Titans Wiki
For the episode of the same name, see Blackfire.

Queen Komand'r[3] (born c.1994, year 9484 on Tamaran),[4][5] also known as Blackfire, is a former member of the Titans and left for Tamaran. She is also the younger sister of Koriand'r and the true Queen of Tamaran. She ascended the throne after having her parents killed in what was initially thought to be a coup but later revealed to be an act of self defence after her parents tried to kill her to appease angry Tamaraneans who irrationally blamed her for her sister not returning to Tamaran. She was the girlfriend of Conner Kent.


Early life[]

Komand'r was the second child of King Myand'r and Queen Luand'r, in either 1994 or 1995. Like the rest of her lineage, she had the royal ability of fire and was the true successor to the throne not Koriand'r. Prior to Komand'r's birth, King Myand'r had deceptively declared that Komand'r's older sister, Koriand'r, had been born with fire abilities and thus was the rightful successor to the throne to dissuade revolution from challengers. In order to maintain the deception, the king had ordered a Tamaranean priestess to magically take the fire abilities from Komand'r and give it to Koriand'r robbing Komand'r of her birthright.

Due to the elaborate lie created by her father, Komand'r endured a rather unfair childhood with her sister. Both sisters grew up in a royal family and lived customarily privileged lives, complete with servants. Despite this, Blackfire did not feel loved by her family or people. She had difficulties making friends and was often made fun of, especially by her sister.

Because the royal ability to absorb and project fire was secretly removed from her, she was often underestimated and spent a majority of her life in her sister's shadow. There was also a time when she found out about Kory's relationship with a royal guard, Faddei, and nearly had him castrated.[6]

The search for Koriand'r[]

Blackfire's hologram speaks to Kory on Earth

Blackfire's hologram speaks to Kory on Earth.

Following the high demand that her sister claim the throne, Blackfire sent Faddei to Earth to retrieve Kory and bring her back to Tamaran.[7] When the mission became prolonged due to unknown circumstances, Blackfire took matters into her own hands using deadly Tamaranean-tech to possess Faddei's body. Imposing as Faddei, Blackfire attempted to convince Kory to return to Tamaran to possibly rule as queens together. Eventually, Blackfire was discovered, which ultimately caused the mercy killing of Faddei. She revealed that she claimed the throne for herself and murdered their parents. Claiming she now found her own family, she welcomed Kory's threats.[6]

Arrival on Earth[]

After a human woman puts her kids in the car and prepares to put her groceries in the trunk, Blackfire uses tamaranean-tech to possess her body. As the woman's body started morphing into Blackfire, a man was going to tell her about the cart, only to be punched back by her fist, then she makes her eyes glow lavender for a moment before she walks away with an evil smile. [8]


Three months later, Blackfire was overpowered and detained by Earth's scientists due to her hostile, sadistic nature. Despite her weakened and powerless state, the rogue tamaranean princess still managed to activate some of her natural mental/psionic/extrasensory abilities to implant visions of her whereabouts into her older sister's mind and take over her for a time. Once Kory and Garfield had discovered the underground facility, Blackfire and Starfire had a talk about the other always having one up over the other ever since their girlhood. Stating that imprisonment on such a "backwater planet" is dishonorable, Blackfire had told her sister to do away with her, but Kory refused. The sisterly reunion quickly escalated into a brawl with Starfire gaining the upper hand and seemingly knocking her elder sister out cold. Once outside her cell, a furious Blackfire yells at Starfire, assuring her that the reason for her present actions are all because of Starfire herself: Of her "disloyalty" to her own sister, and how she, Blackfire, had always deserved an older sister who would always fight with and stand by her but never did.

As Starfire and Beast Boy are about to leave, the scientist informs Starfire and Beast Boy about his decision to keep Blackfire until she finally perishes, which would take centuries in Earth years as Tamaranians possesses longevity and a slowed aging process. Disliking the idea of even her homicidal sister being caged like a pet for the remainder of her natural life, Kory releases her from her confinement and threatens the scientist to get out of her way, disregarding his claim that Blackfire belongs to the United States government, and that releasing her makes her the Titans' problem, which Starfire gladly accepts. Blackfire then reluctantly decides to go in a car driven by Beast Boy, with Starfire in the front seat.

Joining the Titans[]

Upon the moment Blackfire entered Wayne manor, she began treating the residence there as if they were her servants. She immediately takes a liking to Conner and requests for him to be taken to her bed chamber. She spends most of her first few days there patronising and teasing her sister. When Kory catches wind of a scientist who has knowledge on Crane, she along with Conner reluctantly bring Blackfire with them as Kory does not feel she can leave her at the manor alone.

After both Conner and Kory enter the building, Blackfire immediately takes it upon herself to flee the vehicle and begin brawls in local bars. Simultaneously, she gains intel from the thugs of Gotham on a mob boss that the Titans require to give them information on Crane. Later she informs Kory the reason which she killed her parents for and how it was not a goal of malice, but self defence. This allows both sisters to reconcile and Kory invites her sister to the team.

As a member of the Titans, Blackfire takes part in many of their missions, aswell as notably growing closer with Conner. This eventually leads to the two to falling in love and having sex. During this process, they are walked in on by Kory, who is stuck in a psychic trance. When she attempts to release a blast of fire, Blackfire lets of a sonic frequency, waking her sister. She then willingly helps Kory attempt to understand where these new visions are coming from. In a scuffle with Gotham police after the Titans surrender, Blackfire is shot.

Desperate to save her sister life, Kory uses her powers to heal the wound created by the gunshot, leading to Blackfire absorbing her sister’s powers. Unbeknownst to the both of them, these powers had originally belonged to Blackfire herself before her parents took them and gave them to Kory. With her sister assuming Blackfire had intentionally stole the gift, the bond between the sisters was once again broken. With her abilities restored, Blackfire threatened a civilian in exchange for his vehicle before then being found by Krypto, who lead her to the Kryptonite affected body of Conner, curtesy of Dick Grayson.

Using her powers she heals Conner and takes him to the prison she was kept in to find a way back to Tamaran. In the middle of her ship being constructed, Kory steps in to tell her sister about the discovery she had made on Blackfire and how her powers had been stolen from her. The sisters once again reconcile with each-other. Kory offers to return to Tamara’s with her sister, to convince the people of Tamaran of Blackfire’s innocence. She however declines explaining that she must take back the throne herself. As she gets ready to leave, her entire ship goes up in flames, as Conner intentionally sabotaged the fuel, not wanting his love to leave. She does however forgive him for his selfish action, and refuses to hold a grudge against him.

She along with the rest of the Titans create a plan to turn the Lazarus pit, a source of negative energy and the thing Crane had been using to turn Gotham against the Titans, into a cure. They would utilize both Kory’s newly discovered energy powers and Blackfire’s fire powers, to create a storm that would stop the overwhelming hatred of the Civilains of Gotham. She along with her sister and Rachel Roth enter the Lazarus pit, with Blackfire referring to the pool as “extremely dark magic”. As Rachel drains the darkness out of the pit, Blackfire blasts a beam of fire at the pool, and Kory sealing the heat within it. The three women release the storm upon the entire of Gotham city, with Donna Troy using the lasso of truth to keep it contained. As the rain poured over the city, the Titans watched as the people work up from their sleep, and the hatred seemingly vanished.

With the threaten having ceased, the Titans began to break up and go their own separate ways. Black fire herself insisted that she must return to Aramark to futile her birthright and take back the throne. She says goodbye to her sister and finally to her boyfriend. As we don’t hear of her again, it can be assumed that Blackfire was successful in her quest to take back the throne.

Powers and abilities[]


  • Tamaranean Physiology: Komand’r possesses all of the various superhuman attributes common among the Tamaraneans, including extraordinary strength, durability and accelerated healing. Like the rest of the royal bloodline, she was born with the ability to absorb solar radiation and store it within her body for later use. However, this power was magically taken from her and given to Koriand'r when they were very young. When Koriand'r tried to use the fire to heal Komand'r, the spell was broken and the abilities returned to its rightful owner.
    • Superhuman Strength: Due to her Tamaranean physiology, Blackfire possesses superhuman strength, as she can overpower beings of lesser or equivalent power with relative ease. Blackfire was able to effortlessly swat away a human man who was approaching her.
    • Superhuman Durability: Due to her Tamaranean physiology, Blackfire has greater durability and physical endurance than any human.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Due to her Tamaranean physiology, Blackfire's body can heal and recover from injuries much faster than a human.
    • Ultraviolet Energy Manipulation: Blackfire's cells act as miniaturized solar/ultraviolet energy-receptors which are designed to harness the plasma and energy expulsions released by the Sun and metabolizes the energy into usable forms. For most of her life, Komand'r was thought to be powerless, but at birth her powers were stolen and given to Koriand'r, causing a strained relationship between the two. After regaining her powers, Komand'r regained access to various energy based abilities, ones that her sister once possessed.
      • Star-bolts: Komand'r has the ability to release bursts of superheated energy from her body, causing destruction to wherever her bolts land.
      • Energy Projection: Komand'r has the ability to project vast amounts of energy from her body in any direction, using this ability to heal Superboy.
        • Heat Manipulation: Komand'r can project, absorb, and manipulate thermal energies to her liking, making her nearly immune to heat based abilities herself.
        • Force-Field Generation: Komand'r can project energy in front of her to block incoming attacks, such as gun fire.
    • Opti-Chromatic Shifting: Like most Tamaraneans, Blackfire has the ability to make her eyes glow. Unlike other Tamaraneans whose eyes glow green, Blackfire's eyes glow lavender.
    • Extrasensory Perception: Blackfire can telepathically call out to other Tamaraneans, which she used to induce sleepwalking-like trances on Starfire to lead the Titan to the prison Blackfire was kept in.
      • Disruptive Frequency: When threatened by a sleepwalking Koriand'r at Wayne Manor, Blackfire was able to project a high-pitched wave from her body that temporarily neutralized Starfire's starbolts as well as waking her from her trance.


  • Master Combatant: Komand'r has shown high levels of combat skills, she was able to give her sister Koriand'r a good fight, despite the latter losing the battle. She was able to subdue Garfield Logan with relative ease. Her fighting style resembles Capoeira, Muay Thai, Karate, and Jiujutsu.
  • Master Tactician: As Queen of Tamaran, Blackfire is a skilled leader being able to lead her kind. When trying to tracking Jonathan Crane, she suggested to integrate the lower level thugs of Gotham, which turned up useful information in the process.
  • Intimidator: Due to Blackfire's status, she commands an extremely terrifying presence, instilling fear into enemies and allies.

Former Weaknesses[]

  • Powers Instability: Unlike most of her family, Komand’r could not absorb ultraviolet radiation and project it as purple "royal fire" for most of her life due to a magic spell. She neutralizes this once reabsorbing the powerful Tamaranean abilities that were rightfully hers from Starfire.


  • Blackfire Suit: Komand’r has a silver and black suit that stores pure ultravioet energy in two bracelets which also amplifies her ultraviolet energy-projecting abilities tenfold.


Season Two[]

Season Three[]

Season Four[]


Season 3


  • She had a speech therapist named Lexi.[6]
  • This version of her is the younger sister of Starfire by approximately three years.[4]
  • She was the first royal sibling born with the royal fire.
  • Her original arrival on Earth shown in the Season 2 finale was retconned in Season 3.
  • Unlike her animated counterparts, her relationship with Starfire is somewhat closer and more open after learning the truth about their deceased parents.
  • She is one of only four members of the Titans whom has never died. The others are Rose Wilson, Dawn Granger and Krypto.

Behind the scenes[]


  1. Levy, Joshua, Srinivasan, Prathi (writers) & Gomez, Nick (director) (September 2, 2021). "Lady Vic". Titans. Season 3. Episode 6. HBO Max.
  2. Gorenberg, Jamie, Hill, Bryan Edward (writers) & Banker, Carol (director) (October 14, 2021). "Prodigal". Titans. Season 3. Episode 12. HBO Max.
  3. Coggins, Stephanie (writer) & Shelton, Millicent (director) (August 19, 2021). "Blackfire". Titans. Season 3. Episode 4. HBO Max.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Coggins, Stephanie (writer) & Banker, Carol (director) (October 7, 2021). "The Call Is Coming From Inside the House". Titans. Season 3. Episode 11. HBO Max.
  5. Gorenberg, Jamie (writer) & Mojsovski, Boris (director) (November 10, 2022). "Jinx". Titans. Season 4. Episode 3. HBO Max.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Thomas, Jeffrey David (writer) & Mojsovski, Boris (director) (November 1, 2019). "Atonement". Titans. Season 2. Episode 9. DC Universe.
  7. Tancharoen, Kevin (writer) & Pabst, Tom (director) (September 20, 2019). "Ghosts". Titans. Season 2. Episode 3. DC Universe.
  8. Hatem, Richard, Walker, Greg (writers) & Banker, Carol (director) (November 29, 2019). "Nightwing". Titans. Season 2. Episode 13. DC Universe.