contention with other Titans, namely Kory.


"Not Robin anymore. Stronger, faster... like a bird of prey."
Bruce Wayne to Dick Grayson[src]
  • Peak human Condition: Due to his time in the circus and training with Batman, Dick Grayson's body is at the pinnacle of the human condition. He has displayed peak human strength, durability, speed, agility, stamina, and reflexes because of his extensive training. He maintained his workout routine while he was imprisoned, which included chin-ups and dumbbell curls.
    • Peak Human Strength: Dick can achieve incredible human strength due to his years of training. He can easily pull a fully grown man away with his grappling hook,[4][15] break bones[4][15] and draw blood with his strikes in combat,[4][13][12] as well as contend with individuals possessing bio-enhanced strength, such as the Nuclear Family and Deathstroke. In a fake reality, he was strong enough to kick open a locked door and snap Batman's neck under his foot,[20] and in another he could easily overpower Jason Todd.[9] Under the control of Trigon, he was able to punch a hole in another and push it open with furniture blocking it. He could also lift Gar Logan by the throat with one arm and throw him across a room.[9] When he fought against Red Hood, he used one of his batons to break off a piece of his opponent's helmet.[21] He later was able to push away several police officers carrying riot shields.[22]
    • Peak Human Durability: Dick is highly resilient compared to other human beings, as he has been shown jumping off of a building and landing onto cars without any discomfort.[4] He survived getting knocked out of a second-story window and onto a car and proceeded to keep fighting.[15] He was able to defeat a group of asylum guards after being heavily drugged and electrocuted.[16] Grayson also endured being hit by a car only to receive a mild concussion. [23]
    • Peak Human Speed: Dick is extremely fast in his movements during combat, which allowed him quickly jump rooftops and to blitz a group of armed thugs.[4] With his stealth capabilities, he can practically disappear from his enemies in battle. He was quick enough to evade gunfire from Red Hood.[21]
    • Peak Human Agility: As a former circus acrobat, Dick has developed amazing agility and flexibility from a young age. As pointed out by Adeline, Jericho said that he could almost fly.[24] He can easily leap across rooftops.[4] As Nightwing, he was able to completely leap over Deathstroke in their final duel.[19] He used his gymnastic prowess to evade Red Hood's gunfire.[21]
    • Peak Human Stamina: Dick can push himself for long periods of times, enough to outlast a group of armed thugs[4] and keep up with beings possessing enhanced abilities, such as the Nuclear Family and Deathstroke. His conditioning allows him to recover from most injuries very quickly, though not superhumanly.
    • Peak Human Reflexes: Dick has great reaction time, which was developed at an early age, as seen when Donna Troy threw one of his own shuriken at him and he caught it,[7] when he deflected a grenade thrown at him by Deathstroke with his staff,[25] when he dodged a gunshot before the trigger was pulled and redirected a thug's knife,[4] when he dodged a knife thrown at him by Deathstroke,[19] and when he caught Red Hood's grappling hook. He even retained his reflexes in a fake reality when he caught a falling lamp.[20]
"Jericho told me... that you had some kind of special talent. That you could almost fly, take down legions of bad men, that you could do the impossible."
Adeline to Dick Grayson[src]
  • Master Martial Artist: Dick is an extremely skilled martial artist due to years of training and crime-fighting with Batman. He can take down groups of armed thugs by using his combat skills[4] and he is also able to hold his own against enhanced individuals such as the Nuclear Family. He was even able to fight off assassins from The Organization and asylum security guards after he was heavily drugged and tasered. In Trigon's reality, Dick had the advantage against Jason Todd in their hand-to-hand fight and the latter had to resort to using a firearm to win. He also proves to be an extremely capable teacher, since people like Gar and Rachel who had no training, after three months demonstrated combat skills and used swords.[18] Dick's incredible ability in close combat allowed him to subdue Jason with one hand[11] and fight against Slade Wilson alongside Kory Anders. However, he could not defeat him on his own five years prior. When he became Nightwing, he fared better against the mercenary on his own. Dick's fighting style appears to be composed of Taekwondo,[15][11] Wing Chun-style Kung Fu,[11][1] Judo,[26] Capoeira,[19] Muay Thai[27] and Eskrima[11][19][27] in addition to several Ninjutsu disciplines, including Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Bōjutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Kayakujutsu, Shinobi-iri, and Intonjutsu.
    • Staff Mastery:

      Dick sparring with Rose Wilson

      Dick possesses great stick-fighting skills and can take down armed assailants with just his bō staff.[4] He was also able to easily overcome Rose Wilson during a training, first using a bō-staff and then two sticks because Rose cut the staff with a sword.[11] Before Deathstroke could attack Kory while she was down, Dick improvised a metal pipe as a staff to use against him and his sword in their continued fight, although he was disarmed by the former. In prison, he used guards' nightsticks against them, and also used SWAT's own batons against them.[22]
    • Knife Mastery: Dick can accurately throw knives, as seen when Adamson's penthouse was invaded. As a teenager, he was forced to kill and decapitate a wolf with a knife.
    • Sword Mastery: Dick proves to be an extremely skilled swordsman, as he trained Gar, Rachel and also Jason Todd.[18] Dick further demonstrated his his swordsmanship skills when fighting a group of ninjas hired by Lex Luthor.[28]
  • Master Marksman: Dick has impressive marksmanship and has demonstrated this ability with his specialized shuriken. He can throw several at a time,[4] or one with superb accuracy; he once threw one into a gunrunner's eye when saving Hawk and Dove, another into Nuclear Mom's forehead, and another to cut the rope hanging Clay Williams. This skill was once shown again when Dick helped his cellmates escape from prison as he picked up the guard's keys and threw them at a prison guard and a fuse box to stop the gate from closing. As Nightwing, he used a new version of his shuriken to relieve Dawn of her pistol.
  • Master Acrobat: Dick was trained as a trapeze artist as a child and has developed many acrobatic skills. He can use these skills in combat, allowing him to dodge incoming attacks. He also possesses skill in free running and parkour, allowing him to scale buildings and trees for quick and easy travel.[4] When chasing Donna Troy through an alleyway, Dick was able to easily scale a garbage truck and perform a complex flip maneuver off of a dumpster.[7] Dick was able to use a car to flip over one of Arthur Light's blasts, and he was also able to perform a back flip without using his hands during a training with Rose Wilson.[11] When fighting off a carjacker, Dick was able to incorporate his acrobatics into a flip kick.[10]
"Give it to Richard. He claims to be a master detective, so let him detect."
—Lex Luthor[src]
  • Expert Detective: Dick has been trained in detective work and detective work by Bruce and has proven to be just as skilled. He was able to tell that Nuclear Mom and Nuclear Stepdad were brainwashed, as well as which building Batman threw the Joker off of based on the position of the latter's body and the angle of impact. Being a police detective, Dick received police training making him even more skilled in an investigation, interrogation and evidence collection as well as other aspects of police work. His status as an officer also allows him to gain information easily from officials. Lex Luthor commented on Dick's impressive detective skills.[29]
  • Skilled Leader: Dick's combat training as a child gave him the skills necessary to lead his new alliance even though two of the members have never participated in the battle.[15]
"You're stronger than anyone I've ever met."
Rachel Roth[src]
  • Indomitable Will: Dick has tremendous force of will and determination. He was able to resist the effects of the drugs injected into him at Agnews Asylum, even when the dosage was doubled completely. He also has a high pain threshold, as evidenced when he surgically removed a tracking device from within his arm or when he stayed conscious after being tasered while fighting asylum security guards. After falling under the influence of Trigon, Rachel helps him to use spirit to fight out of it, including his time in prison gave him clarity to outgrow his guilt, burden, and becomes Nightwing. Even when dying, his corpse gets dunk into the Lazarus Pit revealing his deepest fears and faults of what happened to Jason but realizes that he can still redeem him which allows Grayson to be resurrected.
  • Multilingualism: Dick was taught many languages by Bruce. These languages include but are not limited to; English and Italian.[30]



Grayson in his new suit

"New costume, but the same old Dick Grayson"
Slade Wilson to Dick Grayson[src]
  • Nightwing Suit: A new protective suit was given by Stu after Dick asked him for a new suit to replace the Robin suit that he burned. The suit is comprised of a Nomex, triple-weave Kevlar shell that's electrically insulated and light sensitive. The suit possesses fewer body-inlays than the Robin suit which allows Dick to better utilize his acrobatic skills. The mask is equipped with a built-in wireless transfer and Starlight night-vision lenses.[24]
  • Escrima Sticks: After gaining a new suit, Dick had also received a pair of Escrima Sticks that are wired with Tasers which make them electrified. He used them against Deathstroke during their third fight and against Gizmo's henchmen. His sticks can combine to form a staff.
  • Smoke Bombs: After gaining a new suit, Dick had also received newly upgraded smoke bombs. Most notably, using them against a mind-controlled Superboy.
  • Shuriken: Dick used specialized shuriken that was shaped in his Robin symbol. They were capable of penetrating the concrete, making them strong weapons. One of them is R-shaped and is installed as the symbol on his chest plate.[4] He later used upgraded variants shaped after his Nightwing logo.

Former equipment[]

"When I put on that mask... when I put it on, I become someone... someone I can't control. Someone that likes hurting people."
—Dick Grayson to Rachel Roth[src]
  • Robin Suit: Dick wore a protective suit whenever he is out fighting crime as Robin. But he later gave up the mantle of Robin; thus discarded and burned the suit.[4]
  • Briefcase: Dick possessed a briefcase to carry his suit. It can only be opened by passing a fingerprint and retinal scan.[4]
  • Shuriken: Dick used specialized shuriken that was shaped in his Robin symbol. They were capable of penetrating the concrete, making them strong weapons. One of them is R-shaped and is installed as the symbol on his chest plate.[4]
  • Grappling Device: Dick used a technologically advanced grappling hook as part of his crime-fighting arsenal. The grapple line was strong enough to yank fully grown humans into the air, notably allowing him to separate enemies from their groups. As the device is primarily a traversal tool, Dick often used it to scale buildings in seconds.[4]
  • Smoke Bombs: Dick used smoke bombs when fighting crime, such as when he took down Tyler Hackett and several thugs.[4]
  • Bo-Staff: Dick used a retractable bo staff when fighting crime.[4] However, while fighting the Nuclear family, the bo staff was broken into two.[15]
  • Sidearms: Dick carried and used a Glock 17 sidearm while on duty as a Detroit police officer. He also disarmed Benny of his SIG-Sauer P226R, using it to interrogate William Wintergreen in his home.
  • Birdcomputer: Dick uses a computer outfitted with Wayne Enterprises technology (jokingly nicknamed the "birdcomputer" by Dove) to gather information.[5]



Promotional images[]

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3


Behind the Scenes[]

  • In the DC comics, Dick Grayson is a vigilante known as Nightwing, leader of the Titans and was formerly leader of the Teen Titans, and formerly known as Robin. His first appearance in the comics was Detective Comics #38 (April, 1940).
  • Dick's brutal fighting style and angrier nature are more associated with the second Robin from the comics, Jason Todd, specifically after he becomes the antihero known as Red Hood.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sams, Bianca (writer) & Shelton, Millicent (director) (November 15, 2019). "E.L._.O.". Titans. Season 2. Episode 11. DC Universe.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Jason Todd (episode)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Titans (episode)
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 Goldsman, Akiva, Johns, Geoff, Berlanti, Greg (writers) & Anderson, Brad (director) (October 12, 2018). "Titans". Titans. Season 1. Episode 1. DC Universe.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Hatem, Richard, Johns, Geoff, Mukerjee, Marisha, Walker, Greg (writers) & Sullivan, Kevin Rodney (director) (October 26, 2018). "Origins". Titans. Season 1. Episode 3. DC Universe.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Blackfire (episode)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Hatem, Richard, Mukerjee, Marisha (writers) & Frazee, David (director) (November 30, 2018). "Donna Troy". Titans. Season 1. Episode 8. DC Universe.
  8. Gorenberg, Jamie (writer) & Mojsovski, Boris (director) (November 10, 2022). "Jinx". Titans. Season 4. Episode 3. HBO Max.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Goldsman, Akiva, Johns, Geoff, Walker, Greg (writers) & Banker, Carol (director) (September 6, 2019). "Trigon". Titans. Season 2. Episode 1. DC Universe.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Gorenber, Jaime (writer) & Winter, Glen (director) (September 27, 2019). "Aqualad". Titans. Season 2. Episode 4. DC Universe.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 Tancharoen, Kevin (writer) & Pabst, Tom (director) (September 20, 2019). "Ghosts". Titans. Season 2. Episode 3. DC Universe.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Hatem, Richard, Thomas, Jeffrey David (writers) & Banker, Carol (director) (November 16, 2018). "Jason Todd". Titans. Season 1. Episode 6. DC Universe.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Goldsman, Akiva (writer) & Anderson, Brad (director) (October 19, 2018). "Hawk and Dove". Titans. Season 1. Episode 2. DC Universe.
  14. Johns, Geoff (writer) & Fawcett, John (director) (November 2, 2018). "Doom Patrol". Titans. Season 1. Episode 4. DC Universe.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 Hill, Bryan Edward, Stanton, Gabrielle (writers) & Menon, Meera (director) (November 9, 2018). "Together". Titans. Season 1. Episode 5. DC Universe.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Hill, Bryan Edward, Walker, Greg (writers) & Kalymnios, Alex (director) (November 23, 2018). "Asylum". Titans. Season 1. Episode 7. DC Universe.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Stanton, Gabrielle (writer) & Vrvilo, Maja (director) (December 14, 2018). "Koriand'r". Titans. Season 1. Episode 10. DC Universe.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Hatem, Richard (writer) & Hope, Nathan (director) (September 13, 2019). "Rose". Titans. Season 2. Episode 2. DC Universe.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 Hatem, Richard, Walker, Greg (writers) & Banker, Carol (director) (November 29, 2019). "Nightwing". Titans. Season 2. Episode 13. DC Universe.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Hatem, Richard (writer) & Winter, Glen (director) (December 21, 2018). "Dick Grayson". Titans. Season 1. Episode 11. DC Universe.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Pabst, Tom (writer) & Banker, Carol (director) (August 12, 2021). "Red Hood". Titans. Season 3. Episode 2. HBO Max.
  22. 22.0 22.1 Brides, Melissa (writer) & Stovall, Larnell (director) (September 30, 2021). "Troubled Water". Titans. Season 3. Episode 10. HBO Max.
  23. Pabst, Tom (writer) & Stovall, Larnell (director) (September 16, 2021). "Home". Titans. Season 3. Episode 8. HBO Max.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Pabst, Tom (writer) & Stovall, Larnell (director) (November 22, 2019). "Faux-Hawk". Titans. Season 2. Episode 12. DC Universe.
  25. McCarthy, Kate (writer) & Fraser, Toa (director) (October 25, 2019). "Jericho". Titans. Season 2. Episode 8. DC Universe.
  26. Thomas, Jeffrey David (writer) & Mojsovski, Boris (director) (November 1, 2019). "Atonement". Titans. Season 2. Episode 9. DC Universe.
  27. 27.0 27.1 New Titans Featurette Details Each Character’s Fighting Style
  28. Hatem, Richard (writer) & Copus, Nick (director) (November 3, 2022). "Lex Luthor". Titans. Season 4. Episode 1. HBO Max.
  29. Brides, Melissa (writer) & Walker, Greg (director) (April 13, 2022). "Caul's Folly". Titans. Season 4. Episode 7. HBO Max.
  30. Hill, Bryan Edward (writer) & Warn, Jesse (director) (April 27, 2023). "Game Over". Titans. Season 4. Episode 10. HBO Max.
  31. Sams, Bianca (writer) & Gomez, Nick (director) (October 4, 2019). "Deathstroke". Titans. Season 2. Episode 5. DC Universe.
  32. Hill, Bryan Edward (writer) & Goldsman, Akiva (director) (October 18, 2019). "Bruce Wayne". Titans. Season 2. Episode 7. DC Universe.