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Stop this! You must reconsider! Don't you see the risk this poses to mankind?! You dare stand against humanity?!
― The Original[src]

The Original, also known as the Savior, is an important character to the history of the Guilty Gear series. He is said to be a philosopher who discovered the Backyard, sealing all that this realm was into a single tome, and who developed the Theory of Magical Science that saved humanity following the Dawn of Revival.


The Original depicted only as a robed man with his features largely obscured by a hood, sporting a dark beard, mustache and wild locks of grey hair.


According to his former student That Man, he was a thoughtful man who advised against asking more than one question at a time and answering questions with more questions.[5] He also seemed to be generally magnanimous, doing his best to protect and help the rest of mankind,[3][6] while conscious of its failings.[4]


Born sometime in the late 20th century, the Original was a child prodigy whose IQ, after multiple tests, was determined to be immeasurable. At a very young age he immersed himself in texts on advanced physics and mathematics. One day he discovered the existence of the Backyard and began his research, and eventually laid the foundation for what would become the study of magic.[3] In his search for knowledge, the Original entered the Backyard and returned. Convinced that no evil should touch that place, he then created the Tome of Origin, hoping that mankind would never stumble upon its power, and barred the path to the Backyard.[4]

The Original and the Universal Will

Confronting the Universal Will.

Also within the Backyard the Original created an information organism known as the Universal Will so that it would find a path of eternal happiness for mankind, only for it to become a threat to humanity as it began to believe that humans did not yet exist.[6] When he warned that the world abandon its reliance on electronics, he was derided by the scientific community and ignored, and his research denied publication. Only a few individuals heeded his warnings[3]—those who became his disciples,[6] or "apostles"[1]—, and together they began preparing for a technology-free world.[3]

Then, in 1999 the Dawn of Revival occurred, during which the Universal Will attempted to manifest itself through electronic circuitry. The United Nations immediately banned all such devices.[7] As society began to collapse, that same year[7] the Original and his apostles—Axus,[8] Libraria,[9] Chronus,[10] and Baldias—helped mankind adapt to magic[1] and their swift, efficient relief earned them immediate support and thousands of new followers.[3] Their acts, seen as miracles, took on an almost religious nature[1] and in 2008 they formed the Sanctus Populi.[7]

Shortly after four of his disciples formed the Conclave,[3] he departed for the Backyard in order to stop the Universal Will's rampage,[6] retrieving the "seeds" of the Absolute World in the process.[3] He entrusted these artifacts,[11] and the Tome of Origin,[12] to his fifth disciple, That Man.[11] Details after the Original's departure are hazy, with most believing he simply passed into the afterlife.[3]

The Original and I-No

Preventing I-No's godhood.

Somehow the Original was able to leave a message that would reach a time-displaced Axl Low in Babylon in the year 2192, asking him to deliver a message to That Man regarding the Conclave's plan to revive Justice using the Cradle.[13] At some point during the Crusades he discovered I-No in the Backyard and took half of her power in order to prevent her from becoming an entity transcending time, which could create a paradox threatening the very existence of the universe.[12] The Universal Will, unable to directly attack the Original, then stole that power and fused it with him, transforming him into a devilish anomaly.[14]


As the man who discovered the Backyard, pioneered the use of magic,[3] and created the Tome of Origin,[4] The Original is history's first and strongest magic wielder,[15] surpassing even That Man. He can manipulate the world around him to suit his needs with minimal effort, casting powerful destructive spells[16] or manifesting complex objects from thin air.[17]


