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  "The Firefly Lab" Current transcript

The following is the full transcript of "Jackson", the twelfth and final chapter of The Last of Us Part I.



[The camera opens with a shot of distant scenery in Jackson County, Wyoming, in the foreground is a collapsed road along the cliffside. The camera pans down to reveal a stalled truck on the road, overlooking the scenery. Ellie Williams sits in its driver's seat. The propped hood of the truck suddenly shuts, revealing Joel Miller in front. The camera cuts to Ellie touching the infected bite on her right forearm.]

Joel: Well… [Camera pans over to Joel. He approaches Ellie as he wipes his hands clean.] Looks like we're walking.

[Ellie stands up from the driver's seat and shuts the door. Joel walks ahead, a road sign in front of him reading "Jackson City, next right". The player now takes control of Ellie.]

Joel: Should be a straight shot through here.

Ellie: [Follows] All right.

[Joel approaches a barbed wire fence off the left side of the road.]

Joel: [Referencing the scenery] Actually kinda pretty, ain't it?

Ellie: Yeah.

[Joel props open an opening in between the fence, allowing Ellie to pass through.]

Joel: [Ellie ducks through the fence] Now watch your head going through.

[Ellie props open the fence in a similar manner from the other side.]

Ellie: Here… Got it.

Joel: [Ducks through] Oh… [Groans] Feelin' my age now. Hmpf.

[She lets go of the fence. On the other side, the two of them enter a wooded area. Ellie continues to follow Joel.]

Joel: I don't think I've ever told you, but, uh, Sarah and I used to take hikes like this. [Pauses] I think, uh… I think the two of you would've been—would've been good friends. Think you really woulda liked her. I know she would've liked you.

Ellie: I bet I would've.[fn 1]

[They climb over some rocks to reveal the nearby town of Jackson in the distance.]

Joel: Wow. Look down there.

[Ellie takes in the view as Joel jogs forward along a stream. She catches up to him.]

Joel: Just a little bit further now.

[The two cross the stream and Joel climbs on top of a fallen tree trunk. He jumps up, causing it to shift down.]

Joel: Shit.

[He climbs up to the ledge above and turns to Ellie. He kneels and extends his hand out to her, offering to help her up.]

Joel: Here. I got you.

[Ellie climbs onto the log and jumps up, grabbing Joel's hand. The cinematic "I swear" begins with Joel helping Ellie onto the ledge.]

Joel: All right, come on.

[Joel begins to walk towards Tommy's settlement but Ellie stays still.]

Ellie: Hey, wait.

[Joel stops, turning to face Ellie.]

Ellie: [Breathes deeply and exhales] Back in Bostonback when I was bitten—I wasn't alone. My best friend was there. And she got bit too. We didn't know what to do. So… She says, "Let's just wait it out. Y'know, we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together." I'm still waiting for my turn.

Joel: Ellie—

Ellie: Her name was Riley and she was the first to die. And then it was Tess. And then Sam.

Joel: None of that is on you.

Ellie: No, you don't understand.

Joel: I struggled for a long time with survivin'. And you— [He briefly clutches his watch.] No matter what, you keep finding something to fight for. [Ellie sighs] Now, I know that's not what you want to hear right now, but it's—

Ellie: Swear to me. Swear to me that everything that you said about the Fireflies is true.

[Instruments start to play quietly in the background.]

Joel: [Pauses and hesitates] I swear.

[The music builds up during another pause.]

Ellie: [Slightly nods] Okay.

[The screen then cuts to black as the closing credits roll in, the music playing throughout. The cinematic "I swear" ends.]


  1. The English subtitles in the original The Last of Us and its remastered version mistakenly transcribes this line as "Yeah." This was later corrected in The Last of Us Part I.
  "The Firefly Lab" Current transcript