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  "The Quarantine Zone" Current transcript
"The Outskirts"
"Bill's Town"  

The following is the full transcript of "The Outskirts", the third chapter of The Last of Us Part I.



[The cinematic "Killing Time" continues from the previous chapter. The scene cuts to nighttime. Raindrops are heard outside as Joel Miller, who is muttering in his sleep, wakes up on the sofa. Ellie Williams, who has sat by the window watching the rain, looks at him.]

Ellie: You mumble in your sleep. [Looks back out the window at the rain.] I hate bad dreams.

Joel: [Sits up] Yeah, me too. [He rubs his eyes and then stands up. He walks closer to Ellie.]

Ellie: You know, I've never been this close. To the outside. [Moves closer.] Look how dark it is. [Joel walks off and lights a nearby lamp.] Can't be any worse out there. [Stands up] Can it?

Joel: [Looks at Ellie] What on earth do the Fireflies want with you?

Tess: [Enters room.] Hey. Sorry it took so long. [Closes the door] Soldiers fuckin' everywhere. [Walks closer to the group.]

Ellie: How's Marlene?

Tess: She'll make it. [Looks at Joel] I saw the merchandise. It's a lot. [Glances at Ellie] Wanna do this?

Joel: [Nods] Yeah.

Tess: [Walks off] Let's go.

[Tess opens a door that leads to another room and Joel and Ellie follow after. The cinematic "Killing Time" ends. The player is now in control of Joel. Tess looks out the window, allowing the player to activate the fifth optional conversation of the game.]

Joel: Don't you think it's a bit strange that they're having us do their smugglin'?

Tess: Marlene wanted to do it herself. We weren't their first choice, or the second for that matter. She's lost a lot of men. Beggars can't be choosers.

Joel: Yeah, let's just hope there's someone alive to pay us.

Tess: Someone'll be around.

[Tess turns around and moves the nearby shelf to reveal a gap in the wall.]

Tess: Come on.

[The three squeeze through the gap and enter a room with a small elevator and a generator. Joel starts the generator and joins Tess and Ellie on the lift. He pushes the button.]

Joel: Who's waitin' for us at the drop off? [The lift starts descending.]

Tess: She said there's some Fireflies that have traveled all the way from another city. [Looks at Ellie] Girl must be important. [To Ellie] What is the deal with you? You some bigwig's daughter or something?

Ellie: [Sighs] Something like that. [The lift reaches the bottom and they exit.] How long is this all gonna take?

Tess: If everything goes as planned, we should get you to them in a few hours. Ellie, once we get out there, I need you to follow our lead and stay close.

Ellie: Yeah, of course.

[Joel leads them to a room with a ladder.]

Tess: Climb up and check if the coast is clear.

[Joel climbs the ladder and removes a wooden board blocking the top. He peers out of the manhole and scans the surrounding area, spotting a pair of patrolling soldiers in the distance.]

Joel: Now hold up. There's a patrol up ahead. [He waits for them to walk out of sight.] All right, we're good. Come on up. [He climbs up off the ladder as Ellie follows.] C'mon, kid. [Ellie climbs up and then Tess.] Watch your step.

[Joel covers the passage again and catches up to Tess and Ellie. The trio are now outside the walls of the quarantine zone.]

Joel: This rain ain't gonna do us any good.

Ellie: Holy shit… I'm actually outside.

[Joel leads the way and climbs into the back of a semi-trailer.]

Joel: Up this way.

[Joel passes through the other end of the trailer and suddenly gets buttstroked in the face by a soldier's assault rifle. The cinematic "I'm not infected" begins. Joel falls to the ground as the soldier, Ramirez, points her rifle and flashlight at Ellie and Tess. Another soldier is behind them, his pistol aimed at them.]

Ramirez: Don't do anything stupid. [Ellie puts her hands in the air.]

Male soldier: Move.

[Ellie and Tess step out of the semi-trailer.]

Ramirez: Turn around. On your knees. [To the other soldier] You scan 'em, I'll call it in.

Male soldier: All right. [Continues to point his gun at Tess.] Put your hands on your head. [She complies.]

Ramirez: [Into radio] This is Ramirez at Sector Twelve. Requesting pickup for three stragglers. [Pauses] Understood.

Tess: [Being scanned.] Look the other way. We can make this worth your while.

Male soldier: Shut up. [Proceeds to scan Joel.] I'm getting tired of this shit.

Ramirez: Um-hmm.

Male soldier: [Proceeds to scan Ellie.] What's the ETA?

Ramirez: Couple a minutes.

Ellie: [Panics.] Oh, man. Oh, man. [Pulls out a switchblade and stabs the soldier in the leg.] Sorry!

[The soldier yells before hitting Ellie down. Joel tackles him before he pulls the trigger and misses. Ramirez prepares to shoot Joel, but Tess shoots her in the head. Soon, Joel shoots her partner.]

Ellie: Oh… Oh fuck! [Breaths heavily] I thought we were just gonna… hold them up or something.

Tess: [Walks to and picks up the scanner dropped on the ground. She looks at it.] Oh, shit. Look. [Tosses scanner to Joel.]

Joel: [Scanner reads "POSITIVE".] Jesus Christ. [Walks closer to Tess] Marlene set us up? [Tess hesitates to talk. Joel looks to Ellie.] Why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl?

Ellie: [Shocked] I'm not infected.

Joel: No? [Tosses scanner] So was this lying?

Ellie: I can explain.

Tess: [Walks closer with pistol armed] You better explain fast.

Ellie: [Rolls up sleeve and exposes right forearm.] Look at this!

Joel: I don't care how you got infected.

Ellie: It's three weeks old.

Tess: No. Everyone turns within two days, so you stop bullshitting.

Ellie: It's three weeks. I swear! Why would she set you up? [Tess lowers her gun.]

Joel: I ain't buyin' it. [He turns to see an armored truck coming their way.] Oh, shit. [Backing up] Tess, run. RUN!

Tess: G-go. [Hurries Ellie.] Go! Move!

[Ellie and Tess follow Joel, who runs and jumps down into a nearby trench. The cinematic "I'm not infected" ends. The three drop down the embankment as the truck arrives. Two soldiers get out and find their comrades' corpses.]

Male soldier: Holy shit.

Female soldier: I got two dead uniforms. I repeat, I got two casualties in Sector Twelve. Requesting immediate backup.

Male soldier: We just talked to them a minute ago.

Female soldier: Those fuckin' stragglers are around here somewhere. Secure the area.

Male soldier: Yes, sir.

[Tess crouches under some nearby debris as Ellie and Joel follow.]

Tess: Follow me. Quickly.

Joel: Shit, they're going to be out in numbers.

Tess: I know.

[They hide behind some concrete blocks as a military Humvee stops in the road ahead of them, scanning in their direction.]

Tess: All right, Ellie. When I give you the signal, we run.

Ellie: Signal. Run. Got it.

Tess: [Pauses until the truck's gunner looks away] Now. Run.

Joel: [If the player gets spotted] Go, go!

[They cross and see another truck pull in front of them. They drop down a ledge where lights continue to scan the area.]

Tess: [If the player remains undetected] Stay away from those lights. [They advance and hide behind some debris as another truck stops on the road above them.] Ellie, it's gonna be another sprint. You ready?

Ellie: Sure, yeah.

Joel: Goddammit. They're everywhere.

Tess: [If the player was spotted] This way! Here, through here!

Joel: Don't stop!

Tess: Joel, hurry!

Ellie: Wha—what're are we gonna do?!

Tess: Just stay close to us!

Joel: [They continue to run as another truck stops on the road above them.] Goddammit. Tess, they're everywhere!

[They pass through a culvert and drop into an area with soldiers above them.]

Tess: [Quietly] Soldiers. Right there.

Joel: I see 'em, I see 'em.

Male soldier #1: They must've gotten through. Check the trenches! [The soldiers start scanning the trenches with flashlights.]

Joel: Just stay back.

Male soldier #2: I don't see anything down there. Are we sure they came this way?

Male soldier #3: Unless we're told otherwise, we just keep scanning.

Joel: Stay down. Don't let 'em see you.

Tess: Come on, kid. Follow Joel.

[They evade the flashlight beams as they navigate the trenches.]

Joel: You see anything?

Tess: Clear back here. How's it look up ahead?

Joel: So far, so good.

Tess: Okay…

[Joel leads them into an old destroyed building. They climb up onto the ground floor.]

Tess: Shh, shh, shh.

Joel: I hear 'em up ahead. [A pair of soldiers enter and start searching the floor.]

Male soldier #1: Ops said they took out a couple of our boys.

Male soldier #2: It's gotta be those fucking Fireflies retaliating.

Male soldier #1: We'll be done with them soon enough.

Tess: Hold up.

Joel: [Whispers] Shit, stay down. [They hide behind cover.]

Tess: Go. Go.

Male soldier #1: [Searches the other room] Fuck it. Let the clickers get 'em.

[The soldiers exit the floor as the trio continues through the collapsed building. Joel approaches a metal garage door.]

Joel: We can get through here. [He begins using the chain hoist to lift the door.] Down through here.

Tess: Okay, c'mon. C'mon, Ellie. [The pair crouches under to the other side.] Okay… [She holds the door for Joel as he joins them. They enter a street of building ruins and a military patrol.]

Male soldier #1: Yes, sergeant! C'mon. Follow my lead. You, check those buildings.

Male soldier #2: Roger.

Tess: Oh shit, another patrol. Everybody get down. [Tess and Ellie move behind a cop car.]

Tess: Come on up, Joel.

Joel: I'm coming, I'm coming. [He follows.]

Ellie: There's so many of 'em out there. How are we supposed to get past 'em?

Joel: They ain't spotted us yet, let's go around. [They continue sneaking towards a ruin.]

Tess: How's it look?

Joel: There's too many, Tess.

Ellie: Oh, man.

[They move to the ruin as a soldier starts searching inside.]

Ellie: Oh shit, they're in here with us.

Tess: [To Joel] See if you can distract 'em.

Joel: All right.

[Joel throws a brick to get the squad off their trail.]

Tess: I see more lights.

Joel: Shit.

[They continue their way through the ruins to a crashed box truck. If the player waits for Tess, she will call them over to it.]

Tess: Up there. [Tess jumps into the cargo crate and Joel and Ellie follow.]

Joel: [If the player climbs into the crate first] Through here, come on.

[They climb out the other side of the truck and continue along the collapsed road.]

Ellie: Are they gonna follow us down here?

Joel: We ain't stickin' around to find out.

Tess: Stay low, keep quiet.

Joel: That was too damn close, Tess. [To Ellie] You better be worth it, kid.

[Behind them, the soldiers continue to clear the area.]

Male soldier #1: All clear! Sergeant, you see anything up there?

Male soldier #3: Negative! It's all clear. Hold your positions. We wait for the other squad.

[The trio finally escape into a drainage area. They start dropping down.]

Joel: Tess, you got any idea which way?

Tess: Uh… it looks so different.

Joel: [Approaches a culvert] Hang on. Let's see where this leads. [He leads them to the other side of it and into a room.]

Tess: Yeah, this looks right. Stay close.

Joel: Well, at least we're out of the rain. [He climbs the nearby stairs and searches the next room.]

Tess: How's it look?

Joel: I think we can squeeze through here.

[They pass through a hole in the wall and into another trench. Outside above them are another pair of soldiers.]

Male soldier #1: Charlie Squad, report.

Joel: [Quietly] Shit, shit. I got more soldiers.

Male soldier #2: Target's still on the loose, sir!

Male soldier #1: Break off pursuit and report back to Sector Eleven.

Joel: I don't think they see us.

Male soldier #2: Acknowledged. [To his squad] Get to your vehicles!

Joel: Stay in the shadows.

[The patrol withdraws as the group makes their way into a ruined basement.]

Joel: [Mutters] All right. [They enter a room on the left.]

Ellie: Are we safe?

Tess: No. They're still around. Look, take a moment to catch your breath. Joel, see if there's anything we can use in here.

Joel: Sure thing, boss.

[He searches the room and leaves. He enters the underground tunnel on the opposite side of the corridor.]

Joel: Tess, up through here, through this pipe. I think we can make it through here.

Tess: Stay very close, Ellie.

Ellie: Okay.

[They make their way through the pipe and see another military truck pass over the grate above them.]

Joel: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on, hang on. [The truck passes] Jesus.

Male soldier #1: Gather up. They're calling us back. We're returning to the wall!

Male soldier #2: You heard the man. Load them up. Let's go! Let's go!

Joel: Come on. [He goes to open a metal gate.]

[The cinematic "What if it's true?" begins. Joel opens a metal gate and the trio exits the drainage trench. Tess closes the gate behind her and Ellie sits on a nearby rock.]

Joel: [Looking up] All right they're gone.

Tess: [Crouches beside Ellie] Look—what was the plan? Let's say that we deliver you to the Fireflies, what then?

Ellie: Marlene… she said that they have their own little quarantine zone, with doctors there still trying to find a cure.

Joel: Yeah, we've heard that before, huh, Tess?

Ellie: [Sighs] And that… [Scoffs] whatever happened to me is the key to finding the vaccine.

Joel: [Annoyed] Oh, Jesus.

Ellie: It's what she said.

Joel: Oh, I'm sure she did.

Ellie: [Aggressively] Hey, fuck you, man! [Stands up] I didn't ask for this.

Joel: Me neither. Tess, what the hell are we doing here?

Tess: What if it's true?

Joel: [Disbelief] I can't believe— [Turns away.]

Tess: [Follows] What if, Joel? I mean we've come this far, let's just finish it.

Joel: [Pulls Tess to the side.] Do I need to remind you what is out there? [Points to the outside.]

Tess: [Looks at Ellie and back at Joel. She nods.] I get it.

[Tess walks off and Ellie glares at Joel as she follows. Joel stands still, and exhales in frustration. The cinematic "What if it's true?" ends.]


[Joel looks at downtown Boston and its skyscrapers in the distance, now in ruins, as Tess leads the way.]

Tess: This way. If we cut through downtown, we can hit the capitol building by sunrise.

Joel: We hope.

[The three climb up to the road above them.]

Ellie: Holy moley. I guess this is what these buildings look like up close. They're so damn tall. So, what happened here?

Tess: They bombed the hell out of the surrounding areas to the quarantine zones, hoping to kill as much of the infected as possible. It worked—for a little while. [Joel chuckles.]

[They continue walking down the street until they hear a weird screech in the distance.]

Ellie: Ahhh, what the hell was that?

Joel: Tess, you hear that?

Tess: Yeah. Sounded pretty far away, though.

Joel: Shit.

Ellie: A-are we safe?

Tess: For now. Come on.

[The road comes to an end at a giant crater left by the bombings. Tess kneels at the edge.]

Ellie: Damn. That's quite a drop.

[The player is then prompted to press L3 to focus on the capitol building in the distance. Tess stands up.]

Joel: Well, there's the capitol building.

Tess: Yeah, we need to get around this mess.

Ellie: This is the downtown area?

Tess: It was. Now it's a giant wasteland.

[They climb past some debris and Joel leads them in front of the Goldstone Building, a giant skyscraper.]

Joel: Over here. [They start searching the area in front.] You find anything over there?

Tess: No.

Joel: Keep looking.

Ellie: Should I do anything?

Joel: You just stay close to her for now.

Ellie: Roger dodger.

[Joel enters an opening onto the fourth floor of the collapsed skyscraper. He approaches an open door.]

Joel: [Calling out] Hey, Tess.

Tess: Comin'.

[They go through the door and enter the Goldstone Building, immediately finding the corpse of a mangled soldier. Interacting with it will activate the sixth optional conversation of the game.]

Tess: He's been ripped apart.

Joel: Yeah…

Tess: Body's pretty fresh.

Ellie: I-is that bad?

Tess: Yeah, might be… Let's not stick around.

[They go through the nearby door and ascend the stairwell, only to find another corpse on it.]

Tess: [Sighs] Another one. Shit.

[If Joel picks up the field ops log artifact beside the corpse and reads it, it will trigger the following dialogue.]

Joel: Looks like these guys died waiting for backup.

[They continue to ascend the stairs and enter the fifth floor. In front of them is a door with a clicker corpse and its fungal growth spreading over it.]

Joel: Goddammit. Clicker.

Ellie: Geez… What's wrong with its face?

Tess: That's what years of infection'll do to you.

Ellie: So what? Are they… blind?

Tess: Sort of. They see using sound.

Ellie: Like bats?

Tess: Like bats. If you hear one clicking, you gotta hide. That's how they spot you.

[Joel pulls the corpse off the door and they enter the next room. The building groans amidst the storm.]

Ellie: Shit.

Joel: Whole building feels like it's about to fall apart. [He crouches under some furniture] Watch your head.

[They vault into the next room and the building shakes again, shifting some of the furniture.]

Ellie: [Nervous] Totally cool. Everything is totally cool.

[Joel attempts to open a door but it is blocked from the other side. He calls Tess over.]

Joel: Gimme a hand with this.

[Together, they push the door open, alerting a nearby clicker of their presence.]

Tess: Joel!

[Joel turns around as the clicker pounces on him. Joel holds it back until Tess kicks it off and shoots it twice in the head, killing it. ]

Joel: [Stands to his feet] Thanks…

Ellie: You all right?

Joel: It's nothin'.

Tess: Let's search for supplies. [They start searching the floor for supplies.]

Ellie: Shit! Oh, that was intense!

Tess: You said it.

[They search the nearby room as Joel and Tess find materials to craft a health kit.]

Tess: Here, patch yourself up. [Hands Joel a crafting material. The player is given a small tutorial on crafting.]

Joel: I appreciate it. [He crafts a health kit and uses it.]

[They continue down the hallway as Joel hears infected stomping around on the floor above them.]

Joel: C'mon. Let's get the hell outta here.

[They enter the room on the left. Hanging on the ledge in front of them is another corpse of a soldier.

Joel: Oh, boy…

Tess: Up there. Look.

Ellie: Yeesh…

Tess: [If the player waits a while] Get me up there, I'll check it out.

[Joel goes to boost Tess up onto the ledge.]

Joel: Just see if there's a way through. [He boosts Tess up.]

Tess: Okay… [Climbs to her feet and looks around.] It's clear. Come on, Ellie.

Joel: All right, kid, you're up.

Tess: Come on. [Ellie jumps up and grabs Tess' hand as she pulls her up.] You got it. There you go. Okay… [Kneels down and reaches hand out to Joel] C'mon, big guy. Gimme your hand. [Joel jumps up] Let's go. [She pulls him up onto the ledge] Okay…

Joel: All right…

[Suddenly, they hear a particular clicking sound in the distance.]

Ellie: Clickers?

Joel: Oh, shit. Go, go, go.

[They quickly run into an office and hide behind a counter as a clicker follows their trail. It approaches the counter as the trio remains as quiet as possible. It walks away and Tess throws a bottle in its direction, distracting it. They quietly make their way forward.]

Tess: [Quietly] That's our way out, over the scaffolding.

[Joel either kills the clicker or distracts it as he climbs up onto the scaffolding.]

Joel: Over through here. [All three climb over and drop to the other side.]

Tess: I think that's it. Ellie, you okay?

Ellie: Other than shitting my pants… I'm fine.

Tess: Let's go.

[Joel drops onto the staircase in front of them.]

Joel: Gimme a second. [He pulls away a desk obstructing the stairs.] Here you go, ladies.

Tess: [They vault onto the staircase] All right, come on.

[They crouch through the opening and drop to the fifth floor.]

Ellie: The stairwell's blocked. Should we go back up?

Tess: Ahh, this is crazy. [She climbs out the broken window onto a rusted window-washing rig.] Just don't look down.

Ellie: Wha—? Are you serious?

[Ellie and Joel follow as they cross a pair of bosun's chairs.]

Tess: C'mon, Ellie.

Ellie: Yeah… [They start shimmying across a ledge.] Don't look down. Just don't look down.

Tess: You're okay. We got a way through.

Joel: Oh, boy…

[They pass through a window and enter the opposite side of the blocked stairwell. They re-enter the fourth floor and Joel finds a revolver on another dead soldier. The player is then given a tutorial on weapon slotting. Joel swaps to the revolver. In the distance, they hear a group of runners groaning.]

Tess: Runners.

Joel: I'll go check it out. Stay with the girl.

[Joel drops to the floor below them and proceeds to take out all of the infected in the area.]

Joel: All right. Come on down.

Tess: [Whistles] I'm impressed, Joel.

Joel: Pssh. Let's just get outta here.

[They proceed through the floor and come to a door blocked by a desk. Joel clears the blockage and holds it.]

Joel: All right, Tess, go.

Tess: All right, hold on. [She enters the room and looks around.] Here—this'll work. [She approaches some furniture.] All right. Gimme a hand, Ellie.

Ellie: Yeah.

[They push it and prop the door open for Joel.]

Ellie: Okay…

Joel: All right… [Lets go of the desk.]

Tess: All right, that should do it.

[Joel climbs over the prop and enters the room with Tess and Ellie.]

Tess: See? Doin' all right…

Joel: Uh-huh.

[They come to a part of the building where the floors have caved in. Tess kneels down at the edge as Ellie looks down over it.]

Ellie: Whoa…

Tess: Down we go. [She stands up.]

Joel: Let's get to it. [He drops down a collapsed floor to their left.] We can get through here. [They crouch under the floor.] Watch your back.

[They continue to descend the floors.]

Tess: You know, I was thinkin'… after we get back, we can take it easy for a little while.

Joel: [Scoffs] You want to take it easy?

Tess: Hey, you're the one who's always going on about layin' low.

Joel: And you always brushed me off.

Tess: Well, I won't this time.

Joel: I'll believe it when I see it.

[They navigate the debris and continue to descend.]

Joel: Through here.

[They reach an opening that drops into a subway.]

Tess: [If Tess drops down first] Joel, over here.

Joel: [If the player drops down first] Tess. Down here.

[The three enter the State Street Subway Station. They approach a nearby corpse.]

Tess: Look at his sleeve. Firefly.

Joel: Yup. These guys aren't doin' well in or out of the city. Now let's hope there's someone alive to meet us at the drop-off.

[Joel finds another Firefly corpse nearby and picks up a map. Reading it will trigger the following conversation.]

Joel: They're from the quarantine zone.

Tess: See? They're not our guys.

[They advance through the subway only to find more clickers ahead.]

Joel: Over there, see 'em? [They take cover behind a ticket kiosk.]

Tess: Shit. [Sighs] God, we're almost out. Okay, Joel, you take point. I'll watch the rear. [Looks at Ellie] Ellie, no matter what, you stay right on his heels.

Ellie: Sure.

Tess: [Back to Joel] You stay sharp.

Joel: I got it.

[They sneak their way through the subway station full of infected, making their way towards the exit.]

Joel: This way. We're almost out of this. C'mon. [A clicker stands near the exit.] Shit.

[Joel either sneaks past or kills all the infected in the area. He approaches a ledge near the exit with a ladder stuck on top.]

Joel: All right. C'mon.

[He boosts Tess up and she pulls the ladder down.]

Tess: [If Tess climbs it first] Hey. Okay, c'mon.

Joel: [If the player climbs it first] Get up here.

[They all climb the ladder and exit the abandoned subway station, dropping into the railway. The road above it has caved in.]

Ellie: Holy shit. We actually made it.

Joel: Everyone okay?

Tess: Yes. Let's move.

Ellie: You guys are pretty good at this stuff.

Joel: It's called luck, and it is gonna run out.


[The three climb the road debris and surface into downtown Boston. They arrive in front of an abandoned museum.]

Joel: Which way we goin', Tess?

Tess: Uh… Capitol building's in this direction.

[The player is then prompted to press L3 to look in the direction of the capitol building. They approach a semi-truck blocking the road.]

Tess: How do we get up over this truck? Let's see what we can find.

[Joel enters the nearby museum entrance. Inside are three runners. He takes them all down.]

Joel: All right…

Tess: They're recently infected. Those soldiers must've just turned.

Joel: Which means there's more in the area. We gotta go.

[He approaches a nearby cabinet and starts pushing it outside towards the truck.]

Joel: All right, here we go. [He pushes it against the truck.] All right. [He climbs onto the semi-trailer.] Climb on up.

[Tess and Ellie follow him. They drop to the other side of truck.]

Tess: Joel, over here.

[They approach an industrial door on the side of the museum to the left.]

Tess: [If Tess approaches it first] We'll cut through this building.

Joel: [If the player approaches it first] Maybe we can cut through here.

Ellie: Yeah, that worked out great last time. Sorry—I'm just sayin'.

[Joel starts to use the chain hoist to enter the garage. A noisy cry rings in the distance.]

Tess: Sshh-shh…

Joel: What? I don't hear anything.

Tess: [The grunts of runners are heard in the distance.] Okay. Double time.

Joel: Oh, shit… [Starts pulling the chain faster.]

Ellie: [Looks back] Oh—they're coming.

Joel: I know. [The runners quickly grow closer as Joel keeps pulling.]

Tess: Okay, that's good, that's good. Go.

Ellie: Okay. [Tess and Ellie duck under the door and Tess holds it open for Joel.]

Tess: Okay, Joel—

[A runner runs up from behind and tries to grab Joel. He manages to get inside the garage and falls to the ground.]

Joel: Drop it!

[Tess slams the door shut. The three watch in horror as the infected slam on the door from the outside. Ellie looks down.]

Ellie: [To Joel] Oh… you got something on your shoe.

[He looks down and sees the runner's dismembered arm on his shoe. He kicks it off.]

Ellie: Gross.

Joel: Okay. How do we get out of this place?

Tess: Let's find out. [She pauses as they search the garage. To Ellie] So Marlene thinks you're immune?

Ellie: Well, that's what she believes. [Joel scoffs]

Tess: Well, how were you bitten? I mean, you must've been somewhere you shouldn't to find an infected in the zone.

Ellie: Yeah, I… I'd sneak out. I was in this military boarding school.

Tess: You'd sneak out?

Ellie: You know, explore the city. I was in the mall when I ran into infected.

Tess: That place is completely off-limits. How the hell did you get in there?

Ellie: I… had my ways. Anyways, one of those—what you guys call runners—bit me. And that was that.

Tess: I see. [Pauses] Were you with Marlene when you were bitten?

Ellie: No. I went to her for help afterwards.

Tess: Knowing her, I'm surprised she didn't shoot you.

Ellie: [Scoffs] She almost did. Hope she's all right.

Tess: I told you. She's gonna be fine.

[They exit the garage and enter the adjoining museum. Ellie accidentally knocks a vase over, breaking it.]

Ellie: Ow. Shit. Sorry! Sorry. That was me.

Joel: Tess…

Ellie: Sorry.

Tess: C'mon. Stay close to me.

[They climb to the floor above them and continue exploring the museum.]

Ellie: What is this place?

Tess: It's an old museum. Some of these things are hundreds of years old.

Ellie: Really? Wow.

[Joel tries to walk down the corridor, but it is obstructed by debris.]

Joel: Aw, shit.

[He enters the room to the left and crawls through the debris under the door. He goes to move a wooden beam blocking their way.]

Joel: All right, watch your head. [He lifts the debris.] Hurry. Go, go, go. [Ellie and Tess crawl through. He starts struggling.] Shit… son of a…

Tess: Okay… [The debris breaks, separating the two from him.] Joel. Joel!

Joel: I'm alive. I'll… I'll make my way around— [Nearby clickers start making noise.]

Ellie: Oh… Look, they're here!

Joel: Tess?

Tess: Run. Run!

Joel: Shit.

[The clickers chase the girls off. Joel starts sneaking his way towards the area they just were, where several clickers lurk.]

Joel: [Mutters] Tess.

[Joel proceeds to either sneak past or take down the surrounding clickers. He reaches the exit and ascends a stairwell. He hears a runner banging on a door in the next room.]

Joel: Huh…?

[Joel enters the room and kills the runner. He overhears Tess on the other side struggling with another runner.]

Tess: Ellie, stay back!

[Joel kicks the door open and sees Tess fighting the runner off.]

Joel: Tess!

Tess: [She grabs a 2x4 and kills it.] I'm fine.

Ellie: [Calling from the distance] Guys, get in here!

Tess: The girl!

Joel: Shit.

[They run into the exhibit and save Ellie, who is fighting off a runner. A herd of infected follows and the three defend themselves, killing them all off.]

Joel: That was too damn close.

Tess: Oh, shit. [Rests her hands on her knees.]

[The player is then prompted to activate the seventh optional conversation of the game, triggering the following.]

Joel: Tess, how're you holdin' up?[fn 1]

Tess: Just a bit winded. Look, this way. This'll get us to the roof.

[Tess climbs out of a window onto a fire escape. The player can then interact with Ellie for the eighth optional conversation of the game.]

Joel: Well how 'bout you, kid? You okay?

Ellie: Define okay.

Joel: Are you still breathing?

Ellie: Do small, panicked breaths count?

Joel: Yeah, they count.

Ellie: All right. Then I'm okay.

[The pair ascends the fire escape and meet Tess on the rooftop.]

Tess: We gotta find a way across. [Pauses] There she is. That's our building.

[The player is then prompted to press L3 to focus on the capitol building in the distance. Joel searches around the rooftop and finds a wooden plank. He picks it up.]

Joel: Stand back.

[He carries it to the fire escape and places it. The cinematic "You can't deny that view" begins. Joel adjusts the plank so they can cross to the opposite building.

Joel: All right. [To Ellie] Now watch your step as you're going up 'cause it's going to be a little—

Ellie: Pssh.

[Ellie brushes off his advice and crosses the plank without hesitation. Joel successfully crosses after, positioning himself next to Ellie. Meanwhile, Tess prepares to cross as well. Ellie looks at the sun along the horizon.]

Joel: [To Ellie] Well, is that everything you hoped for?

Ellie: [Shrugs] Jury's still out. But, man… you can't deny that view.

Tess: C'mon. This way.

[Joel crosses his arms and watches Ellie walk off. He looks down at his wristwatch, deep in thought.]

Tess: [Turns to Joel] Hey! Pick it up.

[Joel is brought back to reality. As Ellie climbs down the ladder, Joel walks behind Tess.]

Tess: Look, we're almost done. Stay focused.

Joel: [Sarcastically] Yes, ma'am.

[Joel follows Tess down the ladder and the camera pans out to the sky. The cinematic "You can't deny that view" ends.]

The Capitol Building[]

[The scene cuts to the trio dropping down from a roof after advancing further into the city. In the distance, the capitol building is seen only a couple blocks away.]

Tess: It's right around this corner. C'mon. [She leads the way, Ellie and Joel follow.]

Joel: [To Ellie] Let's keep moving, kid.

[They descend a staircase. Joel turns to find the corpse of a Firefly nestled in the corner. He loots the ammo off of its body.]

Joel: Look at this.

Ellie: There's a Firefly logo on his arm. What if we get there and they're all dead?

Tess: They won't be.

Ellie: But… how do you know?

Tess: I just do. [Sighs] Look, it's gonna be fine.

Ellie: Okay.

Tess: [Quietly] It has to be.

[They look around the alley and Joel finds a dumpster. He pushes it towards the nearby scaffolding above the gate.]

Joel: Up and over.

[They climb down to the other side of the scaffolding. Down the street in front of them is their destination, the Massachusetts State House.]

Joel: There we go. Home stretch, Tess.

[They continue down the street and reach the area in front of the capitol building. The street in front of them has been flooded.]

Ellie: Um… Just so it's out there, I can't swim.

Tess: Look, it looks like it's shallow on the right side. Follow me.

[Tess leads the way as they start wading through the right side of the swampy water.]

Ellie: I'm glad Marlene hired you guys.

Tess: What do you mean?

Ellie: I know you guys are getting paid for this, but— [Pauses] I'm trying to say thanks.

Tess: Yeah, sure thing.

[They navigate past the abandoned cars lying in their path and reach the stairs to the front entrance of the capitol building. They climb the stairs and Joel goes to open the door. The cinematic "Just go" begins. The three enter the door to the capitol building only to see the bloody corpses of Fireflies on the floor.]

Tess: No. [Runs to corpse] No, no, no. [Frantically searches the corpse.]

Ellie: [To Joel] What happens now?

Joel: [Walks toward Tess] What are you doing, Tess?

Tess: [Anxious. Still searching] Oh, God. Maybe they, ah, maybe they had a map or, uh, something to tell us where they were going.

Joel: How far are we gonna take this?

Tess: As far as it needs to go. [Stops searching. Looks at Ellie] Where was this lab of theirs?

Ellie: Oh, she never said. She only mentioned that it was someplace out west.

Joel: [Calmly] What are we doing here? This is not us.

Tess: [Standing up, she faces Joel] What do you know about us? About me?

Joel: I know that you are smarter than this.

Tess: Really? Guess what, we're shitty people, Joel. It's been that way for a long time.

Joel: No, we are survivors!

Tess: This is our chance—

Joel: [Snaps] It is over, Tess! [Lower] Now we tried. Let's just go home.

Tess: [Tears up] I'm not… I'm not going anywhere. [Pauses] This is my last stop.

Joel: [Shrugs] What?

Tess: Our luck had to run out sooner or later.

Joel: What are you going on about— [Grabs Tess's arm]

Tess: [Yells] No, don't— [Pulls arm away from Joel. Quietly] Don't touch me.

Ellie: Holy shit. [Pauses] She's infected.

[Joel looks back at Tess as he slowly backs away. He scoffs.]

Tess: Joel…

Joel: Let me see.

Tess: I didn't mean for this—

Joel: [Demanding] Show it to me.

[Tess reaches for her collar and pulls it back, revealing a fresh bite wound on her neck.]

Joel: [Shocked] Oh, Christ.

Tess: [Embarrassed] Oops, right? [Walks toward Ellie] Give me your arm. [Pulls up Ellie's sleeve] This was three weeks! [Moves closer to Joel] I was bitten an hour ago and it's already worse. This is fucking real, Joel! [Releases Ellie] You've got to get this girl to Tommy's. He used to run with this crew, he'll know where to go.

Joel: No, no, no, that was your crusade. [Points at Ellie] I am not doin' that.

Tess: Yes you are! Look, [Inches closer] there's enough here that you have to feel some sort of obligation to me. [Points at Ellie] So you get her to Tommy's.

[They are interrupted by the sound of a vehicle.]

Joel: Shit.

Tess: Oh…

[Tess runs to the window. A military truck carrying soldiers have arrived outside the building. They exit their vehicle and proceed towards the door.]

Male soldier #1: Watch the exit!

Tess: [Draws her pistol and turns to Joel.] They're here.

Joel: Dammit.

Tess: I can buy you some time, but you have to run.

Ellie: [Surprised] What? You want us to just leave you here?

Tess: [Confidently] Yes.

Joel: There is no way that—

Tess: I will not turn into one of those things. [Pauses] Come on. [Tears up] Make this easy for me.

Joel: I can fight—

Tess: No, just go! [Shoves Joel away] Just fucking go.

Joel: Ellie— 

Ellie: I'm sorry, I didn't—I didn't mean for this.

Joel: Get a move on.

[Ellie complies and runs offscreen. Joel slowly backs away from Tess and eventually takes off. Tess inhales and exhales, and prepares herself by turning to the entrance.]

Male soldier #1: We know you're in there!

Male soldier #2: Drop your weapons and come out with your hands up!

[Tess slowly backs up and aims her pistol at the door. The cinematic "Just go" ends. Joel and Ellie enter a room as he locks the door behind him.]

Ellie: What the fuck?! I can't believe we did that.

Joel: Stop.

Ellie: We just left her to die.

Joel: Stop! You stay close to me. We have to move.

Ellie: Oh, man…

[Joel approaches a staircase. Meanwhile, they overhear the soldiers burst into the next room and have a shootout against Tess.]

Joel: We'll go upstairs. We can probably get out from there. [They ascend the stairs and the shooting stops.]

Joel: Just keep pushing forward.

[They enter onto a balcony. Down below, they can see Tess' body and four soldiers.]

Male soldier #1: [Into radio] Target neutralized. She took out two of my men. Copy that. [To another soldier] You, take out the door. [To a third] You, with me.

Male soldier #2: Yes, sir!

Ellie: Oh, my God. Tess…

[The soldiers start breaking through the door Joel locked.]

Ellie: They're gonna be here soon.

Male soldier #2: [The soldiers break through the door.] We're through!

Ellie: We should move.

Male soldier #1: Proceed with caution. There's still at least two more of 'em in here.

Male soldier #2: [They climb the stairs and clear the hallway.] Hallway clear!

[The soldiers begin to patrol the floor. Joel and Ellie escape and jump through an opening into the new wing. Joel picks up a hunting rifle from a Firefly's corpse. Another group of soldiers enter from the opposite side of the wing.]

Male soldier #1: They're escaping into the hall! Go around!

Ellie: What do we do? Joel?!

Joel: I got this. [If he sneaks towards the left side.] Stay with me. C'mon.

Ellie: [If Joel stealthily takes down an enemy] Holy shit!

Male soldier #1: [If the player gets spotted] Fireflies! Pin 'em down!

Male soldier #2: I got 'em. Cover the exits! [They start shooting at the duo.]

Joel: [To Ellie] Keep your head down.

Male soldier #3: Hold the stairs. We'll flush him out.

Ellie: [If Joel dispatches an enemy while detected] Oh, fuck!

Male soldier: [If the pair run into the left office] They ran into the offices! Don't let them cut through!

Joel: Go. C'mon.

Male soldier: [If the pair wraps around the left side] We got you surrounded! Make it easy on yourselves!

Male soldier: [If Joel runs for the exit] They're heading to the rear exit!

Joel: [If he kills all the soldiers in the group] Aright. All right, c'mon, Ellie.

Ellie: Right behind you.

[Joel and Ellie advance through the exit and descend the staircase. They drop down to the ground floor.]

Ellie: What're we doing? Joel, how're we gonna get outta here?

Joel: All right. We're gonna go through that hall.

[A third group of soldiers enter the other end of the corridor.]

Male soldier #1: They have to come through here. Comb the area.

Joel: Stay down, I don't know how many more there are.

[They continue sneaking their way through the building. Two soldiers guarding the exit spark up a conversation.]

Male soldier #1: They still haven't found the last two.

Male soldier #2: I heard one of 'em was a kid.

Male soldier #1: Does it matter? They took out a bunch of our guys.

Male soldier #2: Jesus. Well hey, after today this whole Firefly bullshit will be behind us.

Male soldier #1: Amen to that, brother.

[Meanwhile, the other guards search the floor. If they don't find Joel and Ellie, they will report to each other.]

Male soldier #3: Report!

Male soldier #4: South clear!

Male soldier #5: North clear! No target.

Male soldier #3: Hold your positions!

[The player either takes down or sneaks past the guards, as the duo make their way towards the exit.]

Ellie: Joel, there's the exit.

Joel: I see it.

[They exit the capitol building and cross a street. Ellie spots a nearby staircase.]

Ellie: There are stairs over there.

Joel: Stay low.

[They descend the stairs and enter the abandoned Park Street subway station.]

Male soldier #1: They're going into the subway! Stop 'em!

Joel: Shit. [A Humvee with a mounted turret pulls up to the subway entrance.]

Ellie: They're following us!

Male soldier #1: Run down there, go get 'em!

Joel: Goddammit.

[They evade the turret's gunfire as they run further into the subway. Joel follows Ellie into a spore-filled area as he puts on his gas mask. She pulls him down behind cover.]

Ellie: [Quietly] Get down.

Male soldier #2: [Into radio] No target. I repeat, no target.

Ellie: There's a soldier over there.

Voice over radio: Understood. Hold your position and wait for reinforcements.

Male soldier #2: Copy that. Holding position.

Joel: How the hell are you breathin' in this stuff?

Ellie: I wasn't lying to you.

Male soldier #3: [Enters from further down the tunnel.] Did you spot 'em?

Male soldier #2: No. Place is empty.

Male soldier #3: Search the area. Let's find them and get the hell out of here before any clickers show up.

[The two soldiers search the surrounding area.]

Male soldier #2: Fuck. They're not here.

Male soldier #3: Shit. [Into radio] Ops, uh, I'm in the subway entrance. The tunnel's clear. No sign of targets.

Voice over radio: Roger that. Stay put and await further instructions.

Male soldier #3: Copy that. [They continue searching] Fuck this place.

Male soldier #2: Hey, c'mon. We'll be outta here before you know it.

[Joel either dispatches of the two guards or sneaks past them. If the player opts to sneak past them and continue down the tunnel, it will trigger following.]

Male soldier #2: Screw that. I'm not heading into that tunnel.

Male soldier #3: Let the clickers have 'em, we're outta here. [They exit the tunnel.]

[Joel and Ellie continue down the tunnel and come to a submerged portion.]

Ellie: Hey, uh, I can't swim.

Joel: [Sighs] We'll figure something out.

[Joel dives underwater and swims under a submerged subway train. He surfaces on the other side.]

Joel: Ellie?

Ellie: [Crawls under the obstructing train] I'm fine.

[Ellie follows the walkway as Joel swims along. She comes to a smuggler's corpse and a flashlight on the ground. She picks it up.]

Ellie: Hey, look. Still works.

[Joel gets up onto the same platform and approaches a nearby submerged staircase.]

Ellie: You're not gonna leave me here, right?

Joel: [Descends the stairs and swims under some debris, surfacing to the other side.] Just stay put.

Ellie: I'm not going anywhere.

[Joel goes back under and searches the underwater room for supplies. Before running out of breath, he returns to Ellie.]

Ellie: Anything down there?

Joel: It's a dead end.

[Joel re-enters the submerged railway and notices a ladder on the opposite platform, out of reach. He swims towards it.]

Joel: There's a ladder. Maybe we can use that.

[Joel searches around and finds a drifting pallet nearby. He pushes it towards Ellie, allowing her to hop on.]

Joel: Get on.

Ellie: Really?

Joel: Ellie.

Ellie: [She jumps on] Okay, okay. [Joel starts moving as she attempts to keep her balance.] Ah, be careful.

Joel: I gotcha.

[He carries her to the opposite side as she climbs onto the platform. She pushes the ladder off the ledge.]

Joel: I got it. [He climbs up] All right, let's get outta here.

[They continue through the subway station and ascend a staircase back to the surface. The cinematic "What you say goes" begins. Joel crawls out of the subway with Ellie following. He pulls off his gas mask and coughs a couple of times before sitting. Ellie stands a few feet away.]

Ellie: Hey, look, um… about Tess… I don't even know what to—

Joel: [Sternly] Here's how this thing's gonna play out. You don't bring up Tess—ever. Matter of fact, we can just keep our histories to ourselves. Secondly, don't tell anybody about your… condition. They'll either think you're crazy or they'll try to kill you. And lastly, you do what I say, when I say it. We clear?

Ellie: [Nods] Sure.

Joel: Repeat it.

Ellie: What you say, goes.

Joel: [Exhales] Good. [Stands up, facing away from Ellie.] Now, there's a town a few miles north of here. There's a fella there that owes me some favors… Good chance he could get us a car.

Ellie: Okay.

Joel: [Faces Ellie] Let's get a move on.

[Joel walks offscreen and Ellie follows. The cinematic "What you say goes" ends.]


  1. The English subtitles mistakenly transcribes this line as "Tess, you holding up okay?"
  "The Quarantine Zone" Current transcript
"The Outskirts"
"Bill's Town"  