Guilty Gear Wiki

The Praetorian Guard of the United Kingdoms of Illyria, shortened to simply the Illyrian Praetorian Guard, is an organization in charge of border control and security in—as its name suggests—the United Kingdom of Illyria. Amongst them is the Phalanx Nine unit, the personal guard of the Sanctus Maximus.




Their primary responsibilities are protecting the borders and maintaining homeland security. The Guard is made up of only the most elite soldiers, who are all trained in various forms of combat. As such, they are kept much closer to the capitol. The most elite unit among the Praetorian Guard is known as Phalanx Nine. They are in charge of the Sanctus Maximus Populi's safety.

It is said that they have unprecedented loyalty, wealth and strength, but no one has confirm or deny these rumors. They will always accompany the Sanctus Maximus Populi during any campaigns or expeditions, and ensure he or she is safe from harm. Traditionally, these positions have been held by those of Swiss heritage.



  • The Phalanx 9 members fainted when St.Maximus was defeated. implying their power is derived from her.



