Guilty Gear Wiki

An unnamed scythe is Testament's weapon of choice. A recurring item in the Guilty Gear series, Testament uses it in battle alongside their succubi & EXE Beast.


The Scythe has had 3 different design's across the series

In Guilty Gear, the scythe appears to be made of metal with a gray bone sticking out from back.

In Guilty Gear X and Guilty Gear XX the scythe blade is now made of Testaments blood & the the gray bone is replaced with a gray human skull. Testament appears to summon the scythe out of nothing, with the blade forming later out of their blood. During Testament's Instant Kill Seventh Sign, they summon a second scythe.

In Strive the scythe blade is still made of blood, but the skull now has a more demonic appereance & has gained a spine that wraps around the wooden hilt of the scythe. Testament now walks around with the scythes hilt, with a cage on top of it hanging from the skulls mouth, with their Succubi famliars inside it. In Testaments intro the cage disappears & the pink succubus is eaten by the gray skull, turning into a pool of blood that forms into the blade, while the cyan succubus turns into a crow.

Ggst heart 2
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