Titans Wiki

Robin.2k96 Robin.2k96 20 September 2022

Titans Fan Fiction

Hey guys before we get started I put Aqualad and Cyborg in the story I was going to put Kid Flash in the story but I will do that some other time if you guys want me to do another fan fiction just let me know in the comments.

In Gotham City Batman and Robin just defeated Bane and he was going to jail.

Batman: Thanks for the help Robin.

Robin: Batman there is something that I want to tell you.

Batman: Well what is it?

Robin: I want to make my own team of heroes just like you did.

Batman: Robin you are only 16.

Robin: I'm only 17 Bruce.

Batman: Fine I guess you are my only sidekick so it's for the best.

Robin: Thanks Batman.

At metropolis Robin was looking for a team of superheroes.

Robin: Who can join my team? Garfield Logan aka Beast Boy.

At a video game store…

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TheRadion TheRadion 22 March 2022

Gallery of Heroes and Villains

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MakeShift MakeShift 20 June 2021

An updated way of linking episodes

Hi all! You may have noticed some recent changes to the wiki, pertaining to de-linking of episode pages. This was my doing, and it was in preparation for fixing up the wiki to be more streamlined when it comes to linking of said episode pages, and pages in general.

In the past, while we've had our naming policy, it has fallen a bit by the wayside, and fair enough, given it wasn't entirely airtight, and a bit average. However, it's recently seen an update in line with the changes I've made. In order to make it easier for everyone, I've introduced the Ep template, which some of you may be familiar with from other DC TV wikis.

Its implementation means that we can allow characters to have the base, non-disambiguated page, while the episodes make …

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Nomad16 Nomad16 27 November 2019

Who is going to die in the Season 2 finale.

"A Titan will fall and another will rise." We all know that Dick Grayson will become Nightwing in the Finale and will rise, but who will fall. We sort of got a glimpse that someone will die, but we would have to figure which one it is. According to sources, 2 cast members may not return for the 3rd Season of Titans, if this is true, that means it may come to a death sentence or something. Who do you think it is?

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TimeShade TimeShade 20 May 2019

Wiki Manager Introduction

Greetings Titans TV Wiki community! I'm sure most of you should be familiar with me, especially from the Arrowverse Wiki. Those from there may know I've recently been offered a part-time position with the company as a Wiki Manager!

As the Wiki manager of this fine community, I'll be the liaison to full-time staff and will be here to support this community answer any questions or concerns as well as address bugs or coding errors. Don't hesitate to contact me if any of those arise. I'll do my best to answer in less than 24 hours!

Best of luck, TitansTV Wiki!

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123BC 123BC 13 October 2018

Titans ages

Does anyone know exactly how old each of the four Titans are?--123BC (talk) 19:40, October 13, 2018 (UTC)

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